Hepatic PPT Flashcards
GETA for ERCP should include
RSI for possible aspiration risk
Standard emergence
ERCP, endoscopic sphincterotomy, and biliary stenting are indicated for?
Removal of common duct stones aka choledocholithiasis
Hepatitis B mode of transmission
Blood, Body fluids (semen, saliva)
Hepatitis D similar mode of transmission; coinfection with B
How does acute intoxication affect MAC?
reduces MAC
Increased risk of bleeding or clotting?
Increased: Factor VIII, vWF, fibrinogen
Decreased: Protein C, protein s, antithrombin III
Increased risk of clotting
Mode of transmission for hepatits A?
Hepatitis with a vowel come from the bowel
A, E
Fecal-oral, sewage, contaminated shellfish
Altered mental status and asterixis are features in?
Hepatic encephalopathy
What drug class can induce sphincter of Oddi tone/spasm
*Table Hypoxemia refractory to O2 therapy & PEEP can be due to what effect of cirrhosis?
Hepatopulomary syndrome
decreased FRC
Anesthetic management of acute hepatitis
- Use iso, sevo, or des, avoid halothane
- Maintain normocapnia
- Avoid PEEP ( if needed no more than 5)
- Provide adequate/liberal IV hydration
- Consider regional if coagulation is acceptable and procedure allows
If indicated, attempt to correct prothrombin time to within ___seconds of normal.
What is normal PT?
2 seconds
Normal PT 10.9-12.5 seconds
What alternative to glucagon can you give for sphincter of oddi spasm
Narcan, nalbuphine
nitro, atropine, glycopyrolate
What medications should be avoided in liver disease
Hepatotoxic drugs or CYP450 inhibitors
- Acetaminophen
- Halothane
- Amiodarone
- ABT: PCN, tetracycline, sulfonamides
What factors should lead to consideration of GETA vs deep sedation for ERCP
High aspiration risk
Complex ercp
How to decrease risk of PONV?
Treat preemptively
*What are s/s of acute pancreatitis?
Sudden onset abd pain gradually becoming more severe
Elevation of pancreatic enzymes
When should you consider using cryo?
If FFP ineffective in correcting PT
If a fibrinogen abnormality is present
What is normal intra-abd CO2 insufflation pressure?
10-12mm Hg
Lab findings for choledocholithiasis?
Increased bilirubin & alkaline phosphatase levels
Cephalad displacement of the diaphragm during trend and subsequent intra abd co2 insufflation can lead to
Decreased: lung volumes, lung compliance, FRC, PaO2
Increased:PIP, PaCO2
Possible change of position of ETT –>endobronchial intubation
Hypercapnia and acidosis have vasoconstrictive or vasodilatory effects on hepatic blood flow? Does it cause an increase or decrease in BF?
Vasodilatory effect
Increases HBF
Effects of intra-abd pressure > 15mm Hg
Decreased: venous return, CO
Increased: SVR
Apex* What are manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome? Tx?
Early: tremors hallucinations, nightmares
Late: Increased SNS activity (tachy, htn, dysrhythmias) N/V, insomnia, confusion, agitation
Tx: Alcohol, BB, Alpha2 agonists
Decreased synthesis/decreased synthetic capacity of the liver is suggested in which lab values
Decreased albumin <3.5 g/dL
Prolonged PT time >12.5 Seconds
Describe minor vs major injury d/t halothane
Minor injury: increased ALT postop day 1-10
Major injury: Halothane hepatitis
What intraoperative factors contribute to decreased HBF?
Vasoactive drugs
Pneumoperitoneum (laparoscopy)
*Table What are some cardiovascular effects of liver cirrhosis
Fluid retention
Peripheral edema
Slow, steadily rising CO2 despite measures to decrease may indicate
Subcutaneous emphysema
Most NMB agents are prolonged in patients with liver disease due to what three factors?
- Reduced pseudocholinesterase activity (sux)
- Decreased biliary excretion (roc)
- Larger volume of distribution ( as Vd increases drug elimination half life also increases)
*S/S of endobronchial intubation
Absent lung sounds in unventilated lobe
Increased PIP unrelated to insufflation pressure
Considerations with cholangiograms
Have lead available
Be aware of patients allergies
Prepare to tx hypersensitivity preemptively or acutely prn
* Table Considerations for hepatorenal syndrome include
Maintenance of renal perfusion
Caution with drugs eliminated by kidney
Avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs
This complication of laparoscopic sx happens during trocar placement
Hemorrhage from inadvertent injury to blood vessels
Table* Hysteroscopies, any previous abd sx, needle/trocar in vessel are all risk factors for?
CO2 embolism
*WTH is biliary colic?
Pain that occurs when a gallstone is being passed and blocking a bile duct, typically intermittent
In the chronic alcohol abuser who is not acutely intoxicated- is MAC increased or decreased?
MAC is increased
Hepatitis is likely to cause elevations in which lab tests ?
ALT (10-55units/L)
AST (10-40units/L)
ALT more specific for hepatic injuries
AST nonspecific, can originate from skeletal muscle, rbc, kidney, pancreas, brain and heart
What are some risk factors for liver disease?
Excessive alcohol intake IV drug use Use of hepatotoxic medications
* Table Chronic viral hepatitis lab findings
AST and ALT levels: normal to 10x upper limit of normal
ALK: Normal to slightly elevated
Bilirubin: Normal to elevated
INR: Normal to elevated
Albumin: Normal to decreased
25% of blood flow to the liver comes from where?
Hepatic artery
Manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome appear _____ hours
Endocrine features of liver cirrhosis
- Less glucose production-watch for hypoglycemia
- Decreased metabolism of insulin
- Hypogonadism
Which VA causes the greatest reduction in hepatic flow?
Intraop or postop?
Hepatotoxic postop
What measures can be taken to preserve hepatic blood flow in cirrhotic patients?
- Avoid halothane
- Consider regional if procedure and coagulation allow
- Maintain normocapnia
- Avoid PEEP if possible
- Provide generous volume maintenance
- Avoid hepatotoxic medications [acetominophen, sulonamides, tetracycline, penicillin, amiodarone]
* Table What are some integument changes in liver cirrhosis
Spider angioma
Palmar erythema
Caput medusae