Hemostasis Physiology Flashcards
What are the platelet precursors and how do they develop into platelets?
fragment into a lot smaller platelets
Can platelets produce ATP?
Yes, have mitochondria
What is the purpose of platelets’ growth factor?
induces fibroblast activity after clot formation to cause connective tissue formation and closing of the vessel defect
What are the contractile proteins of platelets?
How do platelets prevent binding to healthy endothelial cells?
surface is coated by glycoproteins - repulse adherence to normal endothelium - causes only adherence to injured endothelial cells
What is the half life of platelets and how are they eliminated?
about 10 days
dogs: 5-7 days
destroyed by macrophages
Describe the formation of a platelet plug
tissue injury - exposed collagen and vWF - platelets bind to this and become activated
* form pseudopods
* swell and become sticky
* release granules –> attract more platelets
* release TXA2, ADP, PAF –> attract more platelets
enough to stop bleeding of tiny inuries - otherwise fibrin required
What platelet receptors bind vWF?
What are the 2 possible fates of a blood clot?
- dissolution
- connective tissue integration via fibroblasts
What are the 2 stages of fibrin monomer binding?
- early stages - fibrin monomers held together by weak noncovalent hydrogen bonding - no cross-linking - weak clot and can be broken apart easily
- within next few minutes - fibrin stabilizing factor (XIII, activated by thrombin) - forms covalent bonds ebtween fibrin monomers - strong meshwork
Explain the steps of clot retraction
within few min of clot formation - contraction, expression of serum withn 20-60 min
platelets activate thrombosthenin, actin, myosin - cause strong contractions
Describe the steps of the extrinsic pathway
TF exposure - activates and binds to circulating FVII –> activates FX —> binds with FV to form prothrombin activator complex with Ca2+ and phospholipids
How is FV activated?
Initially inactive as part of the prothrombin activator complex
once small amounts of thrombin activated –> will activate FVa which accelerates the prothrombin activation
Describe the Intrinsic pathway
exposure to collagen or blood trauma => FXII activation and phospholipid release from platelets
=> FXIIa activated FXI, this step requires kallikrein and is accelerated by prekallikrein
=> FXIa activates FIX
=> FXIa + VIIIa + phospholipids + platelet factor 3 => activate FX
=> FXa + FV => prothrombin activator
What factor do platelet phospholipids contain?
Platelet factor 3
How do the speeds of the extrinsic versus intrinsic pathway compare?
Extrinsic pathway is very fast, can happen within seconds
Intrinsic pathways takes minutes to cause clotting
What are characteristics of the endothelium that help keep clotting at bay
- smooth surface - prevents contact activation
- glycocalyx - repels clotting factors and platelets
- thrombomodulin on the endothelial surface - binds thrombin and also activates APC
- endothelial cells produce NO and PGI2 –> vasodilation and platelet inhibition