Hibernate / JPA Flashcards
Benefits and risks of using Hibernate (hibernate)
What is a SessionFactory? Is it a thread-safe object? (hibernate)
SessionFactory vs Session / EntityManager vs EntityManagerFactory (hibernate/jpa)
What is the difference between merge and update (hibernate)
What is difference between merge and refresh (jpa)
What is Hibernate Query Language/ Java Persistence Query Language (HQL/JPQL)? (hibernate/jpa)
Lazy loading (hibernate/jpa)
Describe concept of JPA (ex: EntityManager, EntityManagerFactory, PersistenceContext, PersistenceUnit) - (jpa)
Describe annotation: @Temporal/@Transient/@Table/@Version? - (jpa)
What do you mean by Named – SQL query and how to invoke it? (hibernate/jpa)
What is the difference between sorted and ordered collection in hibernate? (hibernate/jpa?)
Difference between get() and load() (hibernate)
find() vs getReference() - (jpa)
What are the entity states in Hibernate (hibernate - 3 states/jpa - 4 states (additional removed))
Hierarchy-to-tables mapping strategies (hibernate/jpa)
ORM incompatibility
What are the Collection types in Hibernate ?
Caching levels (hibernate/jpa)
How to create own user type in hibernate? (hibernate)
How is laziness One-To-Many implemented in hibernate (hibernate)
What are the Collection types in Hibernate ?
new features of jpa 2.1 - (jpa)
Describe converters in Jpa 2.1 - (jpa)
Statements order during flushing the session (hibernate)