High Altitude Operations Flashcards
Why do you think it’s important for pilots to have the concepts in FAR 91.211 - supplemental oxygen requirements - committed to memory?
Because ATC generally has no idea whether my aircraft has supplemental oxygen or even what the 91.211 regulations require, meaning ATC often issues climb instructions that pilots must be prepared to reject when flying aircraft that are not equipped with supplemental oxygen.
During a day flight, you are told to climb to 12,500ft and that you can expect to be at that altitude for the next couple hours. Can you accept?
Legally yes. The oxygen requirements are above- type requirements, meaning each additional restriction kicks in above the associated cabin pressure altitude threshold. So for instance, the requirement for crew to use supplemental oxygen kicks in when flying above a cabin pressure altitude of 12,500ft for more than 30 minutes. So 12,500 would be the highest VFR cabin pressure altitude permitted for operation without supplemental oxygen.
During a day flight, you are told to climb to 13,500ft and that you can expect to be there for 15 minutes. Can you accept?
Legally yes, as long as the time spent above 12,500ft does not exceed 30 minutes. Good ADM would likely require an “unable” reply, though, as it will take significant time to climb to 13,500 and descend back to 12,500, and the 15 minutes is just ATC’s projection.
During a night flight, you are told to climb to 13,500ft and that you can expect to be there for 15 minutes. Can you accept?
“yes”; however, the FAA recommends the use of supplemental oxygen at night when operating at altitudes above 10,000ft during the day and 5,000ft at night.
Why does the FAA recommend oxygen at such low altitudes at night?
Mostly because night vision tends to degrade rapidly above a 5,000ft pressure altitude. Eyes use rods at night, and rods are much more sensitive to oxygen deprivation than cones, which we use to see during the day. Also, pilots are generally more fatigued when flying at night, and fatigue aggravates the effects of hypoxia.
Specifically, what are the general supplemental oxygen requirements?
Required to be used by the required flight crew above a 12,500ft cabin pressure altitude up to 14,000ft when at those altitudes for more than 30 min. Required to be used by the required flight crew at all times above a cabin pressure altitude of 14,000ft. All occupants must be provided with oxygen above a cabin pressure altitude of 15,000ft.
When you say “cabin pressure altitude,” do you mean that if you are operating with an altimeter setting below standard, say 29.72, at a flight altitude of 12,500ft MSL for more than 30 minutes, that you would be required to use supplemental oxygen? Because the pressure altitude in the cabin is above 12,500?
Are these general supplemental oxygen requirements for all aircraft or only those without pressurized cabins?
All. E.g. if the cabin pressure altitude on a pressurized aircraft were to exceed 12,500ft for more than 30 min, the required crew would have to use supplemental oxygen, etc.
Take me through the supplemental oxygen requirements that apply to aircraft with pressurized cabins.
The general requirements still apply. In addition, at least a 10 minute supply of supplemental oxygen must be available for each occupant for flights above FL250. Above FL350, at least one pilot at the controls needs to be using supplemental oxygen; however, there is an exception to this rule if quick donning masks are available: as long as there are two pilots at the controls, neither needs to be using supplemental oxygen. This exception goes away above FL410.
What qualifies as a quick donning mask?
Basically a mask that can be secured on the face with one hand and start supplying oxygen within 5 seconds.
What is the major risk of flying at an altitude above 10,000ft without using supplemental oxygen?
Hypoxic hypoxia.
What else might lead to hypoxic hypoxia, other than flying a non-pressurized aircraft above 10,000ft without supplemental oxygen?
A rapid or explosive decompression event, a pressurization system malfunction, or an oxygen system malfunction.
On a physiological level, what causes hypoxic hypoxia when flying at high altitudes without supplemental oxygen?
The partial pressure of oxygen is so reduced at higher altitudes that when this low-pressure oxygen gets delivered to the lungs, the lungs can’t use it - i.e. the lungs can’t transfer the oxygen from the ambient air to the blood to be carried throughout the body.
What kind of symptoms would you expect from hypoxic hypoxia?
Cyanosis (blue fingernails and lips), inflated sense of well being or euphoria, headache, decreased response to stimuli/increased reaction time, impaired judgement and alertness, visual impairment, drowsiness, lightheaded or dizzy sensation, tingling in fingers and toes, numbness, tunnel vision.
Other than fatigue and night flying, what can aggravate the effects of hypoxia?
Smoking, alcohol, drugs, poor physical fitness or an underlying medical condition like anemia, certain over-the-counter medications, as well as any situation that increases the body’s demand for oxygen, such as extreme heat and cold, fever, and anxiety.
What are the 3 components of most oxygen systems?
Storage system (containers), delivery system, mask or nasal cannula.
On a commercial airline flight, what type of oxygen delivery system would you expect the aircraft to provide for passengers?
Continuous flow.
What type of oxygen delivery system uses the dixie cup
Continuous flow.
How does the dixie cup system work?
A continuous flow of oxygen is delivered into a rebreather bag. The passenger breathes in this oxygen through an oral/nasal cup or an airline drop-down unit (dixie cup). Exhaled air is released to the cabin.
Continuous flow systems are considered effective up to approximately what altitude?
You’re cleared for a climb to FL350. What type of oxygen delivery system(s) would be necessary for the pilots?
Diluter demand or pressure demand.
Describe how a diluter demand system works.
Oxygen is delivered only when the user inhales, thus the “demand” part of the name. At lower altitudes some of the supplemental oxygen that the user inhales is diluted with outside air. As the altitude increases, the oxygen becomes less and less diluted, eventually becoming 100% pure oxygen.
Up to what altitude is the diluter demand system considered effective?
You’re cleared for a climb above FL400. What type of oxygen delivery system is necessary for the pilots?
Pressure demand.
Describe how the pressure demand oxygen system works.
The only difference between pressure and diluter demand systems is that pressure demand supplies the oxygen to the mask and lungs under pressure. This makes pressure demand safe to use above 40,000ft, where 100% oxygen without positive pressure will not suffice.
What type of oxygen are pilots required to use, and why?
Aviator’s Breathing Oxygen, because it abides by the Aviator’s Breathing Oxygen Purity Standard, which requires at least 99.5% pure oxygen (in practice the oxygen is virtually 100% pure, as are medical, welding, and research oxygen).
During a preflight, how can pilots verify that the oxygen in the supplemental oxygen container(s) is Aviator’s Breathing Oxygen?
It’ll be labeled as such.
Why does the FAA advise against using medical grade oxygen?
Because of the potential for water molecules that can freeze in low temperature environments and clog the oxygen delivery lines.
What precautions should be taken when it comes to servicing, handling, and storing oxygen? Why?
Not only is oxygen flammable, but it renders materials combustible that are normally nearly fireproof. Because of this, oils and greases should not be stored in the vicinity of the oxygen, nor should they be used to seal the valves and fittings of oxygen equipment. Also, smoking during the use or servicing of any kind of oxygen equipment is also strictly forbidden. When it comes to servicing the oxygen, the FAA advises marking the bottle with the recommended pressure (usually 1,800-2,200psi) before filling the tank to that pressure level.
What checklist can pilots use to ensure a proper preflight check of the oxygen system? Describe it.
PRICE: Pressure (ensure that there is enough oxygen pressure and quantity to complete the flight), Regulator (inspect the oxygen regulator for proper function), Indicator (ensure that the flow indicator shows a steady flow of oxygen when in use), Connections (make sure all the connections are secured), Emergency (ensure sufficient oxygen for any emergency that might occur during the operation. This step should include briefing the passengers on the location of oxygen and its proper use).
What are some of the main reasons that aircraft fly at high altitudes?
To avoid bad weather/turbulence, avoid terrain, fuel efficiency (an aircraft flown at high altitudes consumes less fuel for a given airspeed than it does for the same speed at a lower altitude), and to fly faster groundspeeds.
What prevents occupants from being hypoxic all the time when operating at high altitudes?
Cabin pressurization or supplemental oxygen.
Let’s say you just passed your Private Airplane Multi-Engine Land practical test. Can you immediately jump in a multi-engine pressurized airplane and pilot it?
More than likely I’ll likely need a high-altitude endorsement. Plus, most pressurized airplanes require a type rating, so I’ll probably need one of those as well.
Is this high-altitude endorsement always required to fly pressurized aircraft?
No it’s technically only required if the aircraft is pressurized AND has a max operating altitude or service ceiling above 25,000ft MSL, whichever is lower.
Do you have to carry this endorsement on you (so carry your logbook) when you fly pressurized aircraft?
Where are the requirements to receive the high altitude endorsement listed?
How does a basic pressurization system work?
Pressurized air from the compressor section of the engine is allowed to bleed into the aircraft. A heat exchanger cools the hot compressed air before it enters the cabin. Then valves onboard control the exit of this pressurized air through a controlled leak - the valves either close in order to trap the pressurized air inside the airplane and lower the cabin pressure altitude, or they open to let the pressurized air escape in order to increase the cabin pressure altitude. This process is all controlled automatically by a cabin pressure regulator .
Name and describe the functions of these valves (each pressurized aircraft has its own unique system - just describe the generic valve system detailed in the PHAK).
The outflow valve(s) is the primary pressure-regulating valve that opens and closes in order to regulate how much pressurized air exits the aircraft; this allows for a constant inflow of high-pressure air to the pressurized areas of the aircraft, followed by a controlled leak through the outflow valve(s) back out to the atmosphere. The safety valve is a combination pressure relief, vacuum relief, and dump valve (in practice these are often seperate valves). The pressure relief component prevents cabin pressure from being too high in relation to that of the ambient air pressure (provides redundancy for the outflow valve). The vacuum relief component prevents ambient air pressure from exceeding cabin air pressure by allowing external air to enter the cabin in the rare event that ambient pressure exceeds cabin pressure. The dump valve aspect just dumps all the cabin air into the atmosphere.
What is a scenario where vacuum relief might be necessary - i.e. when would ambient air need to be let INTO the cabin to prevent a situation where the air pressure inside the cabin is lower than outside?
Rapid or emergency descents.
What’s so bad about the air pressure inside the cabin being lower than outside?
The walls of the aircraft are built to expand and withstand low external pressure/high internal pressure situations, not the other way around.
When would it be necessary to use the dump valve?
When there is a need to immediately depressurize an aircraft during an emergency such as a cracked window, contaminated bleed air, a cabin fire that can be controlled or extinguished by starving it of oxygen, or the need to clear the cabin of smoke.
What prevents the compressed air from being hot?
The compressed air goes through some sort of heat exchanger before being ducted into the cabin.
What other function(s) does a pressurization system serve?
Removes odors in the cabin by keeping fresh air circulating; prevents excessive pressure differentials between the air inside and outside of the cabin (which can weaken or damage the structural integrity of the airplane); prevents altitude sickness and other high-altitude related physiological conditions among occupants; moderates the rate of pressure change inside the cabin for occupants’ comfort; keeps belongings/baggage from becoming damaged.
What maximum cabin pressure altitude do most airline pressurization systems maintain?
Are baggage compartments pressurized as well?
The pressurization system fails during a flight at 40,000ft. How long until your performance becomes impaired?
Immediately. Although my Time of Useful Consciousness (TUC) would be a bit longer.
Does TUC refer to the onset of unconsciousness?
No. Impaired performance may be immediate.
So how do you define TUC?
This is the period of time from exposure to an oxygen-poor environment, to the time when an individual is no longer capable of taking proper corrective and protective action.
What TUC would you expect at 40,000ft?
Approximately 15-20 seconds.
What TUC would you expect at 20,000ft and 30,000ft?
5-12 minutes or more for 20,000ft (duration varies among the FAA sources); 1-2 minutes at 30,000ft.
How precise are these TUCs?
Not very. They vary according to each person’s sensitivity to oxygen deprivation, as well as according to how rapidly pressurization is lost. Rapid decompression, for instance, greatly reduces these TUCs.
If a rapid decompression situation occurs, by how much would you reduce the expected TUC?
50% (per AC61-107).
A cabin window just blew out at FL350. What type of decompression would you expect?
Depends on the size of the airplane and the capabilities of the pressurization system. A very small jet would decompress explosively or rapidly, whereas a large jet might actually be able to maintain some degree of pressurization.
If the pressurization system slowly fails, what kind of decompression would occur?
Gradual (aka slow).
A large chunk of the roof of the airplane just blew off at FL350. What kind of decompression would occur?
What distinguishes explosive from rapid decompression?
The primary difference is that during explosive decompression, the cabin pressure decompresses faster than the lungs; in rapid decompression, the lungs are able to decompress before the cabin.
Time-wise, what is the cut-off between rapid and explosive decompression?
Any decompression that occurs in less than .5 seconds is considered explosive.
Besides the potential for getting sucked out of the aircraft, what makes explosive decompression so dangerous?
When the air inside your lungs cannot decompress before the ambient air, the air inside your lungs gets pulled out with enough force to potentially cause lung damage. Dangerous flying debris will also be more likely.
How would you expect the cabin environment to change after a rapid or explosive decompression event?
There would likely be noise, fog, flying debris, dust, wind blast, cooler temperatures, and gas expansion in the body.
Why is there fog after a rapid or explosive decompression event?
The ambient air rushing into the cabin causes a rapid temperature drop and thus a change to the relative humidity.
Which type of decompression is the most dangerous, and why?
The AC says that “ slow decompression is as dangerous as or more dangerous than a rapid or explosive decompression.” This is because “by its nature, a rapid decompression commands attention. In contrast, a slow decompression may go unnoticed and the resultant hypoxia may be unrecognized by the pilot.”
What is the best indication of gradual decompression?
Automatic visual and aural warning systems generally provide an indication of slow decompression. In addition, having experience in an altitude chamber allows the occupant to more immediately recognize signs and symptoms of hypoxia.
What are the dangers associated with decompression?
Hypoxic hypoxia is the primary one. Another danger is evolved gas decompression sickness, wind blast, being struck by debris, and being tossed or blown out of the aircraft if located near the opening(s).
What are some of the associated cabin instruments that you would expect to see on an aircraft with a pressurization system? What do they measure/indicate?
Cabin rate-of-climb indicator, cabin altimeter, and a cabin differential pressure indicator. The cabin rate-of-climb indicator shows the rate-of-climb and descent of cabin pressure; the cabin altimeter shows the pressure altitude of the cabin; the cabin differential pressure indicator shows the difference in air pressure between inside and outside of the aircraft.