HepatoBilliary Surgery Flashcards
Definition of acute pancreatitis
An acute inflammatory process of the pancreas with variable involvement of other regional tissues or remote organ systems
Etiology of acute pancreatitis
- alcohol
- gallstones
- idiopathic
- obstructive
- metabolic
- drugs
- trauma
- viral infection
- pregnancy
- collagen disease
Pathogenesis of acute pancreatities
- inappropriate activation of trypsinogen to trypsin
- breaks down tissue
- triggers SIRS
2 pathological types of acute pancreatitis
- acute interstitial oedematous pancreatitis (mild)
- acute necrotising pancreatitis (severe)
Local complications of acute pancreatitis
- acute pancreatic fluid collection
- pancreatic psuedocyst
- acute necrotic collection
- walled-off necrosis
Other organ complications of acute pancreatitis
- gastric outlet obstruction
- splenic/portal vein thrombosis
- intestinal necrosis
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
2 of the following:
- abdominal pain
- serum lipase/amylase >3x normal
- characteristic findings on CT/MRI
- N+V
- Cullen’s/ Grey-Turner
Definition of SIRS
2 or more of:
- HR>90
- temp <36 or >38
- WCC <4000 or >12000
- resp >20 or pCO2 <32
Increased risk of organ failure
Definition of organ failure
Score of 2 or more for 1 of the organ systems using the modified Marshall scoring system
(renal, resp, CVS)
Grading the severity of acute pancreatitis
- mild acute pancreatitis (MAP)
- moderate severe acute pancreatitis (MSAP)
- severe acute pancreatitis (SAP)
Management of gallstone pancreatitits
- initial conservative management
- elective cholecystectomy 4 weeks later
- if jaundiced, do ERCP
How to recognise SAP
- haemodynamic instability
- hypoxic confusion
- pleural effusion + pulm infiltrates on CXRAY
- SIRS response
Why do patients with SAP need ICU admission?
- resus for hypovolaemic shock
- may need ventilation
- metabolic management
- enteral nutrition
Scoring systems for SAP
- Ranson’s
Definition of chronic pancreatitis
A continuing inflammatory disease of the pancrease characterised by irreversible morphologic changes
- assoc with pain and loss of exo/endocrine function
- involves parenchyma and ductal system
Etiology of chronic pancreatitis
- alcohol
- nutritional
- CF
- hereditary
- idiopathic
- AI
- obstructive
Pathogenesis of pain in chronic pancreatitis
- inflammatory processes lead to fibrosis and ductal dilatation
- damaged neural structures
- oxygen free radicals
- compartment syndrome
Complications of chronic pancreatitis
- diabetes
- fat malabsorption
- pseudocyts
- pancreatic ascites
- false aneurysm
- splenic vein thrombosis - portal HPT
- biliary/ duodenal stenosis/ obstruction
2 clinical patterns of chronic pancreatitis
- intermittent mild attacks
- progressive, severe and persistent
How to test pancreatic function
- direct
- indirect = faecal elastase
Step-up pain management regime for chronic pancreatitis
- abstinence with low fat diet
- paracetamol/NSAIDS
- trial of high dose pancreatic enzymes with acid support
- narcotics
- anti-depressants
- percutaneous coeliac plexus block
Drainage procedures for chronic pancreatitis
- pancreatico-jujenostomy
- Frey procedure
Types of glass stones
- chol
- BR
- calciums salts
Causes of black pigment stones
Haemolytic conditions
Liver cirrhosis
Cause of brown pigment stones
Worm infestation
Constituents of bile
- Chol
- bile salts
- phospholipids
Calot’s triangle
- cystic duct inf
- common hepatic duct med
- cystic artery sup
Lymph node in the middle of Calot’s triangle
- Mascagni/ Lund
Surgical objectives of cholecystectomy
- eliminate gallbladder
- eliminate gallstones
- exclude stones in biliary tree
- ensure bile ducts aren’t damaged
Medical treatment of gallstones
- medical dissolution therapy
- contact dissolution therapy
- extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
Definition of acute cholecystitis
A gallstone becomes impacted in cystic duct/ Hartman’s pouch
- leads to inflammation and infection of gallbladder wall
Symptoms of acute cholecystitis
- severe pain
- nausea and vomiting
- pyrexia and Murphy’s sign
Things found on US in cholecystitis
- stone
- thickwalled gallbladder
- radiological Murphys
Natural history of cholecystitis
- stone impacts leading to fibrosis
- asbscess forms (empyema)
- perforation
Definition of choledocholithiasis
Stones in the CBD
Symptoms of cholangitis (Charcot’s triad)
- biliary colic
- jaundice
- fever/rigors