Hepatitis lecture Flashcards
Hepatitis A (HAV)
– Typical enterovirus, RNA non enveloped virus.
– Virus primarily replicates in the intestine, mouth and
– After primary infection, virus spreads through blood reaching the liver.
– Virus are present on feces 2 weeks before the symptoms start.
– Acute type infection, virus does not persist in the host.
Hepatitis A (HAV) Transmission
Fecal – Oral route (water and food contaminated with virus)
Hepatitis A (HAV) epidemiology
– Children are the most frequently affected
– Rarely transmitted by blood
Hepatitis A (HAV) Mechanism of Disease
– Virus replicates within Liver cells (Hepatocytes)
– Immune response clears infected cells.
– No chronic infection with HAV.
Hepatitis A (HAV) Symptoms of Hepatitis
Symptoms of Hepatitis are similar independent of virus type.
– Fever, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting and jaundice. dark urine, pale feces
– Infection resolves itself in 2-4 weeks.
– No chronic hepatitis or predisposition to cancer
happens with HAV.
– Most infections are asymptomatic.
Hepatitis A prevention & treatment
1) Treatment – No antiviral drug is available 2) Prevention – Vaccine – Formaldehyde killed Virus * Indication for travelers, children 2-18yo, anal-oral sex. * Proper hygiene and sewage disposal.
Hepatitis B (HBV) Important features
– DNA double strand enveloped virus
– Produces a persistent infection of liver cells.
– Humans are the only host, no animal reservoir.
Hepatitis B (HBV) cycle
– DNA – RNA – Protein
– RNA - Reverse transcriptase– DNA – New viral particles
Hepatitis B Transmission and epidemiology
– Blood, sexual intercourse, during birth
– Enveloped Viruses more sensitive to environment than non enveloped viruses.
Hepatitis B (HBV) Transmission and epidemiology
– 300 million people are infected – 75% are Asians.
– Vaccination has reduced the rates of liver cancer.
– 5% of infected individuals become chronic carriers – Chronic carriers have virus in the blood for more than 6 months.
– High risk of liver cancer in carriers.
– 90% of the neonate infected become chronic carriers.
Hepatitis B (HBV) Mechanism of Disease
– Immune response trying to eliminate infected cells.
– Replication of virus in the liver.
– Some Chronic carriers clear the infection, some will develop cirrhosis, liver failure or cancer.
Hepatitis B (HBV) Treatment & Prevention
1) Treatment – Alpha interferon – Inhibitors of reverse transcriptase – Inhibitors of viral DNA transcriptase 2) Prevention – Vaccine * Health professionals, transfusions, dialysis, frequent STDs, IV drug users. * All blood transfusions should be screened and no one with history of hepatitis should donate blood.
Hepatitis C (HCV) Important features
– Single strand RNA enveloped virus.
– Hyper-variable genome
Hepatitis C (HCV) Cycle
Uncertain- can not grow in culture.
Hepatitis C (HCV) Transmission
2) Sexual transmission (inefficient modes)
3) Mother-child happens but are inefficient modes.
– HCV is the most prevalent blood borne pathogen in US
4 million Americans are infected (1-2% population)
Hepatitis C (HCV) Mechanism of Disease
– Immune system attacks infected cells.
– Alcoholism accelerates the disease – additional injury to liver cells.
– 75% of the infected individuals will become chronic carriers (more than 1 year producing virus)
– 10% of the carriers develop cirrhosis and cancer.
– HCV is the most common indication for liver transplant.
Hepatitis C (HCV) Treatment & Prevention
1) Treatment
– Alpha interferon injections and reverse transcriptase inhibitors
– Eliminate consumption of alcoholic beverages
2) Prevention
– There is no vaccine
– Blood contact – IV drug users.
Hepatitis D (HDV) Important features
– RNA enveloped virus
– Defective Virus – HDV only infects individuals already infected with HBV.
Hepatitis D (HDV) Transmission and Epidemiology
Same of HBV
Hepatitis D (HDV) Treatment and prevention
No specific treatment for HDV, prevention of HBV also prevents HDV
Hepatitis E (HEV) Important features
– RNA non enveloped virus
– Major cause of enteric transmitted hepatitis in Asia, Africa, India, Mexico. Rare in US.
Hepatitis E (HEV) Transmission and epidemiology
Same of HAV
Fecal – Oral route (water and food contaminated with virus)
– Children are the most frequently affected
– Rarely transmitted by blood
Hepatitis E (HEV) Treatment and prevention
Vaccine, avoid contamination of water and food with virus in the feces.