Hertz CIS Flashcards
pitutitary tumor, homogenous histology. What can we expect to see ?
bilateral hemianopsia
most common:
- prolactin
- Growth hormone
basilar skull fracture
–> hypopituitarism via stalk damage
can be seen with amenorrhea, pallor, loss of axillary hair, or other symptoms.
empty sella syndrome
csf or brain tumor pushes down on the pitutitary
it melts away
–> pituitary apoplexy (s bleeding into or impaired blood supply of the pituitary gland at the base of the brain)
rathke cleft cyst
in the epithelium between the anterior and posterior pituitary
craniopharyngioma location and associations
“crankcase oil”- is a breakdown product of keratin
will find cholesterol crystals
dilated ventricles =
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus after car wreck found hypotensive
acute kidney injury, damage first to the proximal tubules
–> oliguric –> polyuric
central types of lung cancer
squamous cell and small oat cell
multinodular goiter, what is the red stuff?
thyroglobulin backed up
can be seen with cruciate vegetable ingestion, etc.
hypothyroidism in a kid
can see umbilical hernia
hypothyroidism in a kid
can see umbilical hernia
when do we do fine needle aspirate of the thyroid?
can make dx papillary carcinoma based on orphan annie nuclei
but can’t distignuish follicular
swelling and pain of thyroid
de quervain’s
germinal centers and hurthle cell metaplasia
antibodies to thyroglobulin
anti mitochondrial antibodies seen in what disease?
primary biliary cirrhosis
papillary spreads by…?
follicular by?
papillary by lymph nodes
follicular by blood
triad for type I diabetes?
polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria
lymphocytes in the islet cell vs amyloid
lymphocytes- type I
amyloid- type 2
insulinoma- what can we see in the staining?
acneform rash on cheeks, buffalo hump
cushings! goes with striae and moon face