Hemodynamics Flashcards
risk factors for CAD
high lipid level above 240 over age 65 HTN smoking viral ardiomyopathy
cardiac output
CI =
CO x BMI (includes body mass)
amount of blood pumped out of LV during systole & amount remaining at end of diastole
ejection fraction
normal EF
60-70 %
O2 demand exceeds ability of coronary arteries to supply heart with O2, (usually insufficiant blood flow)
myocardial infarction
what is MI caused by
thrombus or spasm (plaque), you have cyanosis in 10 seconds, after minutes, anaerobic metabolism produces lactic acid, stimulates nerves to send pain messages through thoracic cavity = CP
how long are the cells viable for
20 minutes, after that they have sustained necrosis, that are of the heart stops beating
what is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality
full thickness
partial thickness
what will show in the EKG for the zone of infarction
develop a Q wave
what will show in the EKG for the zone of injury
ST evaluation
what till show in the EKG for the zone of ischemia
T wave inversion
what leads will be affected if the anterior part of the heart is injured/ischemic
what leads will be affected if the inferior part of the heart is injured/ischemic
II, III, aVf
what leads will be affected if the lateral part of the heart is injured /ischemic
V5, V6, I, aVl
left circumflex
where is the worst place to infarct
*widow maker
when does healing begin after an MI
24 hours, leukocytes start working, macrophages remove damaged (necrotic) tissues, tissues are vulnerable for 10-14 days
what happens after injury to the myocardium
compensated bby thickening, dialating & remodeling (CHF)
abrupt loss of cerebral blood flow, only 20% of survivors leave the hospital
sudden cardiac arrest
Tx for cardiac arrest
ICD surgery, low EF is a sign prior to arrest, most have had MIs in the past
management of MI in acute stage, short term goals
relieve pain*, control lethal arrhythmias, preserve the myocardium (stop progression of MI)
*primary goal
pain is =
cell death
long term goals for management of MI in acute stage
cope effectively with anxiety, compliacne with rehab program, modify/alter risk factors
Dx of acute MI
serum enzyme levels CK & troponin*
most indicative (a protein not an enzyme)
12 lead EKG 1 mm ST elevation
CXR, CBC, thyroid, lipid, CRP, CT/PET, Echo, stress test, cardiac cath
ST segment elevation
more than 1 mm above or below isoelectric line
why does ST segment elevation occur
myocaridal injury, happens over affected area of the ventricle, they return back to the isoelectric line in about 2 weeks
T wave inversion
ischemia causes symmetrical inversion of T wave,
Q wave development
normal Q wave is 1 mm or less, Q wave develop wen ST segments are elevated, appear several hours/days after MI
what is the greatest sign of ischemia
why is morphine sulfate given
decrease anxiety, O2 demand, and restlessness
why is nitro given
vasodilator used for pain relief, deceases preload & afterload, decreases myocardial O2 demand
side effects of morphine and nitro
watch BP, can drop quickly
*assess VS Q5-10 minutes
what are the most common side effects of MI
what is given for PVCs and V tach
lidocaine give bolus then follow up with drip administer amiodarone (1st line) O2
what is given to preserve the myocardium
thrombolytics within 30 minutes (if criteria is meet)
stool softeners (decrease risk of straining, decrease the use of valsalva maneuver)
nutrition (low fat diet)
Beta blockers
decrease infarct size, decrease preload and afterload, decrease HR/contractility
ACE inhibitors
decrease remodeling of ventricle, decrease ventricular dilation, decrease CHF & mortality
Anti coag (Heparin)
decrease risk of thrombi, decrease re-occlusion 12-24 hours after thrombolytic therapy
inhibit platelet aggregation rapid antithrombic
usually only as an antiarrhythmic (Torsods)
what other interventions can be done for MI
HOB elevated, bed rest for 12 hours, reduce stress, rest and comfort, Mild sedative to reduce anxiety, sleeping pills, dietary restrictions (clear liquids to cardiac diet, I & O, daily weights, decrease salt/chol/fat/caffeine, CABG, PTCA, therapeutic hypothermia
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
emergency measure for revascularization of myocardium
therapeutic hypothermia
proven to improve neurological outcomes following cardiac arrest
what is recommended as first line Tx for MI
PTCA, fibrolytic therapy, CABG
plan of care for MI pt
perform ongoing assessment, limit energy expenditure, maintain hemodynamic stability (increase CO & tissue perfusion, keep BP and HR increased {not hypotensive}), tx complications, provide emotional support, teach
hypothermia protocol
keep temperature between 32-34 degrees, monitor temp with bladder temp probe, keep target temp for 12-24 hours, cooling blankets, ice packs in groin and torso
Signs Sx of possible MI
diaphoretic, increase temp, pallor, N/V, confusion, syncope, stroke, CP, EKG changes, JVD, peripheral edema, abnormal heart sounds, SOB, orthopnea, tachypnea, crackles, frothy sputum, decrease UO, anxiety, agitation, denile
what heart sound is common in MI
S4 (decrease of LV compliance, atrial gallop)
when is a pericardial friction rub develop in MI pt
2-3 days post infarct, inflammation causes loss of function (pericarditis)
what is the most frequent complication of MI
arrhythmias (80%)
V fib after MI
cause sudden death 2 hours post MI
sinus tach after MI
anterior wall MI, need to correct with adenosine to slow the rhythm, need to increase myocardial O2 demand, decrease systemic perfusion
PACs after MI
1/2 of all MI pts will have
a fib after MI
common with anterior MI, decrease CO, formation of clots
PVC after MI
most develop a few hours after MI, need O2, correct any acid imbalance, IV lidocaine, pronestyl, cordarone (amioderone)
2nd degree type 1 after MI
inferior MI, temporary pacer, or atropine if hemodynamically significant
2nd degree type 2 after MI
anterior MI, need pacemaker
accelerated idioventricular rhythm after MI
most common reperfusion rhythm, tolerated well, no Tx
what are the major goals of MI
tx the underlying cause, presume CO and tissue perfusion
MI complications are
thromboemboli, pericarditis, dresslers syndrome, ventricular septal rupture, ventricular aneurysm, cardiac rupture, papillary muscle rupture
have in deep veins of leg or chambers of the heart, can lead to stroke, pulm. emboli, peripheral arterial occlusion
who is at high risk for emboli
severly ill, hx of valvular heart disease, greater than 60 years old, prolonged bed rest, a-fib/a-flutter
Tx for possible thromboemboli
heparin, Coumadin, OOB quickly, if have edema (bed rest until it clears)
inflammation of visceral/parietal pericardium or both
causes of pericarditis
cardiac compression, decrease ventricular filling, decrease emptying and failure = result in cardiac tamponade
S/Sx of pericarditits
CP mild to severe, increase with inspiration, coughing, movement in upper body
sitting forward can relieve the pain
excess fluid in the pericardium causes what
tamponade, drained with needle, catheter or surgery
Hallmark sign of pericarditis
fricition rub, heard at left sternal boarder
also have fever, dyspnea, cough, EKG have ST segment elevation
Tx for pericarditis
Tx of Sx: pain, anxiety, decrease CO
give analgesics, anti-inflammatory, NSAIDs
when is pericardiocentesis used
if tamponade develops
look for JVD, listen for rub, assess for CP
Dressler’s syndrome
Post MI syndrome, occurs 10 days to 3 months post MI,
pleuritic type CP, hypersensitivity to products of necrotic myocardium
pericarditis with pleural effusion (called late pericarditis, may be an autoimmune response)
S.sx of dresslers syndrome
pleuritic pain, fever, increase SED rate & WBC, friction rub audible, left pleural effusion, arthralgia (joint pain)
Tx for dresslers syndrome
same as pericarditis, any CP must be Tx as a recurrent ischemic attack
analgesics, anti-inflammatory, NSAIDs
Ventricular septal rupture
develop rapidly, usually end in death, rare, when blood is shunted from LV to RV
S/Sx of ventricular septal rupture
hear new, loud systolic murmur, progressive dyspnea, tachy, pulm. congestion
Tx for ventricular septal rupture
urgent cardiac cath to surgically correct
after load reducers: Nipride
preload reducers: Lasix
non contractile thinned LV wall results in reduction of stroke volume, increase of stress on necrotic portion of LV wall, region bulges out during systole, and a scar forms
ventricular aneurysm
where does ventricular aneurysm commonly occur
in apical area, may develop in hours or weeks
Dx for ventricular aneurysm
palpate ectopic impulses, bulge noted on xray or ECHO
Tx for ventricular aneurysm
manage complications, may need surgery
What does prognosis depend on with ventricular aneurysm
size of aneurysm, LV function, severity of co existing CAD, rupture of aneurysm is rare
cardiac rupture
when you have leukocyte scavenger cells remove necrotic debris causing a thin cardiac wall, important for patients to continue to rest
S/sx of cardiac rupture
see sudden neck vein distension, hypotension (not bradycardia), PEA, happens rapidly, usually 5-6 days post MI
papillary muscle rupture
95% fatality rate, support the mitral valve, rupture causes mitral valve regurgitation
S.sx of papillary muscle rupture
dyspnea, pulmonary edema, decrease CO, increase volume in L atrium, hear systolic murmur
complete rupture of papillary muscle
acute mitral regurgitation, cardiogenic shock, high mortality rate
what does partial rupture cause
mitral regurgitation but can support need emergency surgery to replace the valve
an abnormal accumulation of fluid in alveoli and interstitial spaces, leads to LV failure and is life threatening, interferes with gas exchange between alveoli & pulmonary capillaries
acute pulmonary edema
patho of pulmonary edema
increase hydrostatic pressures or decrease colloid oncotic pressure, fluid leaves the pulmonary capillaries & enters interstitial spaces (edema),
common causes of acute pulmonary edema
left sided CHF (flash edema)
S/sx of acute pulmonary edema
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea*, agitation, pale, cyanosis, cool clammy, accessory muscle use, wheezing, coughing with frothy blood tinged sputum, increase of HR, increase or decrease of BP, increase of PaCO2 = acidosis
impaired cardiac function, ventricle is unable to maintain CO sufficient to meet metabolic needs
acute congestive heart failure
most at risk for CHF
what compensatory mechanisms are activated with CHF
adrenergic system, renin angiotensin aldosterone system, ventricular dilation/ventricular hypertrophy, increase of sympathetic nervous system
adrenergic system
release epi
increase PVR, blood is shunted from non vital organs to heart and brain, increases preload
renin angiotensin aldosterone system
constriction of renal arterioles
decreases GFR, increases reabsorption of Na, fluid retention = increase of CO
ventricular dilation/ventricular hypertrophy
stretches & increases ventricular wall thickness
hypertrophy helps the ventricle overcome the increase of pressure, increases afterload (remodeling)
*give ACE inhibitor
increase of sympathetic nervous system
increase of HR and contractility (increases the need for O2)
what do compensatory mechanisms affect
HR, preload, afterload, stroke volume, contractility
R sided CHF (cor pulmonale)
ineffective RV contractile function
most commonly caused by failure of the left side or blood backing up behind the left ventricle (JVD)
left sided CHF
disturbance of contractile function of LV resulting in pulmonary congestion or edema, decrease of CO, most frequently occurs with LV infarcts
acute vs. chronic
refers to the rapidity with which syndromes develop and the activation of compensatory mechanisms
S.sx of acute CHF & pulmonary edema
resting dyspnea, cachexia (wasting), orthopnea, weight increase, tachy, JVD (with R sided), apical pulse is displaced left and down, hear S3 & S4, crackles, wheeze, edema (symmetrical), cool shiny swollen no hair, brownish color, restless, hepatomegaly (ascities), void @ night increases
Goal of care with CHF
reduce edema and cardiac workload, increase CO, manage HTN, decrease afterload
Dx for CHF and pulmonary edema
H&P, ABGs, CXRay, hemodynamic monitoring, 12 lead EKG, ECHO (EF), cardiac cath, BNP, D Dimer
b type natriuretic peptide, hormone secreted by ventricular tissue in response to increase of volume and pressure
D Dimer
used to rule out blood clotting problems,
monitor Tx if in DIC
goals of therapy for CHF and pulmonary edema
decrease intravascular volume (Lasix) decrease venous return (preload) decrease after load (nipride, tridil, morphine) improve gas exchange improve cardiac function reduce anxiety (morphine)