Hgv Flashcards
AAC - Annual allowable cut. The volume of timber that may be harvested from a particular area of forest in any one
year. From the industrial forestry perspective
the AAC should be set at a level a that provides the maximum harvest
volume while ensuring that the prospects for future harvests do not deteriorate. When the impact of timber harvest on
NWFP is considered
the AAC will be reduced in most cases
production is the sole consideration. This will depend upon the degree to which the timber harvest complements or
competes with the production of NWFP
however. Similarly
and service functions will tend to reduce the AAC.
Animal Logging - skidding or yarding using animal power.
Anvil - a fixed steel block that provides support for the cutting blade of a single-action tree shear. The hydraulic operated
blade through the tree toward the anvil.
Aspect - the direction toward which a slope faces.
Backcut - the final cut made in a tree to remove or severe the wood on its back side and allow it to fall.
Ball-Hooting - hand-skidding of logs down a slope too steep for animal skidding.
Barberchair a a vertical split in a tree
generally caused by an insufficient undercut or neglecting to cut the sapwood on
both sides of a heavy leaning tree before felling.
Basal Area - (a) the area of ground surface covered by the stem or stems of range plant
in contrast to the full spread of
its herbage or foliage usually considered at one inch above the soil. (b) The area usually expressed in square feet of the
cross section at breast height of a single tree or of all the trees in a stand. This iS usually inside bark unless otherwise
Bastard-Sawn - wood so sawn that the annual sO rings form angles of 30 degrees to 60 degree with the surface of the
Bayonet-Topped - A tree with a dead volunteer top noticeably offset from the axis of the main trunk. A multiple bayonet-
topped condition is sometimes referred to as candelabra topped.
Beam - a large and relatively long piece of timber
usually greater than 8 x 8 inches in cross section: main horizontal
timber support for a building.
Bed a Tree - to level or cushion the path in which a tree is to fall
so as to prevent shattering.
Billet - a short log or bolt usually cut for pulp
shingles corporate stock or cordwood.
Blaze - to mark trees with a shallow cut of an axe or other cutting tool
or with a daub of paint. to designate trees to be cut
or to mark the location of some point such as along a boundary
Block - (a) a pulley used in power logging to change the direction of haul
or to increase the pulling power. (b) An area to
be logged
also a setting or strip.
Board Foot • A standard unit of measure for standing timber
and 1 inch thick. A unit usually of 1
000 board feet M is often used M to indicate 1
feet) The term foot board measure (FBM) is sometimes used interchangeably with board foot.
Bob - A single pair of runners on which the forward ends of logs are loaded.
Boom - Projecting arm of a log-loading machine which supports the log during loading. May be of either the swinging or
the rigid type.
Boom rat- one who works on a boom.
Bottom Bind - One of the five basic conditions for the lay of a tree. It occurs when a tree is lying over some solid object or when it is supported at one end with a substantial overhand on the other
a position in which its topside is under tension and its bottom side is under compression.