Herbal Prescription C-Tonify QI Flashcards
Names of Herbs in Four Gentleman Decoction (Si Jun zi Tang)
Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao
Formula for Deficiency of SPLEEN Qi
Four-Gentleman Decoction (Si Jun zi tang)
Pallid Complexion, low & weak voice, reduced appetite, loose stools, weakness in limbs T: Pale P: Thin or weak
Four-Gentleman Decoction (Si Jun zi tang)
Formula Actions: Tonifies the qi & strengthens the Spleen
Four-Gentleman decoction
Cautions: Dry Mouth, Thirst, Irritability
Four Gentleman - herbs are warm
Can you tonify when there is heat (fever, etc.,)
If you have heat or HTN, what herb needs to be replaced and what can you replace it with?
Ren Shen - Use American Ginseng or Dang Shen
Which Formulas in Tonify Qi are on the Boards
- Four-Gentleman decoction (Si Jun zi tang)
- Tonify Middle to Augment Qi (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang)
- Generate the Pulse Powder (Shen Mai San
Four-Gentleman (Si Jun zi tang) Actions & Indications
Indications: Deficiency of Spleen Qi
Actions: Tonify the qi & Strengthen Spleen
What is indication for Six-Gentleman decoction?
Spleen qi deficiency and PHLEGM
What 2 herbs are added in six gentleman decoction?
Chen Pi and Ban Xia = Damp Phlegm and move Qi down
What are key symptoms of Six-Gentleman decoction (Liu Jun zi tang)
Poor Appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Focal distention in chest & epi., COUGHING Copious, THIN, WHITE SPUTUM
Which formula is for SPLEEN Qi deficiency with PHLEGM
Six Gentleman decoction (Liu Jun zi tang)
What is Indication for Six-Gentleman decoction with AUCKLANDIA & AMOMUM
Spleen & STOMACH qi deficiency with DAMP-COLD Stagnating in Middle Jiao
What are symptoms of Six-Gentleman with Aucklandia & Amomum?
Poor appetite with a feeling of surfeit after eating very little. BELCHING, Abdominal DISTENTION or PAIN - sometimes VOMITING & DIARRHEA
What herbs are added to 6 Gentle. with Aucklandia & Amomum for digestion with Damp Cold?
Sha Ren & Mu Xiang
Spleen & STOMACH qi deficiency with DAMP-COLD stagnating in middle jiao
Six Gentleman decoction with Aucklandia & Amomum
What is indication for Nourish the Stomach decoction with Aucklandia & Amomum
Disharmony between SPLEEN & STOMACH with DAMPNESS
What are key symptoms of NOURISH the STOMACH Decoction with Aucklandia & Amomum?
Poor appetite, loss of taste, INABILITY to EAT more than a LITTLE at a time, BLOATING after eating, FOCAL DISTENTION
Tonify Qi, Resolve Damp, Warm ST
Disharmony between SPLEEN & STOMACH with DAMPNESS
Nourish the STOMACH decoction with Aucklandia & Amomum
Indication for Ginseng, Poria, & Atractylodes Macrocephala powder (Shen Ling Bai zhu san)
SPLEEN QI Deficiency with DAMP Accumulation
LOOSE STOOL or Diarrhea, reduced appetite, FATIGUE, SOB, Weak EXTREMITIES, Stifling sensation in chest & epi.
Ginseng, Poria & Atractylodes Macrocephala powder - Tonify SP QI, Resolve Damp
SPLEEN Qi deficiency with DAMP accumulation - Use a LOT
Ginseng, Poria, & Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder
Tonify the Middle & Augment the QI decoction (Bu zhong yi qi tang)
Actions & Indications
Indications: SPLEEN & STOMACH QI deficiency leading to SINKING of YANG QI
Actions: Tonify QI
Strengthen the SP & ST
Raise Sunken Yang Qi
Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi (Bu Zhong yi qi tang)
Int. Fever worse on exertion, spontaneous sweating, warm beverages, SOB, LOOSE & WATERY STools, Prolapse uterus & Rectum chronic diarrhea, cheonic dysentery
T: Pale, thin, white coating
P; Surging and forceless or deficient, ROOTLESS at the middle position on the right
Use after CANCER TX. Surgery, Weakness following a severe illness
Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Symptoms
Herbs in Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi decoction
Huang Qi - Tonify SP, Raise Yang Qi Ren Shen - Tonify Qi Bai Zhu - Qi Gan Cao - Qi Dang Gui - Tonifies BLOOD Chen Pi - Qi Sheng Ma - Raise Yang Qi Chai Hu - Raise Yang Qi
Which herbs raise Yang Qi in Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi decoction
- Huang Qi
- Sheng Ma
- Chai Hu
Indication & Actions for Generate the Pulse Powder (Sheng mai san)
Indications: Deficiency of QI & YIN (primarily of LUNGS)
Actions: Tonifies Qi
Generates FLUIDS, preserves the YIN
Stops Excessive SWEATING
Symptoms of Generate the Pulse Powder
CHRONIC COUGH with SPARSE sputum-Difficult to expectorate, SOB, Spontaneous SWEATING, DRY Mouth & Tongue
T: Pale, Red Tongue (Yin) with DRY, THIN Coating P: Deficient, rapid or deficient, thin
Herbs in Generate the Pulse Powder (Sheng mai san)
- Ren Shen - Qi
- Mai Men Dong - Yin, Cough
- Wu wei zi - Astringent, binding, Decreases COUGH, SWEATING
What formula for Chronic Cough is good after Chem?
Generate the Pulse Powder (Sheng mai san)
Formula for Tonify the Lung (Bu Fei tang) Indications
Lung QI Deficiency
Tonify the Lung (Bu Fei tang)
Clinical Manifestations
Short of BREATH, Spontaneous Sweating, Coughing, Wheezing (No Lung Yin deficiency, just LU Qi deficiency)
T: Pale P: Weak or deficient or large
Good for Chronic Cough, After menopause, smokers
Tonify the Lungs Decoction (Bu Fei Tang)
Tonify the Lung Decoc. (Bu Fei Tang)
Indication for Ginseng & Gecko powder (Ren Shen Ge jie san)
Lung QI deficiency with HEAT IN LUNGS
Ginseng & Gecko powder (Ren shen Ge jie san
Clinical Manifistations
Chronic coughing & Wheezing, THICK, YELLOW Sputum (Heat), Coughing of PUS & BLOOD (Heat), sensation of heat & IRRITABILITY
Decreased Appetite, loose Stools, Weak Limbs. T: Pale. P: Thin or weak
Four Gentlemen Decoction -Si Jun zi tang
Formula for LUNG QI Deficiency with HEAT in LUNGS
Ginseng & Gecko powder (Ren shen Ge jie san)
Chronic Cough, Wheezing, Cough with Thick yellow sputum, Pus & Blood (Lung QI deficiency with Heat in Lungs)
Ginseng & Gecko powder - REN Shen Ge jie San
Cough, sob, sweating
Tonify the Lungs - Bu fei tang (Lung QI deficiency)
Chronic cough, Sparse sputum that is difficult to expectorate, sweating, sob
Generate the Pulse Powder - Sheng Mai San (Deficiency of QI & YIN)
Poor appetite, copious thin white sputum, nausea & vomiting
Six Gentleman Decoction -( Spleen QI deficiency with Phlegm)
Poor appetite, Fullness after eating little, belching, abd. Distention & Pain
Six Gentleman Decoction with Aucklandia & Ammom -Xiang Sha Yang Wei Tang
(Spleen & Stomach Qi deficiency with Damp Cold stagnating MJ)
Fatigue, loose stools, decreased Appetite, distention, stifling sensation in chest & epigastrum
sob, weak extremities
Ginseng, Poria & Atractylodes Macrocephala powder - Shen Ling Bai zhu tan
(Spleen QI deficiency with Damp)
Poor Appetite, Loss of Taste, Eat only little at a time, Bloating after eating, focal distention
Nourishing the Stomach Decoction with Aucklandia & Amomum - Xiang Sha Yang Wei tang
(Disharmony between Spleen & Stomach with Dampness)
Intermittent Fever, worse on Exertion, spontaneous Sweating, Aversion to Cold, Sob
Tonify the Middle & Augment the QI Decoction -Bu Zhong yi QI tang
(Deficiency of Spleen & Stomach QI leaving to sinking of Yang QI)