High Level Language (HLL) Flashcards
High Level Language (HLL)
Is removed from what the machine’s instructions are and is more English-like. Usually, one statement will translate into anywhere from 4-50 instructions!
any physical component involved with the computer’s operation.
the programs that are expected of a computer
operating system
a very large and complex program that allows users of the computer to execute commands, or application software, on the computer
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
where the computer executes its instructions; operations like addition and multiplication are done here along with comparisons like >, <, and equality
peripheral device
externally connected to the computer, it can perform the desired I/O operations from the computer
information that goes into the software
primary memory
directly accessible by the CPU, it is for short term storage and it is where your programs will reside while executing.
bit(binary digit)
this is either a 0 or 1. All information in the computer is stored as some number of bits
an 8 bit quantity
1024 * 1024.
2 to the 30th power.
2 to the 40th power.
the names entities on the computer, each of which holds all the relevant information concerning one particular topic. stored on a secondary memory device
Secondary Memory
used for long term storage; hard drives, CDs, flash drives, etc. can hold the desired information for retrieval at a later time.
machine language
the strings of 0’s and 1’s that the computer can understand which represent the instructions it can execute.
assembly language
a low level language that is understandable by humans;
High Level Language (HLL)
Is removed from what the machine’s instructions are and is more English-like. Usually, one statement will translate into anywhere from 4-50 instructions!
(BASIC)Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
This was an early HILL that was designed to help novices learn the art, and science, of programming, and eventually led to Microsoft’s VB programming language
a rigid set of rules specifying which entities are valid or invalid
what is the meaning of something, in our case, a HILL statement, what actions does the computer do when it executes a statement.
this is another very complex program that will translate your program that is written in a HILL, into a machine language that the computer can understand, or the interpreted Java bytecode that will run on any computer that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that understands and executes said bytecode.