HH M2 Content__CA2__Systemic Pathology__Blood Patho Flashcards
what are the functions of blood
<ol><li>transport nutrients and O2</li><li>transport waste to kidneys and liver</li><li>transport of WBCs and antibodies to fight infection</li><li>transport of platelets and clotting factors to form clot </li><li>regulation of body temperature</li></ol>
5 types of white blood cells & their morphologies
<ul><li>granulocytes </li><ul><li>neutrophils: multilobed nucleus, pale red and blue cytoplasmic granules </li><li>eosinophils: bilobed nucleus, red cytoplasmic granules</li><li>basophils: bilobed nucleus, purplish-black cytoplasmic granules </li></ul><li>agranulocytes </li><ul><li>lymphocytes: large spherical nucleus, thin rim of pale blue cytoplasm </li><li>monocytes: kidney shaped nucleus, abundant pale blue cytoplasm </li></ul></ul>
what are the main growth factors which regulate hematopoiesis
<ul><li>erythropoietin (RBCs)</li><li>thrombopoietin (platelets)</li><li>granulocyte colony stimulating factor (granulocytes) </li></ul>
what are the causes of reduced production of blood cells
<ul><li><b>primary bone marrow failure (congenital/acquired)</b></li><ul><li>stem cells are not developing properly (eg in megaloblastic anaemia there is ineffective thrombopoiesis due to defective precursor) </li><li>no GFs to produce (eg in kidney failure there is reduced erythropoietin; in chemotherapy there is reduced GCSF)</li></ul><li><b>bone marrow infiltration</b></li><ul><li>congenital: storage disorders </li><li>acquired: heme malignancies, solid tumours </li></ul><li>hematinic/hormone deficiency</li><li>infection</li><li>autoimmune</li><li>drugs</li></ul>
what are the causes of increased destruction of blood cells/blood loss
<ul><li>congenital</li><li>acquired </li><ul><li>immune: autoimmune neutropenia (destroys neutrophils), immune thrombocytopenia (destroys platelets)</li><li>non-immune: <b>hemolytic anaemia</b> (destroys RBCs)</li></ul><li><b>acute bleeding</b></li><li>sequestration</li></ul>
what are the signs and symptoms of anaemia
fatigue, pallor, dyspnea
what are the signs and symptoms of erythrocytosis
plethoric appearance, hyperviscosity with hypoxia and/or clotting
what are the signs and symptoms of thrombocytopenia
petechiae, bleeding
what are the signs and symptoms of thrombocytosis
bleeding (due to defective platelet function) or clotting
what are the signs and symptoms of neutropenia
increased susceptibility to fungal/bacterial infection
what are the signs and symptoms of lymphopenia
susceptibility to viral infections
what to look for in FBC
<ul><li>hemoglobin</li><ul><li>if anaemia is present, look for MCV (size) and MCH (colour) to determine the type of haemoglobin </li></ul><li>white cell </li><li>platelet </li><li>peripheral blood film</li></ul>
what is anaemia
defined as haemoglobin which is lower than the reference range for the individual, which depends on the age/gender of the patient
what do the symptoms of anaemia depend on
<ul><li>age</li><li>comorbidities</li><li>speed of onset (acute/chronic)</li><li>severity </li></ul>
what are the general symptoms and signs of anaemia
usually result from <u>hypoperfusion</u> due to compromised O2 transport<div><ul><li>symptoms</li><ul><li>fatigue and low energy</li><li>increased heart rate </li><li>shortness of breath </li><li>headache </li><li>dizziness</li><li>chest pain </li></ul><li>signs</li><ul><li>conjunctival pallor (Hb <9)</li><li>skin crease pallor (Hb <7)</li><li>cardiac compensation (Hb <8) → high output failure (Hb <5) <br></br></li></ul></ul></div>
classification of anaemia based on cell size + causes
look at <span>MCV</span> <div><ul><li>microcytic</li><ul><li><b>iron deficiency</b></li><li><b>thalassaemia</b></li><li>inflammatory anaemia</li><li>sideroblastic anaemia (cannot use iron in synthesis of RBCs → cannot extrude nucleus → accumulate in mitochondria in RBCs → <u>ringed appearance in the nucleus</u>) <br></br></li></ul><li>normocytic (classified according to <u>mechanism</u>)</li><ul><li>increased destruction: sequestration, <b>acute bleeding, haemolysis </b></li><li>decreased production: renal anaemia (decreased EPO synthesis), inflammatory anaemia, marrow disease, myeloma</li><li>dilutional</li></ul><li>macrocytic</li><ul><li><b>B12/folate deficiency</b></li><li>drugs</li><li>reticulocytosis</li><li>alcohol resulting in liver disease</li><li>pregnancy</li><li>hypothyroidism</li><li>myelodysplastic syndrome (cancer which prevents maturation of blood cells in the bone marrow)</li></ul></ul></div>
how to classify anaemia based on mechanism
use <span>reticulocyte count</span> in peripheral blood film<div>increased reticulocyte count indicates increased bone marrow activity</div>
what are the different mechanisms of anaemia
<ul><li>decreased production</li><ul><li>haematinic (nutrient) deficiencies: iron, B12/folate</li><li>primary bone marrow failure (stem cell/GF deficiency)</li><li>secondary bone marrow failure (infiltration with malignancies)</li></ul><li>increased production</li><ul><li>increased destruction (haemolysis, can be due to immune/non-immune causes)</li><li>increased loss due to bleeding </li><li>sequestration (splenomegaly)</li></ul><li>dilutional (increased plasma volume)</li><ul><li>pregnancy</li><li>fluids</li><li>transfusion</li></ul></ul>
characteristics of iron deficiency anaemia in FBC
<span>microcytic, hypochromic anaemia</span> <div><ul><li>low RBC count </li><li>smaller than normal (in peripheral blood film, a normal RBC = lymphocyte nucleus)</li><li>pale cell (in normal RBC, the pale central disk should only be 1/3 of RBC size)</li><li>different shape </li></ul></div>
what are the hallmark investigations of iron deficiency anaemia
<ul><li><b>ferritin < 30microg/L </b></li><ul><li>main iron storage protein</li><li>low levels indicate low iron stores </li></ul><li><b>TIBC increased </b></li><ul><li>transferrin is the iron transport protein, which <u>increases</u> in iron deficiency to help absorb iron</li><li>TIBC reflects the number of iron binding sites on transferrin, therefore increase in transferrin = increase in TIBC </li></ul></ul>
what are the causes of iron deficiency anaemia
<ul><li><b>increased iron loss</b></li><ul><li>GI bleeding (ulcerations)</li><li>regular blood donation</li><li>menstruation</li><li>iron loss through sweating</li><li>drugs (eg NSAIDs, aspirin, blood thinners)</li></ul><li><b>increased iron requirements</b></li><ul><li>children aged 0-5</li><li>adolescent girls</li><li>pregnancy</li><li>women of childbearing age</li></ul><li><b>decreased intake and malabsorption</b></li><ul><li>vegetarianism</li><li>drugs which reduce stomach acidity</li><li>lack of balanced diet </li><li>GI ulcers/infections</li><li>Removal of duodenum (Dude Is Just Feeling Ill Bro)</li></ul></ul>
solution to iron deficiency anaemia
<span>oral iron supplementation</span><div><ul><li>if it is NOT an absorption problem</li><li>aims to increase Hb by ~1g/dL every week</li><li>continue 3-6 months after Hb normalises to restore iron stores</li><li>for non-responders, consider looking for ongoing loss or try IV iron</li></ul></div>
possible side effects of iron supplements
note: common reasons for non-compliance <div><ul><li>upset stomach</li><li>nausea</li><li>diarrhoea</li><li>faintness</li><li>vomiting </li><li>dark stools</li><li>constipation</li></ul></div>
what is thalassaemia
inherited disorders caused by mutations that <b>decrease the synthesis</b> of alpha/beta globin chains<b> </b>(e.g alpha and beta thalassaemia)
what is haemoglobinopathy
haemoglobin <b>variant </b>resulting from a genetic mutation (e.g haemoglobin S in sickle cell anaemia)
inheritance pattern of thalassemia
both alpha and beta thalassemia are <b>autosomal recessive</b><div><br></br></div><div><img></img><img></img><br></br></div>
pathogenesis of alpha thalassemia
different clinical presentations arise due to the different number of deletions of alpha genes <div>encoded by 2 gene loci, 4 alleles preset<br></br><div><ul><li>0-1 mutations: asymptomatic</li>
<li>2 mutations: mild symptoms</li>
<li>3-4 symptoms: severe (insufficient α globin proteins → insufficient haemoglobin → incompatible with life)</li>
pathogenesis of beta thalassemia
<div>encoded by 1 gene loci, 2 alleles present<br></br></div>
<li>0 mutations: asymptomatic</li>
<li>1 mutation: mild anaemia</li>
<li>2 mutations: severe anaemia but compatible with life</li></ul>