HEME/ONC Flashcards
Normal Hgb for females
Normal Hgb for males
normal HCT for females
normal HCT for males
normal TIBC
normal serum iron
normal MCV
microcytic MCV
normocytic MCV
macrocytic MCV
normal MCH (mean corpuscular volume)
normal MCHC (mean corpuscular hgb concentration)
32-36% (aka -normochromic)
Differential dx of microcytic MCV
thalassemia IDA
Differential dx of normocytic MCV
anemia of chronic disease (renal failure) *blood loss *hemolysis sickle cell disease
Differential dx of macrocytic MCV
B12 or folate deficiency alcoholism liver failure drug effects
most common cause of anemia
causes of IDA
-blood loss (GIB) -inadequate iron intake -impaired absorption of iron
S&S of IDA
-**PICA -dyspnea, mild fatigue w/exercise -HA -palpitations -weakness -tachycardia -postural hypotension -pallor
LAB findings in IDA
-low Hgb/Hct -low RBC -low MCV (microcytic) -low MCHC (hypochromic) -low serum iron -**low serum ferritin **high TIBC -high RDW
Treatment of IDA
oral ferrous sulfate 300-325mg 1-2 hr AFTER meals (food dec absorption)
Teaching points necessary to teach patients who will be taking oral iron
-take 2 hrs after food -avoid w/antacids -do not take with Vit C (inc absorption)
Food high in iron
raisins green leafy veges red meats citrus products iron-fortified bread & cereals
LAB findings in thalassemia
-dec Hgb -low MCV (microcytic) -low MCHC (hypochromic) -*normal TIBC -normal ferritin -decrease alpha or beta Hgb chains
Management of thalasemia
-generally not needed if mild -if severe–> RBC transfusion, splenectomy **NO iron –> can lead to iron overload
what differentiates folate vs Vit B12 deficiency?
*no neuro sxs in folate deficiency
LAB findings in folate deficiency
-low Hct & RBC -high MCV (macrocytic) -NL MCHC (normochromic) -serum folate decreased
Treatment of folate deficiency
Folate 1mg PO q D
foods high in folic acid
bananas peanut butter fish green leafy veges iron-fortified breads & cereals
Cause of pernicious anemia
d/t lack of intrinsic factor which results in malabsorption of Vit B12
S&S of pernicious anemia
glossitis (beefy tongue)
palpitations dizziness
**NEURO SXS paresthesia, loss of vibratory sense, loss of fine motor control, positive romberg &babinski
LAB findings in pernicious anemia
dec Hgb, Hct, RBC -inc MCV (macrocytic) NL MCHC (normochromic) dec serum B12 (<0.1mcg.ml)
Diagnosis of pernicious anemia
anti-IF & antiparietal cell antibody test -schilling test may help determine cause