Herbs Flashcards
Perrania I’m healing, calm Ness, internal bleeding, blood pressure, you are in town, varicose vein’s
Madagascar periwinkle
Approved for use in cancer treatment, this amazing herb can help destroy a cancerous cells and return the body to an alkaline environment, acts as a diuretic, lowers blood sugar, slow heavy bleeding externally, and can be used for a sore throat, not safe for pregnancy or breast-feeding due to its strength but maybe used in a hormonal and balance is in motherhood aside from pregnancy and breast-feeding
Highly nutritious, vitamin a DEK, may prevent postpartum hemorrhage
Restore mental strength, relieve anxiety, insomnia, depression, maternal exhaustion, mom brain, anemia, fertility boost, hormone balance, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, and immunity boost
Bee propolis
Fertility, hormone in balance, healing or sub doing of genital herpes symptoms
Bee pollen
Makes for a healthy eggs and ovaries, great for all women in any stage, pregnancy and breast-feeding safe
Black haw
Reduces cramps, all around uterine anticipate Patek, may help reduce the risk of a threatened miscarriage and Sue’s Braxton Hicks clock/pajama labor
Black and blue cohosh
Used in herbal abortions or to stimulate the induction of labor, strong and should be used with caution, has potential to cause postpartum hemorrhage if overused
Borage seed oil
Eczema, itchy skin, acne, scarring, may cause cervical ripening internally, high in vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin GLA
Burdock root
Hi in iron, potassium, calcium, B vitamins, and fiber, antifungal, detoxing, anti-inflammatory, sooth digestive issues, call nausea and heartburn, eczema and acne topical he
Castor oil (topical)
A caster oil pack is made by soaking a cloth with warm castor oil in applying it to the abdomen over the uterus this is to bring circulation and help with fertility, PCOS, hormonal and balances, releasing blockage, can also help with lymph noise and liver detox/circulation
Helps with bile production, balance blood pressure, helps energy and clots, reduce the swelling and water retention
Aids in digestion, sleep babe, Sue stomach aches, cramps, reduce stress, treats cold and boost immunity
Chaste Berry
Boosts fertility, hormone in balance for those with intense in balance, libido booster, may not be good while breast-feeding as it reduces prolactin, can improve anxiety
Chia seeds
Extremely nutritious, Macy’s the growth of certain types of cancer cells