Herbs that drain dampness (Diuretics) Flashcards
Fu Ling "Hidden edged mushroom" Latin: Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Channels: HT, SP, LU Properties: Sweet, bland, neutral
- Promotes urination, eliminates water and damp, reduces edema.
- Strengthens SP, harmonizes MJ.
- Transforms phlegm.
- Calms shen.
Dosage: 10-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, copious urination due to cold deficiency, may injure qi as well.
Yi Yi Ren "The seeds of yi" Latin: Semen Coicis Lachyrma-Jobi Channels: SP, LU, KD Properties: Sweet, bland, slightly cold
- Promotes urination, eliminates water and damp, reduces edema.
- Strengthens SP, stops diarrhea (SP qi deficiency)
- Clears heat, expels pus.
- Clears damp heat (skin conditions due to damp heat)
- Eliminates wind damp bi/painful obstruction.
Dosage: 10-30g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, pregnancy, may injure qi as well.
Zhu Ling "Pig edged mushroom" Latin: Sclerotium Polypori Umbellati Channels: SP, KD, UB Properties: Sweet, bland, neutral
- Promotes urination, eliminates water and damp, reduces edema.
- Stronger than Fu Ling to promote urination but does not tonify SP and cannot calm shen.
Dosage: 6-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, may injure qi or yin fluids.
Ze Xie "Marsh drain" Latin: Rhizoma Alismatis Channels: KD, UB Properties: Sweet, bland, cold
- Promotes urination, eliminates water and damp, reduces edema.
- Settles ministerial fire (KD yin xu with blazing fire/damp heat in UB/LJ)
Dosage: 6-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, spermatorrhea or leukorrhea from KD yang xu or damp cold, may injure qi..
Dong Gua Zi (Ren) "Winter melon seed" Latin: Sm. Benacasae Hipidae Channels: LU, LI, ST, SI Properties: Sweet, cold
- Promotes urination, eliminates water and damp, reduces edema.
- Clears heat, expels phlegm, discharges pus in LU or LI.
- Clears heat, drains dampness (useful for leukorrhea due to damp heat)
Dosage: 3-12g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, loose stools, damp cold, may injure qi.
Sheng Jiang Pi "Fresh ginger peel" Latin: Pericarpium Zingiberis Channels: LU, SP, ST Properties: Acrid, cool
- Promotes urination, eliminates water and damp, reduces edema.
- Harmonizes SP/ST.
- Eliminates water from the skin, promote urination
(“pi shui”).
Dosage: 3-10g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, may injure qi.
Hua Shi "Slippery rock" Latin: Semen Plantaginis Channels: ST, UB Properties: Sweet, bland, cold *Slippery
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Clears summerheat, eliminates dampness.
- Topically for skin lesions (damp, damp-heat).
Dosage: 10-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency and consumed fluids
Che Qian Zi "Before the cart seeds, seed in front of the cart seeds" Latin: Semen Plantaginis Channels: LV, KD, LU, UB Properties: Sweet, cold *Slippery
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Promotes urination to solidify stool (diarrhea associated with damp heat or damp summerheat).
- Clears eyes (LV heat, KD yin xu)
- Expels phlegm, clears LU heat.
- Lowers blood pressure.
Dosage: 5-10g
C/C: Yin xu, consumed fluids
Deng Xin Cao "Lamp wick herb" Latin: Junci Medulla Channels: HT, LU, SI Properties: Sweet, bland, sl. cool
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Drains/clears heat via SI.
- Pediatric sleep disorder.
- Adults: restless sleep, insomnia (HT-KD disharmony).
- “Hou bi” external use (powder).
Dosage: 1.5-4.5g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids.
Mu Tong "Open ended pipe wood from wood passage" Latin: Akebiea Caulis Channels: UB, HT, SI Properties: Bitter, sl. cold
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Drains/clears HT heat via SI.
- Promotes lactation, unblocks blood vessels.
- Bi syndrome, stiffness of joints.
Dosage: 3-6g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, pregnancy.
Dong Kui Zi "Winter cold vegetable seeds" Latin: Semen Malvae Channels: UB, LI, SI Properties: Sweet, cold
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Edema during pregnancy with dry constipation.
- Promotes lactation, esp. due to stagnant qi.
- Moistens intestines, unblocks bowels.
Dosage: 10-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, caution with pregnancy, diarrhea from SP qi xu.
Qu Mai "Bird wheat" Latin: Dianthus Superbus Channels: UB, HT, SI Properties: bitter, cold
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Moves blood stasis (amenorrhea).
- Promotes menses.
- Moves stool.
Dosage: 10-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, pregnancy.
**Antagonizes Sang Piao Xiao
***Often combined with Bian Xu for Lin
Bian Xu "Flat water container" Latin: Herba Polygoni Avicularis Channels: UB Properties: Bitter, sl. cold
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Clears damp heat from the UB.
- Kills parasites, stops itching (damp skin lesions, intestinal parasites)
Dosage: 9-15g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids.
***Often combined with Qu Mai for Lin
Shi Wei "Stone reed, stone leather" Latin: Folium Pyrrosiea Channels: UB, LU Properties: Sweet, bitter, sl. cold
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
* ** Only KD stones, not gallstones. - Clears damp heat.
- Clears heat, stops bleeding.
- Clears LU, expels phlegm, stops cough.
Dosage: 5-10g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids, w/o damp-heat
Di Fu Zi "Earth skin seeds" Latin: Kochiae Scoparis Channels: UB (KD) Properties: Sweet, bitter, sl. cold
- Promotes urination, relieves Lin syndrome.
- Clears damp heat, promotes urination.
- Expels dampness, stops itching for skin diseases.
Dosage: 4.5-9g
C/C: Yin deficiency, consumed fluids.