Henry VII Treaties Flashcards
Henry Tudor Marriage Promise - 1483
Henry Tudor swore an oath in Reims Cathedral that when he succeeded in taking the English throne from Richard III he would marry Edward IV’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth of York.
Treaty of Medina del Campo - 1489
Spain and England would not make treaties with France without sounding the other out first.
There would be equal trading rights for each other’s merchants.
Prince Arthur would marry the Spanish Catherine of Aragon to cement the alliance. The marriage took place by proxy in 1499 and for real in 1501. Catherine’s dowry would be 200,000 crowns.
In 1497, terms for the marriage of Catherine of Aragon and Prince Arthur were now set out in detail. Catherine would come to England in 1500 when Arthur was 14 years old. Her dowry of 200,000 crowns would be paid in two instalments.
Truce of Coldstream - 1491
Henry agreed a peace treaty with James IV of Scotland. He wanted the treaty to last for five years but James would only agree to one year.
In 1492, Henry negotiated an extension of the peace with Scotland for a further two years.
Treaty of Étaples - 1492
This peace treaty between England and France was negotiated by Richard Foxe and ended the Breton Crisis. It provided for a peace which would last until one year after the death of the King that lived longest. Each King agreed not to give assistance to the other’s enemies. All English property in France, apart from Calais, was to be returned to France. Henry VII would be paid an annual pension from France.
Intercursus Magnus - 1496
This was a treaty between England and the Netherlands. It was negotiated by Richard Foxe and provided for a renewal of trade between the two countries. Customs duties were also agreed. A clause was added to the treaty which stated that neither country was to aid the other’s rebels. Under this clause it was agreed that if Margaret of Burgundy continued to give aid to Henry’s enemies (namely Perkin Warbeck) then Philip of Burgundy would take action.
Holy League of Venice - 1496
England joined the Holy League of Venice. The League of Venice had been set up in March 1495 in response to the French invasion of the Italian States. The League united the Papal States, Venice, Naples, Spain, Milan, the Holy Roman Empire, Florence, Mantua and now England against France.
Marriage Treaty Offered to Scotland - 1496
Henry did not want war with Scotland but he also wanted James IV to withdraw his support from Perkin Warbeck. He therefore offered the Scottish King the hand of his daughter, Margaret.
Treaty of Ayton - 1497
A truce was declared between England and Scotland and it was agreed that the truce should last for 7 years. Negotiations for a marriage between James IV and Princess Margaret were re-opened.
Westminster Conference - 1498
This conference was held between England and the German states to discuss the Treaty of Utrecht that had been signed in 1474. The 1474 treaty had been interpreted in such a way as to give the merchants of Venice and the Hansa privileges in England. Henry VII was not happy about this and urged the Germans to accept his interpretation of the treaty.
Bruges Conference - 1498
The trade conference between the Netherlands and England, planned in 1497 to discuss a renewal of trade between the countries went ahead but accomplished little.
England and Netherlands Trade - 1498
The English Merchant Adventurers were granted a trade monopoly with the Netherlands.
Margaret of Burgundy Apology - 1499
Margaret of Burgundy sent an official apology to Henry VII for supporting Perkin Warbeck.
England and Burgundy Conference - 1499
A conference held at Calais between Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy settled some of the differences that had arisen following the breakdown of Intercursus Magnus (1496).
Scottish Marriage Alliance - 1499
A treaty was concluded with Scotland. It provided for peace between the two countries to last for the lifetime of both Kings. It was to be sealed with the marriage of Princess Margaret to James IV of Scotland.
Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy Meeting - 1500
Henry VII sailed to Calais for a meeting with Philip of Burgundy. He hoped to convince Philip that England was at peace and that the accession of the Tudor dynasty had settled the differences between the Lancastrians and Yorkists.
Dowry Payment - 1501
As per the terms of the marriage treaty, Ferdinand and Isabella paid the first instalment of Catherine’s dowry, 100,000 crowns.
Treaty of Perpetual Peace - 1502
This treaty between England and Scotland provided that each King would put an end to the border disputes and would not make war on each other or assist each other’s enemies. A Perpetual peace was to last for the lifetime of each king and their legitimate heirs and successors. The allies of each country were to be given the opportunity to be included in the treaty. The treaty would be sealed with the marriage of Princess Margaret to King James of Scotland.
Treaty of Aachen - 1502
Henry VII agreed a treaty with Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian. Henry promised to give Maximilian 10,000 crowns towards his war with Turkey and Maximilian agreed to stop giving refuge to Henry’s enemies, notably Edmund de la Pole.
Marriage Treaty for Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon - 1503
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain had not been in favour of their daughter marrying Henry VII and had pressed for her to be married to Prince Henry instead. This new treaty declared that, subject to the necessary dispensation being obtained from the Pope, the marriage would go ahead in two years when Prince Henry reached the age of fourteen. In addition to the dowry payment already made, Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to pay a further 100,000 crowns. Catherine was to give up all claims to the first dowry payment and also to her widow’s pension on the understanding that once married she would receive an equivalent revenue.
Henry VII Remarriage - 1505
Negotiations began for a possible marriage between Henry VII and Margaret of Savoy.
Treaty of Windsor - 1506
This secret treaty between Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy was concluded. Both parties agreed to ally themselves unconditionally. Henry agreed to allow Philip free passage through the English Channel so that he could easily travel between Spain and the Netherlands. Philip was installed as a Knight of the Garter.
In late February, the Spanish ambassador, de Puebla, learned of the Treaty of Windsor and informed Ferdinand of Spain that Henry had betrayed him.
Treaty of Redon - 1489
England and Brittany agreed the Treaty of Redon in February 1489, according to which the Duchess Anne would pay for a small English army to defend Brittany from the French threat.