Heuristics Definition Flashcards
Visibility of System Status
- If something is going to take a while to load have a loading screen and tell the user how long it will take
- Make things clear for users so they know what they are going to click on e.g change colour of buttons
-Don’t put to much info, only necessary stuff
Match between system and real world
-Use everyday language, symbols that people know e.g if something is locked having a padlock
-Designing things that look like actual things
- Not using jargon, or using things people are not used to e.g having a triangle to close something
User control and freedom
-undo/ redo
-having multiple options, so you are not forced to do something
- user should feel in control
Consistency and standards
-similar element behave the same way, so users can predict what will happen
-Having things consistent
-Things work the same way or similar products
-layout is similar, recognisable icons, consistent font
Error Prevention
-Systems should be designed to prevent errors occurring in the first place
-asking “are you sure?”
-Having a button greyed out if not everything is completed
Recognition rather than recall
-Design interfaces so users don’t have to remember stuff
- Auto population
-tooltip, hover over something and giving word explanation
Flexibility and efficiency of use
-design systems that cater to both novice and pros
- having long way around things, as well as short cuts e.g command c & v
- being able to customise your feed/display
-filter option
Aesthetic and minimalist
-Aesthetically pleasing
-Focus on the vibe
-using least amount of elements to achieve the most effective design
-clean simple layouts
Recognise, diagnose and recover from errors
-identifying when something has gone wrong in a system, understanding what caused the problem and taking steps to fix
-error message, with way to fix
-shows clearly what the mistake is
Help and documentation
-providing users with resources and guidance to understand and effectively use products or system
-most commonly searched
-easy to use step by step instructions
-chat bot