Hersh's high yield things Flashcards
Streptococcus pyogenes
Gram + cocci in chains, catalase negative
B hemolytic, bacitracin sensitive, and pyrrolidonyl arylamidase (PYR) positive
transmitted by direct contact and respiratory droplets
-m ptn associated with acute glomerulonephritis.
Also contains several spreading fators including exotoxins A-C which cause pyrogeneiss and erythrogenesis.
Can cause pharyngitis, rheumatic fever (post infection), scarlet fever and pyroderma/impetigo
Streptococcus agalactiae
Gram + cocci in chains, catalase negative.
Beta hemolytic and bacitracin RESISTANT
can hdrolyze hippurate and is CAMP test positive
Reservoir in the human vagina and GI and can be transmitted to newborns (prolonged labor after rupture of membranes)
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Gram positive cocci, catalase negative, alpha hemolytic, optochin snsitive, lancet shaped diplococci and lysed by bile
reservoir in upper respiratory tract.
capsule makes it dangerous in asplenic patients and causes a positive Quellung rxn
most common cause of typical pneumonia especially in pts. in the 60s
Also the most common cause of adult meningitis
Viridans streptococci
Gram positive cocci in chains, catalase negative. alpha hemolytic and optochin RESISTANT
normal flora of the human oropharynx
biofilm makes it dangerous for damaged heart valves (subacute endocarditis) and for dental caries
Enterococcus faecalis
Catalase negative PYR+
Group D gram positive cocci in chains
can hydrolyze esculin in 40% bile and 6.5 NaCl
common cause of urinary and biliary tract infections
can cause subacute endocarditis in the elderly due to damaged heart valves
Bacillus Anthracis
Gram positive rod that can form spores
Large boxcar-like appearance
toxin contains a protective antigen, lethal factor and edema factor
Can give a toxoid vaccine for high risk individuals
Bacillus Cereus
Gram positive rod that can form spores
Found in nature
Associated with food that is kept warm, not hot
Has emetic preformed toxin associated with fried rice and a diarrheal toxin (watery diarrhea)
Clostridium Tetani
Gram ositive spore forming rod that is anaerobic
has a “tennis racket” appearance under the microscope
Toxin formed binds to ganglioside receptors and blocks the release of glycine and GABA at spinal synapses, causing extreme muscle spasm
Organism is rarely isolated
Clostridium botulinum
gram positive spore forming rod that is anaerobic
reservoir is dirt and udst
can be transmitted via food or via traumatic tansplantation
toxin is and A-B polypeptide neurotoxin that is highly toxic and heat liabile. Blocks the release of acetylcholine at the myoneuronal junction resulting in flaccid paralysis
Can be a problem for canned foods or in children that ingest honey
Clostridium perfringes
Gram positive spore forming rod that is anaerobic
Stormy fermentation in milk media
Double zone of hemolysis
Foodborne and traumatic implantation
Identified by the Nagler rxn
Can cause gas gangrene and food poisoning
Clostridium difficile
Gram positive spore forming rod that is anaerobic
has toxin A and B which damage the mucosa leading to fluid increase and lead to cytopathology, respectively
cause of pseudomembranous colitis
DOC is metronidazole
Listeria monocytogenes
gram positive non-spore forming rod that is faultative intracellular
exhibits tumbling motility
can grow in the cold of the refrigerator in soft cheeses and hot dogs
can cause severe neonatal disease
MCC of meningitis with in renal transplant patients and adults with cancer
Corynebacterium diptheriae
gram positive rod that is non-spore forming aerobic
club shaped
not invasive, the toxin causes an inhibition of ptn synthesis by adding ADP-ribose to eEF-2
Causes the appearance of a dirty gray pseudomembrane and can cause recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and lower limb polyneuritis
Actinomyces israelii
Anaerobic gram positive branching rod that is non-acid fast
normal flora of gingival crevices and in the female genital tract
disease causes “sulfur “ granules in exudate that can be used for microscopy or culture
only in tissues with low oxygenation
also, can cause a solitary brain abscess, NOT multiple abscesses
Nocardia asteroides, nocardia brasiliensis
Gram positive branching rod that is aerobic and partially acid fast
Found in soil and dust
Can cause MULTIPLE brain abscesses if it spreads to CNS
No toxins or virulence factors are known
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Acid fast rods that are obligate aerobes
contains mycolic acids highly resistant to desiccation and many chemicals including NaOH
Appears fluorexcent apple green with auramine-rhodamine staining
Produces a heat sensitive catalase active at body temp.
Faculataive intracellular organism that can produce sulfatides, chord factor, and a surface protein that can cause delayed hypersensitivity and cell mediated immunity
Causes the formation of a Ghon complex(usually in the periphery of the lung)
M avium intracellulare
Acid Fast rods that are obligate aierobes
Contains mycolic acids highly resistant to desiccation and many chemicals including NaOH
Causes pulmonary, GI, and disseminated disease
Presents in AIDS patients, cancer patients, and those with chronic lung disease
Tread AIDS patients prophylactically for this iwith a CD4 of less than 50
Macrolide plus ethambutol
M Kanasasii
Acid fast rods that are obligate aerobe
Contains mycolic acids highly resistant to desiccation and many chemicals including NaOH
Causes pulmonary, GI , and disseminated disease
Presents in AID, cancer, and those with chronic lung disease
Treat AIDS pts phrophylactically for this with a CD4 of less than 50… again, Macrolide plus ethambutol
M. Scrofulaceum
Acid fast rods that are obligate aeorbes
contains mycolic acids highly resistant to desiccation and many chemicals including NaOH
Can cause lymphadenitis
Transmitted via contaminated water sources
PResents as solitary cervical lymphadenopathy in children
Treat with surgery*
M Marinum
Acid fast rods that are obligate aerobes Contains mycolic acids highly resistant to desiccation and many chemicals including NaOH Soft tissue infections ***Fish Tank one**** transmitted via abrasions Presents in tropical fish enthusiasts Photochromogen Treat with INH, rifampin, or ethambutol
Mycobacterium eprae
Acid fast rods that are obligate Aeorbes
Contains mycolic acids highly resistnat to desiccation and many chemicals including NaOH
Causes Hansesn’s disease
found via punch biopsy
Optimal growth at less than body temprerature
Transmitted via nasal discharge in untreated patients
Can have a strong CMI response or weak CMI
the former being more desirable
Give dapsone for close family contacts to prevent spread
Neisseria meningitidis
gram negative diplococci with flattened sides
oxidase positive
particularly kidney bean shpaed
large capsule that can be picked up via latex partice agglutination
grows on chocolate agar and ferments maltose
can cause meningitis and waterhouse-friiderichsen syndrom
common in young adults with meningitis
neisseria gonorrhoeae
gram negative diplococci with flattened sides
oxidase positive
reservoir is the human genital tract
sensitive to drying and cold
uses pili to attach to mucosal surfaces and has widely varying antigens
diesease presents as urethritis, proctitis, endovervicitis, PID, arthritis, procititis, and ophthalmia and rapid blindness when in newborns
Culture on Thayer-Martin medium (selects for pathogenic strains)
Moraxella catarrhalis
Gram negative diplococcus that is a normal upper respiratory tract flora
most common cause of otitis media and sinusitis
most strains produce a beta lactamase
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Gram negative rod that is oxidase positive
Aerobic (nonfermenting
Pyocyanin pigment and fluroexcent expression
Can present with a grape-like odor on culture and has a slime layer
has non-lactose fermenting colonies on EMB or MacConkey agar
Umiquitous in water
Exotoxin ADP ribosylates eEF-2, inhibiting protein syntheseis and the liver is the primary target
can cause hot tub folliculitis,eye ulcers, and cellulitis in burn patients (blue-green puss)
can be a major problem as a cause of typical pneumonia in patients with CGD or CF
Legionella Pneumophila
Weakly gram negative organism that usually needs a fluorescent AB test to be visualized
Requires cysteine and iron for growth in media
No human to human transition; water organism
Facultative intracellular (granulomatous response)
Common problem in smokers over age 55 with high slcohol intake and in immunosuppressed patientss (renal transplant)
Associated diseases are common due to air-conditioning systems that are unclean
Francisella Tularensis
Gram negative small rod organism that is a facultative intracellular pathogen
Can cause “rabit fecer” as a a zoonist
Can be transmitted via dermacentor tick bites, traumatic implantation, aerosols, and via ingestion
Treat with streptomycin
Bordetella Pertussis
Gram negative small rods that are strict aerobes
attaches to nasopharyngeal ciliated epithelial cells via filamentous hemagglutinin
Toxin also aids in attachment
Toxin causes lymphocytosis promotion, islet activation (can cause hypoglycemia), immune cell effector blockage, and increased histamine sensitivite
Organism causes WHOOPING COUGH and is easiest to diagnose in the catarrhal stage (1-2 weeks) even though this tage does not have the typical cough
the paroxysmal stage has the typical symptoms, but harder to find the organism in this stage
Vaccination is protective
Brucella abortus (cattle), melitensis(goats), and suis (pigs)
Gram negative rod that is aerobic
faculataive intracellular pathogen that is a potential biowarfare agent
Causes an undulant fever usually when drinking unpasteurized milk or via work in a slaughterhouse
Campylobacter jejuni
Gram negative curved rods with polar flagella
looks like “gull’s wings”
Oxidase positive
Microaerophilic, and grows well at 42 degrees C.
Need as few as 500 organisms to be infectious
Cases gastroenteritis with possibly 10 or more flankly bloody stools per day
Can be a cause of Guillain Bare syndrom (serotype ):19. treatment is mostly supportive)
Helicobacter pylori
spiral shaped gram negative bacilli with flagella
Urease positive
Causes chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers
Vibrio Cholerae
Gram negative curved rod with polar flagella
Osidase positive and can grow on alkaline media
Shooting start motility
Fecal oral spread (sensitive to acid)
Enterotoxin that ADP ribosylates Gs alpha, causing eflux of Fl and water
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Gram negative curved rod with polar flagella
oxidase positive and can grow on alkaline media
Transmitted through undercooked seafood
Causes self-limited gastroenteritis
Vibrio vulnificus
Gram negative curved rod with polar flagella
oxidase positive and can grow on alkaline media
spread through swimming in blackish water or via consumption of raw seafood
can cause gastroenteritis and cellulitis based on innoculation site
difficult to treat if cellulitis; can require amputation
Enterotoxogenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)
Gram negative rod that is facultative anaerobe
Ferments glucose and lactose and is cytochrome C oxidase negative
Can Reduce nitrates to nitrites
Catalase positive, oxidase negative
Can cause recurrent infections in patients with CGD
Most common cause of UTIs and the second most common cause of neonatal meningitis
Has a heat labie toxin that stimulates adenylate cyclase and a heat stable toxin that stimulated guanylate cyclase
Causes non-inflammatory diarrhea
Enteropathogenic E. Coli (EPEC)
Gram negative rod that is a facultative anaerobe
Ferments glucose and lactose and is cyt c oxidase negative
Can reduce nitrates to nitrites
Catalase positive, oxidase negative
Can cause recurrent infections in patients with CGD
Most common cause of UTIs and the second most common cause of neonatal meningitis
Causes noninflammatory diarrhea in babies of developing countries
Adheres to M cells
Enteroinvasive E. Coli (EIEC)
Gram negative rod that is a facultative anaerobe
Ferments glucose and lactose and is cytochrom C oxidase negative
Cand reduce nitrates to nitrites
Catalase positive , oxidase negative
Can cause recurrent infections in patients with CGD
Mot common cause of UTIs and the sencond most common cause of neonatal meningitis
Invades the large bowel and causes inflammatory diarrhea
Can form actin fet trails
Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli (EHEC)
Gram negative rod that is a facultative anaerobe
Ferments glucose and lactose and is cytochrome C oxidase negative
Can reduce nitrates to nitrites
Catalase positive, oxidase negative
Can cause recurrent infections in patients with CGD
Most common cause of UTIs and the second most common cuase of neonatal meningitis
Verotoxin producer which decreases protein synthesis by interfering with the 60S ribosomal subunit
NOT invasive
Antibiotics will increase the risk of HUS
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Gram negative rods that have a capsule
Causes the creation of a currant-jelly sputum
can cause UTIs in association with catheters
Oxidase negative and forms mucoid, lactose fermenting colonies on MacConkey agar
Endotoxin causes septicemia
Pneumonia of those who are alcoholics
Shigella sonnei, flexneri, dysenteriae, boydii
Gram negative rod that is a non-lactose fermenter
spread via the fecal oral route
Invades M cells and very shallow ulcers form
Toxin is neurotoxic, cytotoxic, and enterotoxic
Clips the ribosomal 60X subunit
Disease characterized b a high fever, lower abdominal cramps, tenesmus, diarrhea (watery progressing to bloody)
Severity depends on the patients age and on the strain
Yersinia pestis
Gram negative rod that bipolar stains
Facultative intracellular parasite and is coagulase positive
Spread by fleas that vomit up the organism due to coagulase
Can be spread via fleas or via respiratory droplets
Causes bubonic Plague or pneumonic plague
Yersinia enterocolitica
motile gram negative rod at 25C, but non motile at body temp
Cold growth
transmitted in unpasturized milk and in pork
Prominent in northern climates
Causes enterocolitis as pseudoappendicitis in kids and young adults and can cause reactive arthritis in adults
proteus mirabilis vulgaris
gram negative rod that has peritrichous flagella
Non lactose fermenting and urease positive
Facultative anaerobe, oxidase negative
Can cause staghorn renal calculi (flank pain)
Can cause UTIs
salmonella typhi
gram negative rods that are non lactose fermenter
Produces H2S and is sensitive to acid
No animal reservoirs
organism resides in the gall bladder
Can resist macrophage killing
Symptoms of disease include FEVER headache, abd. pain, constipation (more common than diarrhea) and can lead to necrosis of peyer patches if left untreated
Thrombophlebitis, cholecystitis, pneumonia, abscess formation, etc.
Salmonella enteritidis, typhimurium
Facultative gram negative rod, non lactose fermenting on EMB or MacConkey medium
Motile and produces H2S
Can detect antibodies in serum via the Widal test
Transmitted largely through chicken products and reptile pets
Needs a large innoculation dosage due to acid sensitivity
Sickle cell disease with this infection predisposes to osteomyelitis
MCC in these patients
Culture on Hektoen agar (black colonies)
Haemophilus influenzae
Gram negative pleomorphic rod
Requires growth factors X and V for growth on nutrient or blood agar
Has a polysaccharide capsule
Causes meningitis commonly in unvaccinated children aged 3 months to 2 years
Can cause bronchitis, pneumonia and epiglottitis in unvaccinated toddlers (children present with “catcher’s stance” to aid in breathing)
Haemophilus Ducreyi
Gram negative pleomorphic rod
Requires growth factors X and V for gorowth on nutrient or blood agar
Has a polysaccharide capsule
Reservoir in human genitals and causes very painful soft chancres