Hemodynamics Flashcards
Impediment of BF
R = (Pa-Pv)/Q
Ohms law?
Q = (Pa-Pv)/R –> Q(BF) is proportional to change in pressure
Linear velocity of Q(BF)?
BF velocity = 1/cross-sectional Area = 1/A (units: distance/sec)
v = Q/A
BF is the same thru regions of vessels connected in?
BF thru regions connected in Parallel?
BF is the same at each level of the circulation Total perfusion (in all systemic vascular) = CO = VR
Bld velocity and Area relationship in the vascular system?
If BF is constant: bld velocity---> Greatest = larger vessels Slowest = smaller vessels Total Cross-sectional Area ---> Greatest = Cap Smallest = Large vessels
Explain how Poiseuilles law influences Resistance to BF?
Under ideal conditions the Resistance is described by poiseuilles law: Resistance is dependent on Diameter and Viscosity
R = 8nl/N(pi)r(4)
The Hagen-Poiseuille Equation?
Q = [N(pi)r(4) / 8nl] x (Pa-Pv) R = 8nl/N(pi)r(4)
2r(4) = 16(Q) 1/2r(4) = 16(R)
2n = 1/2(Q) 1/2n = 2(R)
2l = 1/2(Q) 1/2l = 2(R)
Reynolds number?
used to determine turbulent flow
Re = vpD/n
Re = 6000-8000 = Turbulent flow is occuring
BF is proportional to the pressure gradient until?
Critical velocity is reached = murmur
perm. of BF C=1/R
Q = [N(pi)r(4)/8nl] x (Pa-Pv) —> double the r(4) = 16(Q)
R = 8nl/N(pi)r(4) —> halve the r(4) = 16(R)
Resistance in Series (Rs)?
Rs = Change(P)/BF(=CO)
change(P): Pdiff bw before and after Rn
**Rt(s)»_space; Largest Rn
Resistance in Parallel(Rp)?
Rp = (Pa-Pra)/BFn = 100-0/BFn
**Rt(p) «_space;Smallest Rn
Rheological properties of Bld?
non-newtonian fl
viscosity calculated by Poiseuilles equation
Viscosity proportional Hematocrit
The viscosity of bld depends on?
hematocrit (#Bld Cells)
*Viscosity of bld resulting from Anemia and Polycythemia?
Anemia = decreases Viscosity & Resistance
Polycythemia = increases viscosity & Resistance
The Relative Viscosity of bld and diameter?
Below 0.3mm: decrease Diameter = increase Viscosity
Above 0.3mm: increase Diameter = decrease Viscosity
Plasma Skimming?
vessels branching at right angles = poor [RBCs]
may explain why capillary Hematocrit is 25% lower than whole bld hematocrit
*La Place Law?
T = (Pi-Pt)r/w
-for a given transmural pressure (Pi-Pt):
wall tension (T) proportional radius (r)
capillary = small (r) & low (Pi-Pt) = LOW wall tension (T)
Aorta = large (r) & high (Pi-Pt) = HIGH wall tension (T)
(greater thickness & collagen)
According to La Places Law, why are Aneurysms unstable?
increased (r) = increased (T) = unstable