In the Navy Warrant officers were technical specialist whose skills and knowledge were an essential part of the proper operation of a _______________.
In the US Army the lineage of the warrant officer can be traced back to___________?
The headquarters clerk was later designated as a________________?
Army field clerk
Official birthday of the Warrant officer Corp?
In 1918 were Warrant officers commisioned officers. T or F
Who determined that warrant officers eventually hold a military status?
Act of July 9th 1918 provided for the establishment in the Regular Armys coast Artillery Corps of a service thereafter to be known as the ___________________Service
Army Mine Plantar Service
How many bands of brown braid designated rank for chief engineer and master?
How many bands of brown braid designated rank for assistant engineer and first mate?
How many bands of brown braid designated rand for second assistant engineer and second mate?
What is the official color of the warrant officer corp?
Where did the official color of the warrant officer come from?
Mine Plantar
Warrant officers served aboard vessels used to do what?
pland sea mines.
What act provided for warrant officers in clerical, administrative and band leading activities?
National Defense Act of 1920
The National Defense Act of 1920 authorized how many warrant officers on active duty
Appointment of warrant officer were mad as a_________ for enlisted soldiers>
When was the warrant officer insignia “Eagle Rising” approved?
Who first wore the Eagle Rising insignia?
Tank Corps
When did congress take action to reduce the number of warrant officers from 1120 to 600?
Between what years were things largely dormant for warrant officers?
When were Warrant officers who were qualified pilots declared eligible for direct appointment to lieutenants in the Army Air Corps
In 1941 Public law #__________authorized appointments up to one percent of the Regular Army enlisted strength.
Public law 230 established 2 pay rates for warrant officers, what were they?
In november of 1941 an executive order further extended the warrant officer position and provided two following additions
- Assignment per Secretary of Army
2. Warrant officers were able to be commanders
1942 warrant ranking order was above all ____________ranks and below all ________________ __________
enlisted, commissioned officers
In 1944 what was authorized?
Women in the warrant officer corp
By the end of world war II, how many warrant officers were serving on active duty?
By 1946 warrant officers filled ____different occupational specialties and by 1961 as many as_______
40, 60
What provided two new pay rates for warrant officers?
Career Compensation Act
When and what Act established warrant officer ranks W1 through W4?
WOPA (warrant officer personnel act)
WOPA eliminated what?
Mine Planter Service
With which ACT did th modern era of the warrant officer history begin?
What were the differences in retirement between females and males?
male=20 yrs@ 62
female=20 yrs@53/55
First published definition of a warrant officer was established in what reg?
AR 611-112
In 1950 a study determined there was a __________ ____________ for warrant officers.
Vital need
AR 611-112 defined the warrant officer as follows: “The warrant officer is a highly skilled technician who is provided to fill those positions above the enlisted level which are too _____________ ___ _________ to permit effective development and continued utilization of broadly trained, branch-qualified commissioned officers.
specialized in scope
What does WOPDP stand for?
Warrand Officer Professional Development Program.
What DA Pam is WOPDP published in?
What was the Warrant Officer study group purpose?
develop and formalize the warrant officer career program.
When did the DA conduct a review of WOPDP
When were retirement laws standardized for male and female officers.
In 1975 the Warrant Officer division at PERSCOM provided a centralized career ____________ ___________ for all warrant officers.
management center
PERSCOM provided a centralized career management center for all warrant officers except?
JAG and Medical Corps.
Whose Mission was this; “Examine the role and utilization, professional develpment, management, compensation programs, policies and procedures, and recommended changes where the effect would enhance combat readiness for the total Army”
Total Warrant Officer Study Group (TWOS)
When did direct appointment cease?
1 Oct 1984
June of 1985 what General revamped the definition of the Warrant officer?
“An officer apponted by warrant by the Secretary of the Army based on a sound level of technical competence. The warrant officer is ahighly specialized expert and trainer who, by gaining progressive levels of expertise and leadership, operates, maintains, administers, and manages the Army’s equipment, support activities or technical systems for an entire career.” What definition is this?
1984 Definition of a warrant officer.
TWOS established three levels of utilization and the rank of Master Warrant Officer 4, what were they?
Entry/Middle/Master Levels
What rank is considered entry level?
What rank is considered middle level?
What rank is considered to master level?
What act brought about the approval of TWOS
WOMA (Warrant Officer Management Act)
Warrant officer management act brought about ________ ___________ to Title 10 of the US Code.
major revisions
WOMA is the basis for the ______________ of the active duty warrant officer corps.
WOMA approved what
Grade of CW5
WOMA allowed a _____ ________system.
single promotion
WOMA allowed automatic integration into the _______ at the rank of _______?
WOMA tenure requirements were based on ______ of ________ ________ service
years/warrant officer
What act created selective mandatory retirement boards for retirement eligible warrant officers?
Warrant officer management act
What does WOLDAP stand for?
Warrant officer leader development action plan
What ensures that both active and reserve warrant officers are appointed, trained and utilized to single standard?
A WOLDAP provision is the a accession goal of ________ years or less time in service for warrant officer candidates.
WOLDAP establishes a comprehensive warrant officer ________ ________.
education system
WOLDAP establishes conditional appointment to ________ upon completion of _________
WOLDAP states the what educational goals?
CW3=Associates Degree
CW4=Bachelor Degree
WOLDAP establishes what college?
Warrant officer career college (WOCC)
WOLDAP pinpoints?
CW5 assignment
The Army Training and Leader Develpment Panel focused on?
Training and leader development requirements.
How many changes did the ATLDP study recommend?
What definition is this:
“Warrant officers are innovative integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic teachers, confident warfighters, and developers of specialized team of soldiers.”
Newest Warrant Officer definition.
Basic level, technically and tactically focused officers who perform the primary duties of technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and advisor. Provide leader develpment, mentorship, and counsel to enlisted soldiers and NCO’s.
Intermediate level technical and tactical experts. Provide leader develpment, mentorship, advice, and counsel to NCO’s, other WOs and company grade branch officers.
Advanced level technical and tactical experts. Provide leader development, mentorship, advice and counsel to NCOs, other WOs, branch officers and advise commanders on WO issues.
Senior level technical and tactical experts. Proved direction, guidance, resources, assistance, and supervision necessary for subordinated to perform their duties.
Master level technical and tactical experts who perform the primary duties of technical leader, manager, integrator, and advisor. Primarily support brigade, division, corps echelons above corps and major command operations.