An imaginary line that divides the Earth into two halves; it is halfway between the North and South Poles
equator ( do not capitalize the letter E)
Earth being divided by the imaginary line
hemisphere (do not capitalize letter H)
What do you need to know in order to understand the hemispheres?
You need to know how to use cardinal directions to express or be able to tell the location
What are the four cardinal directions?
North, South, East and West
It is half of the Earth and everything that is north of the equator
Northern Hemisphere
It is half of the Earth and everything south of the equator
Southern Hemisphere
It is the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole; it divides the earth in half from top to bottom; it runs through Greenwich, england
prime meridian (do not capitalize letters P and M)
Where does the prime meridian run through?
Greenwich, England (memorize the spelling and with capital G and capital E)
It is half of the earth; the area east of the prime meridian
Eastern Hemisphere (capital H and capital E)
It is half of the earth; the area west of the prime meridian
Western Hemisphere (capital W and capital H)
What are the four hemispheres?
Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere ( be careful of your spelling and identify them in the globe!!!)
What is the importance of latitude and longitude?
It is important so that we could identify the Easter and Western hemispheres; they are used as point of reference - MEMORIZE THIS!!!
What is longitude?
the vertical lines that run north to south of the globe (top to bottom)
It measures the distance east or west of the prime meridian
What is latitude?
the horizontal lines that run from east to west of the globe (left to right)
It measures the distance from north or south of Earth’s equator
A line of longitude that runs near London, England
prime meridian