Herbal medicines Flashcards
also known as bayabas-bayabasan and “ringworm bush”, treats ringworms and skin fungal infections
scientific name of akapulko
cassia alata
for diabetes
scientific name of ampalaya
momordica charantia
5-leaved chaste tree, relief of cough and asthma
scientific name of lagundi
vitex negundo
reduces cholesterol and maintains blood pressure
scientific name of bawang
allium sativum
used as antiseptic, also as a mouthwash
scientific name of bayabas
psidium guajava
“chinese honey suckle”, elimination of intestinal worms
scientific name of niyog-niyogan
quisqualis indica L.
“blumea caphora”, helps in excreting urinary stones
scientific name of sambong
blumea balsamifera
prepared like tea, treating intestinal motility
tsaang gubat
scientific name of tsaang gubat
ehretia microphylla Lam.
effective in fighting athritis and gout
ulasimang bato/pansit-pansitan
scientific name of ulasimang bato
pepperomia pellucida
commonly known as peppermint, used as analgesic to relive body pain
yerba buena
scientific name of yerba buena
clinopodium douglasii