Hertz CIS Flashcards
muscle biopsy- what do we take for proximal muscle weakness?
quadriceps. Can get away with it, plus that’s what you use to get up out of a chair– a proximal muscle likely to show a myositis.
Look for inflammatory infiltrate
Save some for EM to check for inclusion diseases
nerve biopsy, what do we take?
sural nerve; only sensory, not motor, so we won’t see motor deficits as a result
see onion bulb on MRI. What does this mean?
evidence of demyelination, should biopsy
person could be complaining of foot drop, weakness –> suggestive of Guillain Barre
what would we find on spinal tap of guillain barre guy?
glucose– this is normal
protein– this is abnormal (evidence of inflammation)
no pleocytosis– this is normal
muscle biopsy shows loss of checkerboarding of muscle fibers
this is not an inflammation myopathy
Could be neuropathy or steroid myopathy
pt comes in with neuropathy, skinny little calves and pes cavus (high arch)
Charcot Marie Tooth
can be very variable in its penetrance
Peroneal atrophy
foot ulcers
peripheral neuropathy
what is this?
stocking glove pattern of neuropathy
What causes a burning neuropathy?
about 40% of diabetics will show up in your office with this additional complaint
autonomic problems (bladder dysfunction, etc.)
name a neurofibromatosis that causes carpal tunnel
guy comes in with super fat calves. What else might we find?
Gower’s sign- using arms to help get up from the ground
biopsy showing pseudohypertrophy (lots of fat instead of muscle)
This is Duchenne MS
Becker is the “light” version– you have some dystrophin, just not as much as usual
What do most people with MS die of?
heart failure
gal with periorbital redness. What is this?
heliotrope rash
she also has “mechanic’s hands–” Gottron papules
this is dermatomyositis. Muscle biopsy shows perifascicular inflammation (lymphocytes)- one focal area, spreads out from there
gal comes in with ptosis. The longer we ask her to look up, the worse it is. After 10 second rest her eyes can’t look up at all. What is this?
Myasthenia gravis.
If the 10-second rest had improved symptoms, it would be Lambert-Eaton.
Give acetylcholinesterase inhibitor to the MG pt and it would get better
what might we find on chest x-ray of myasthenia gravis pt?
what might we find on CXR of lambert eaton syndrome pt?
lung mass
small cell
thymoma vs thymic hyperplasia in MG
take out the thymoma- see improvement
take out thymic hyperplasia– some better, some not. not so great.
Lambert Eaton- take out the small cell cancer, do they improve?
a serum electrophoresis shows gamma spike. What is this?
monoclonal gammopathy
x-ray shows lesions all up and down the spine.–> take a biopsy and see plasma cells
= Multiple myeloma. a lytic lesion (punched out holes all over the place)
Kid has weird x-ray (fuzzy in extremities), bowing of legs, funny looking teeth, blue sclera
Osteogenesis imperfecta
usually type I
3 and 4 don’t tend to have dentiginous imperfecta
Defect is type 1 collagen
Additional trouble with hearing loss
dexa scan
osteopenia- -1.0 to - 2.5
osteoporosis- -2.5 and less
what 3 scans do we do for bone loss?
spine, femoral head, and wrist
guy has funny xray (homogeneity of the hip bones) and biopsy shows mosaic pattern. What’s up?
Not usually a problem but can get osteosarcoma