Herbs Flashcards
Description: Dark gray bark, fissured. Younger trees can also have greenish bark. Branches can sometimes be sticky.
Location: Along rivers, can also grow in swampy areas. Can be found during the snowy season.
Use: Chewed.
Effect: Relieves toothaches.
Beech Nuts
Description: Female trees typically produce beech nuts.
Location: Grows well in moist, deep, and rich soil.
Usage: Not eaten.
Effect: Nuts are good for attracting prey.
Description: Blue petals with white throat and yellow center. Typically blooms in warmer weather. Stems contain green leaves.
Location: ??
Usage: Helps bind sticks together.
Effect: When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in-place.
Birch Sap
Description: A thick, sticky liquid commonly found in or on trees.
Location: Near lake.
Usage: Unknown.
Effect: Unknown. Was heard to help cure a disease during the early times.
Description: Plant itself carries pinkish-white flowers, each flower has five petals and produces one fruit crop a year. Grows in sunny areas. Carries a sharp scent.
Location: Almost anywhere; they are very handy plants.
Usage: These leaves are chewed into a pulp.
Effect: Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings.
Description: It is easily distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped petals and hairy leaves. Can be distinguished by smell just as well as sight. The best leaves are typically halfway up the stem, and has a zesty scent to them. Leaves can be dark green or gray-green in color, soft,and they lose their flavor when they are dried out.
Location: Near water and forest.
Usage: Chewed and eaten.
Effect: It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests.
Bright Eye
Description: Light pink with darker pink in the middles.
Location: Sunny areas and wooded areas.
Usage: Crushed into a poultice mixture.
Effects: Mix with lovage to help cure coughs.
Description: Shrubs with small leaves and small yellow flowers. Flowers are often solitary, but can also come in pairs.
Location: Grows in forest, mostly found during snowy weather.
Usage: Ground into a poultice.
Effects: Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds.
Burdock Root
Description: Tall-stemmed thistle with a sharp smell and dark leaves. Has a bitter taste.
Location: By rocky and cliff area’s.
Usage: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp.
Effect: Soothes and heals rat bites especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it. Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
Description: Medium green-colored basal leaves. Can occasionally have spikes of purple flowers.
Location: In the forest. Usually in sunny area’s.
Usage: A traveling herb. The leaves are swallowed.
Effects: Used to give strength. Good for expecting queens.
Description: A plant with fuzzy green balls on long stems.
Location: It is common in hedges and other low, shrubby vegetation.
Usage: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are.
Effects: Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
Description: A leafy and delicious-smelling plant. Has gray-green leaves, stem is hairy, and has purple flowers. Is easily killed by frost. Looks like nettles, but doesn’t sting.
Location: Rarely found in the wild; mostly found in Twoleg gardens. Can specifically be found in Twoleg places. Thrives in areas with dry soil and is very tolerant of dryer conditions.
Usage: Eaten
Effects: Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which cats, mainly kits and elders, usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough. Can be considered dangerous in extremely high dosages.
Description: Yellow flower with four petals. Celandine poppy have bigger petals, whereas the greater celandine are smaller.
Location: Grows in forest, sometimes near lakes and rivers.
Usage: Crushed into juice and trickled into the eye.
Effects: Soothes weakened or damaged eyes.
Description: A small, white flower with a large, yellow center.
Location: Can be found in Twoleg gardens. Can be found in sandy-like soil. Best in cooler areas.
Usage: Eaten.
Effects: Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
Description: A sweet-smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves and small white flowers. The roots are described as being knobby and brown.
Location: On rocky area’s in forests.
Usage: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root.
Effects: For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.