hi Flashcards
What is CCF
a) The Force you use to compress the chest
b) Compression-to-ventilation ratio
c) Proportion of time that rescuers perform chest compressions during CPR
d) Another term for chest recoil
Which of the following populations is most likely to show atypical signs of a heart attack, like shortness of breath and dizziness?
a) White, middle-aged men
b) Individuals with diabetes
c) Younger-aged Individuals
d) People who are overweight
What does the stroke acronym F.A.S.T stand for?
a) Face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty, time to phone 9-1-1
b) Falling down, arm weakness, slurring words, time to start first aid
c) Falling down, arm tingling, speech difficulty, time to phone 9-1-1
d) Face drooping, arm tingling, sudden weakness, time to start CPR
If you think someone might be having a stroke, what should be the first thing you do?
a) Start first aid on the individual
b) Wait an hour and then phone 911
c) Give the person an injection of alteplase
d) Quickly check for sign of stoke
How are rescue actions for cardiac arrest due to drowning different from the rescue actions for sudden cardiac arrest?
a) Unlike sudden cardiac arrest, the priority in a drowning is to give the person CPR
b) Unlike sudden cardiac arrest, the priority in a drowning is to give the person oxygen
c) Unlike sudden cardiac arrest, priority in a drowning is to locate an ambulance
d) Unlike sudden cardiac arrest, the priority in a drowning is to give chest compressions
You are attempting to rescue a person who has Experienced drowning. What do you do if there are no signs of breathing?
a) Attempt to clear the airway of aspirated water
b) Perform abdominal thrusts to remove any water
c) Open the airway and administer rescue breaths
d) Use spinal stabilization regardless of neck injury
Which of the following is a sign that someone is experiencing anaphylaxis?
a) Symptoms developing quickly nut getting worse slowly
b) Presence of a medical alert
c) Person responding well to oral antihistamine
d) Life-threatening breathing or circulation problems
You notice someone showing all the signs of a severe allergic reaction. What is the first and most important action you should take?
a) Call an advanced responder
b) Use the epinephrine device
c) Give the person an oral antihistamine
d) Locate an external defibrillator
Where on the body should you administer an epinephrine injection?
a) On the person’s thigh, about halfway between the hip and the knee
b) On the person’s torso, about halfway between the hip and the ribs
c) On the person’s arm, about halfway between the elbow and the wrist
d) On the person neck, about halfway between the ear and the shoulder