Henry VIII Protestant Reformation Flashcards
When did Henry VIII begin his reign?
When did Martin Luther nail his criticisms of the Catholic Church onto the door of a church?
What did Martin Luther’s decision bring a start to?
The Protestant Reformation
When did Religious War break out with Rome?
When does Henry specifically go to war with Germany?
When did Henry VIII go to war specifically with Switzerland?
When does Henry annul his marriage with Anne Boleyn?
In 1528-1533
When does Henry declare the Act of Supremacy?
When did Henry VIII close down all of the Monastries?
When are all of the Monastries closed down by?
Who takes the throne after Henry VIII dies?
His reign is passed onto Edward VI
What year does the Reformation accelerate rapidly?
Who becomes the monarch after Edward dies
Mary I becomes Queen (Bloody Mary)
When is the return to Catholicism?
How many people are burned at the stakes for refusing to accept the religious changes?
When did Mary I die?
Who was Mary’s Husband?
Philip II of Spain
How many children did Mary have?
None (Trick Question)
Who is declared to be the next Monarch after Mary’s death?
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth does what to keep a middle way between Catholicism and Protestants?
She keeps some of both religions in her country
Which Mary is executed because Elizabeth feels threatened by her?
Mary Queen of Scots
In which year is the Spanish Armarda?
Who wins the Spanish Armada?
What were Englands tactics to defeat the Armada?
They sail burning ships into the Armada to lower the enemy numbers
What natural event caused England to win the war?
The “Protestant wind”, this was a strong wind forcing the Spanish sailors into a rocky shore and crashing.