Hemorrhoids Flashcards
What is Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swellings in the anus that are a result of swelling of the network of veins in your anal area. If you suspect hemorrhoids, you should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by a physician for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan and to exclude a serious illness or condition. Hemorrhoids are just one of many causes for rectal bleeding and lesions around the anus that need evaluation.
In mild cases, topical medications and an improved diet can help to alleviate symptoms. In other cases, IRC (Infrared Coagulation), hemorrhoid banding or rarely, surgery can be performed to physically remove the hemorrhoids.
A complete evaluation and early diagnosis by your doctor is very important. Rectal bleeding can be a symptom of any type of colorectal or anal cancer, a type of cancer that can be cured if detected early.
Almost everyone gets hemorrhoids. They may be embarrassing, painful and annoying, but they’re rarely deadly. Hemorrhoids are veins in your anal canal and lower rectum that have become inflamed or swollen. The same condition in your legs causes varicose veins.
HemorrhoidsYou can get hemorrhoids inside your rectum, where they’re called internal hemorrhoids. You can get them under the skin around your anus, where they’re called external hemorrhoids. You can get both kinds at the same time. Additional strain or pressure on hemorrhoids can cause them to bleed.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
By middle age, almost half of all adults in the United States have had to deal with hemorrhoids at one time or another. The condition usually is signaled by itching, discomfort and bleeding. If blood pools in an external hemorrhoid, it may form a clot, called a thrombus. This condition can result in severe pain
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Other symptoms include:
Irritation and swelling in your anal area
Associated pain
A sensitive or painful lump near your anus
Painless bleeding that leaves bright red blood on tissue or in the bowl during bowel movements
Leaking feces
Rectal bleeding also can be a symptom of another medical condition, including cancer. You should consult a hemorrhoids specialist or physician like Dr. Khodadadian. Furthermore, if you noticed a change in your bowel patterns or if you’ve passed black, tarry or maroon stools, see him right away. It can be a sign of a more serious condition, including colon cancer. Finally, get immediate help if you feel lightheaded or dizzy or if you’re passing a large volume of blood, which can lead to anemia.
Causes of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can form when you push and strain during bowel movements. Other causes include:
Sitting on the toilet too long Aging Heavy lifting Chronic diarrhea or constipation The last six months of pregnancy Giving birth Anal intercourse Obesity A low-fiber diet Liver disease
Diagnosing Hemorrhoids
A hemorrhoids specialist trained gastroenterologist (GI doctor) like Dr. Khodadadian is familiar with the signs of hemorrhoids. A physical examination, including a rectal exam at hid NYC office, may be enough to confirm the presence of hemorrhoids. To find any internal hemorrhoids, Dr. Khodadadian can use an anoscope, a short tube with a camera on the end, to examine your lower rectum and anal canal.
The NYC GI doctor may use more extensive diagnostic measures and tests — like performing a colonoscopy — to rule out other more serious causes of rectael bleeding.
Hemorrhoids Treatments
At times, you can treat hemorrhoids at home with an over-the-counter topical cream, a hydrocortisone suppository and/or stool softeners once the diagnosis is established. A gastroenterologist should be seen for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. You may want to consider some lifestyle changes as well. Add more fiber to your diet. Drink more water. Get some exercise. Lose weight, if necessary.
Medical treatment of severe internal hemorrhoids includes:
Infrared coagulation, a minimally invasive, state-of-the-art office-based option that uses infrared light or heat to treat your hemorrhoids. After one treatment, your small, bleeding, internal hemorrhoids harden and shrivel. The tiny resulting scar tissue holds the other veins in place, preventing future hemorrhoids.
Rubber band ligation, in which Dr. Khodadadian places little rubber bands around the base of a hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. It shrinks and falls off with the rubber band in a few days during a bowel movement.
Surgery, which may be required to remove hemorrhoids in severe cases or if symptoms persist despite other treatments.