Heme - Onc Flashcards
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis is most commonly caused by what?
[Beta-thalassemia] = [Chronic Hemolytic Anemia]
Explain the 2 steps of the Schilling Test
1st: [Oral Vit B12] is given with [IV Vit B12] –> Excess [Vit B 12]. Urine is collected and should show [HIGH urinary excretion] of [Vit B12]= indicates [Vit B12] was [intestinally absorbed] properly into the circulatory system
(low urinary excretion = possible malabsorption problem and rules out dietary deficiency)
2nd: Repeat, but do with [Intrinsic Factor]
(If it corrects = IF deficiency was the issue)
( If doesn’t correct = TRUE MALABSORPTION PROBLEM)
Name 4 Common causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- GIP [Gastritis / Ilial Resection / Pancreatitis]
- Fish Tapeworm
- Atrophic Gastritis –> Destruction of [Parietal Cells that produce IF] –> DEC [Intrinsic Factor]
- Strict Vegetarians (Proteins contain Vit B12)
A: List the Dx Criteria for SLE - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
B: How many of these criteria must be met for diagnosis?
- Butterfly Malor Rash
- Ulcers (Oral vs. Nasal)
- Brain Dz (seizures / psychosis)
- Arthritis (can tx w/anti-malarial)
- Serositis (pericarditis / pleurisy / peritonitis)
- Kidney Dz (Lupus Membranous Nephropathy) vs. (Lupus Nephritis)
- Anti-nuclear Antibodies
- Pancytopenia (includes compliment)
- Photosensitivity
- Autoantibodies (dsDNA vs. Smith vs. Phospholipid(False positive VLDR) )
- Discoid Rash anywhere on body
B: At least 4
Where does Extramedullary Hematopoiesis for this condition occur? (2)
Liver and Spleen
Classic presentation (3) for [Peau d’Orange (inflammatory Breast CA)]
and MOD
[Erythematous / itchy / indurated (orange peel) Rash] caused by
CA spreading to dermal lymphatic space –> obstructing lymphatic drainage
Key Features of [Ductal Carcinoma In Situ] (3)
Invasive or NonInvasive?
Key Features of [Paget Breast CA] (2)
Invasive or NonInvasive?
Key Features of [Ductal Carcinoma] (2)
Invasive or NonInvasive?
Key Features of [Lobular Carcinoma] (2)
Invasive or NonInvasive?
The HER2Neu oncogene encodes for a ______ glycoprotein that has intracellular _____ activity and is in the ____ family. This ultimately does what?
The HER2Neu oncogene encodes for a [185kD transmembrane] glycoprotein that has intracellular Tyrosine Kinase activity and is in the EGFR family. Ultimately accelerates cell proliferation.
How does Warfarin cause Skin Necrosis? Which demographic? Onset?
Warfarin inhibits Protein C and S (natural anticoagulants) –> Skin Necrosis.
People deficient in these are at INC risk
Onset = first few days of warfarin therapy
Manifestations of Atrophic Gastritis (3)
- hypOchlorhydria
- DEC IF production –> VitB12 Deficiency
- INC methylmalonic acid
[Identify and Describe Arrows] and then Dz
AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia)
[Blast = immature myeloid precursors that replace normal bone marrow]–> Pancytopenia
Auer rods = [Peroxidase linear puple inclusions]
Von Willebrand Dz
A: Platelet Count
B: PT time
C: aPTT time
D: Fibrinogen level
E: Describe Peripheral Blood Smear
[IITP - Immune Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura]
A: Platelet Count
B: PT time
C: aPTT time
D: Fibrinogen level
E: Describe Peripheral Blood Smear
A: Platelet Count
B: PT time
C: aPTT time
D: Fibrinogen level
E: Describe Peripheral Blood Smear
A: Platelet Count
B: PT time
C: aPTT time
D: Fibrinogen level
E: Describe Peripheral Blood Smear
[IITP - Immune Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura]
Autoantibodies destroy platelets –> Isolated Thrombocytopenia w/ NO splenomegaly
Clinical Sx for [Systemic Lupus Erythematosus] (8)
- Constitutional (Fever / Fatigue / Wt. Loss)
- Arthritis -Symmetric & Migratory
- [Malor Butterfly Rash]
- Photosensitivity
- Serositits (pericarditis & peritonitits)
- Thromboembolism (due to antiphospholipid Ab)
- Seizures & Cognition DEC
- [Lupus Nephritis = PrOteinuria + INC Creatinine (Type 3) Hypersensitivity]
Labs for [Systemic Lupus Erythematosus] (4)
- Pancytopenia (Hemolytic Anemia Type 2 Hypersensitivity) / Thrombocytopenia / Leukopenia)
- hypOcomplent (C3 & C4)
- [ANA Ab (sensitive)]
- [Anti-dsDNA and SM (specific)]
Anaplastic tumors are ____ and bear no resemblance to the original tissue. They often contain _____ cells and _____
Anaplastic tumors are Undifferentiated and bear no resemblance to the orginial tissue. They often contain [Giant Multinucleated Tumor cells] and Pleomorphism
Name a common and serious complication of [Chronic Hemolytic Anemia] with Blood transfusion.
How is this treated?
Hemosiderosis (Iron overload) - typically manifested as Hemosiderin accumulation in Kupffer macrophages.
Tx = Iron Chelation
Name the CA that cause [OsteoBLastic Bone Metastases] (3)
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Name the CA that cause BOTH [OsteoBLastic and Osteolytic Bone Metastases] (2)
Name the CA that cause [Osteolytic Bone Metastases] (5)
Vitamin B12 and Folid acid deficiency present similarly. What is their difference and why?
Neuro dysfunction is only seen in VitB12 deficiency;
B12 deficiency –> axonal demyelination in [peripheral n. / spinal cord (Posterior vs. Lateral column) / cerebrum]
[G6PD -Glucose 6 phosphate Dehydrogenase] deficiency
Mode of Inheritance
X-Linked recessive
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Mode of Inheritance
Auto Dom
Pts with [G6PD deficiency] are at risk for _____ when taking _____ before going to Africa. Peripheral blood smear will show _____
medication induced oxidative stress; Antimalarials; Heinz Bodies (dark RBC inclusions that stain with supravital stain)
Laboratory manifestation of [G6PD deficiency] (4)
intravascular and extravascular hemolysis with
[UIB - Unconjugated Indirect Bilirubinemia]
[low haptoglobin from DEC in HgB-Haptoglobin complexes]
Dactylitis (painful swelling of ______) is a common presentation of _____ in ______
Dactylitits (painful swelling of Hands and Feet) is a common presentation of Sickle Cell in Kids
[Sickle Cell Anemia] Labs (3)
INC [UIB - Unconjugated Indirect Bilirubin]
INC Lactate Dehydrogenase
DEC Haptoglobin
[Sickle Cell Anemia]
Mode of Inheritance
auto recessive
Most common auto recessive DO in Blacks
List and Describe the 3 main pathogenic features of [Sickle Cell Anemia]
- Hemolysis: RBC Sickling–>Deformed RBC destruction by macrophages & mechanical stress = intra/EXtravascular hemolysis–> Jaundice/Sclera Icterus. Haptoglobin binds to INC free HgB preventing Renal injury
- Vasoocclusion: Hypoxic tissue injury from occlussion–>Pain Crisis, Dactylitis (infarct in joint bones), Priapism and Autosplenectomy
- Infection: Autosplenectomy –> inability to fight encapsulated bacteria –> [Staph & Salmonella Osteomyelitis]
Name the [Vitamin K-dependent Coagulation factors] (4), where they’re made and why they’re VitK-dependent
Factors 2/7/9/10; made in Liver
7 has shortest half life
These are initially made in liver and then activated by [VitK-dependent carboxylation]
Failure of ProThrombin Time to correct with VitK supplementation indicates _______
[Factor 7 deficiency from Liver Dz (Cirrhosis)]
Dermatomyositis Clinical Presentation (4)
Autoimmune Dz –>
- [Proximal m. weakness (resembles polymyositis)]
- [PeriOrbital Heliotrope Rash]
- Gottron’s Papules - in image
- [Mononuclear Perimysial infiltrates on histo]
Which CA is Dermatomyositis associated with (4)
- Ovarian
- Colorectal
- Lung
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Gottron’s Papules in image
Clinical Presentation for [Hairy Cell Leukemia] (3)
B-Cell neoplasm –>
- Bone Marrow Failure –> [Splenomegaly from reticuloendothelial infiltration]
- Unsuccessful Bone marrow aspiration (Dry Tap)
- Lymphocytes with cytoplasmic projections-image
Demographic for [Hairy Cell Leukemia], and how is it diagnosed?
[Middle Aged men]
[TRAP - Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase] Flow cytometry
[Factor 5 Leiden] MOD (2)
- Factor 5 is genetically altered to resist protelysis/inactivation by [Activated Protein C] –> [INC DVT/PE and Pregnancy Lost]
- Factor 5 Leiden can not support APC’s anticoagulant activity –> [INC DVT/PE and Pregnancy Lost]
What’s the most common cause of [Inherited Thrombophilia]?
Factor 5 Leiden
Labs for CML - Chronic Mylogenous Leukemia (2)
- [Elevated Myelocyte WBC]
- [DECREASED (Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase)] - differentiates CML from Leukemoid rxn
CML genetic cause (2)
PDGF mutations caused by:
Philadelphia Chromosome (translocation between Chromo 9 & 22)
BCR-ABL1 fusion gene
BCL2 function
Inhibits Apoptosis –> promotes cell survival –> (Follicular) Lymphoma
BCL2 oncogene is associated with ______. What’s the MOD
BCL2 oncogene is associated with Follicular Lymphoma
Translocation of [BCL2 oncogene] from Chromo 18–>[Chromo 14 IgHeavy Chain] –> BCL2 Overexpression –> inhibits too much apoptosis
[SPEP - Serum Protein ElectroPhoresis] showing elevated [gamma-globulin] usually represents a ___ consisting of overproduced _____. What Dz is this?
SPEP showing elevated [gamma-globulin] usually represents a M protein consisting of overproduced [monoclonal immunoglobulin] = MULTIPLE MYELOMA
Multiple Myeloma Clinical Presentation (6)
Crazy Ass BUMP
- [AL amyloidosis]-from monoclonal (Ig light chains)
- Bone marrow w/plasmacytosis - shown in image
- Urine IgG
- [Mott cells on Histo]
- Proteins (M Protein) in serum
Triad Presentation for [PNH - Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria]
- [Hemolytic Anemia –> Hemoglobinuria & Potential Renal Hemosiderosis (iron deposit)]
- [Pancytopenia from stem cell damage]
- [Novel (atypical) Thrombosis locations (mesenteric vein)]
[Paroxsymal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria] Cause and how it affects complement
[Complement-mediated hemolysis] caused by a [mutated PIGA gene] which normally makes [GPI anchor protein].
[GPI anchor protein] anchors markers like [CD55 Decay accelerating factor] and [CD59 MAC inhibitory protein] which both inactivate complement
How do [ProInflammatory IL1 & IF-gamma] affect VEGF
Both INC VEGF expression –> promotes angiogenesis
[FGF2 - Fibroblast Growth Factor] Function (4)
- Angiogenesis
- Embryonic Development
- Hematopoiesis
- Wound Repair (recruits macrophages/fibroblast/endothelial cells)
What are [Schistocyte Helmet cells] and what are they caused by (2)
Fragmented RBC caused by
- [HUS HAT microangiopathic hemolytic anemia]
- [Prosthetic Cardiac Valves] - mechanical damage
* Both –> Intravascular Hemolytic Anemia*
[Intravascular Hemolytic Anemia] Labs (3)
- DEC Haptoglobin (due to Hptoglbn binding to INC free Hgb)
- INC [Unconjugated indirect Bilirubin]
Aplastic Anemia MOD
[Hematopoietic Stem Cell Deficiency (CD34)] –> Bone Marrow Failure
Aplastic Anemia Causes (4)
Aplastic Anemia Clinical Presentation (4)
- NO Splenomegaly
- Anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Leukopenia
How do you diagnose Aplastic Anemia
Polycythemia Vera MOD
Uncontrolled RBC production due to [JAK2 mutation]
Polycythemia Vera Clinical Presentation (6)
- Aquagenic Pruritus
- Facial Plethora
- Splenomegaly
- Gouty Arthritis
- RBC Mass INC - Lab
- [Thrombocytosis & leukocytosis] - Lab
[DEC ADAM-TS13 protease] –> [Uncleaved Large vWF multimers] –> Diffuse [microvascular platelet thrombi] –> [HUS HAT] and thrombocytopenia
[TTP-HUS] Clinical Presentation (4)
- [Hemolytic Anemia with (Schistocyte Helmet Cells)]
- Thrombocytopenia
- Renal Failure
- Neurologic Sx
Identify the Cell and what Dz it’s associated with
[RADC - Reactive Atypical Downey CD8] Cell -Controls EBV infection
[____ Deficiency] commonly occurs with Alcoholism and –> ____ anemia from _____
[Folic Acid Deficiency] commonly occurs with Alcoholism and –> Megaloblastic Anemia from impaired DNA base synthesis
VitB12 can also be deficient
Folic Acid and [VitB12/Cobalamin] deficiencies are both associated with Alcohol. How can you differentiate?
Folic Acid Deficiency 2° to EtOH = Acute usage (onset within weeks)
[VitB12/Cobalamin] Deficiency 2° to EtOH = Chronic usage
MOA for how [RetinoBlastoma gene] contributes to CA
Proliferation signals activate CDK4–> [Hyperphosphorylates Rb protein] –> prevents Rb from binding to [E2F tx factor].
[E2F tx factor] promotes cells to go from G1–> S –> [Division by DNA polymerase]!
[G0 resting cells] contain active hypOphosphorylated Rb
Von Willebrand Dz
Qualitative defect in [platelet binding & aggregation] –> [Lifelong INC Bleeding time from Skin & Mucosal(menorrhagia vs. epistaxis)]
Pts have normal Platelet Count
How does [Von Willebrand Factor] normally function (2)
Promotes Platelet Adhesion by binding [Gp1B Platelet Glycoproteins] to [exposed Subendothelial Collagen]
Acts as protective carrier protein for Factor 8 (INC its half life)
Why is HgB A<strong>2</strong> elevated in beta-thalassemia?
[Beta-globin chain] underproduction –> DEC HgB A<strong>1</strong> synthesis–> elevated HgB A<strong>2</strong> to compensate
Remember that HgBA1C is used to measure DM glycemic control
How does TNF-a (AKA ____) affect Metabolism (2). What cell secretes it?
- Suppresses appetite
- TNF-A (AKA Cachectin) –> paraneoplastic Cachexia*
- Secreted by macrophages*
Describe the following levels for [Beta Thalassemia minor]
A: HgB A1
B: HgB A2
C: HgB Fetal
D: HgB S
Describe the following levels for [Beta Thalassemia MAJOR]
A: HgB A1
B: HgB A2
C: HgB Fetal
D: HgB S
Describe the following levels for [Sickle Cell trait]
A: HgB A1
B: HgB A2
C: HgB Fetal
D: HgB S
Describe the following levels for [Sickle Cell DZ]
A: HgB A1
B: HgB A2
C: HgB Fetal
D: HgB S
[Von Willebrand Dz] Mode of Inheritance
AUTO DOM + variable penetrance
What’s the most common inherited bleeding DO
Von Willebrand DZ
AUTO DOM + variable penetrance
Clinical Significance of [Microsomal Monooxygenase]
Apart of the Cytochrome P450 system, and converts Pro-Carcinogens –> Carcinogens–> DNA mutations–> CA
Which immunophenotype does [Precursor B ALL - Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia] display (3)
Image shows Bone Marrow Blast (Lymphoblast)
Which immunophenotype does [Precursor T ALL - Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia] display (4)
[CD2 thru 5] = Tcell markers
[CD7 & 8]
Image shows Bone Marrow Blast (Lymphoblast)
Identify the abnormality and describe its MOD
Saddle Pulmonary Embolus
Hypercoaguability –> DVT–>PE that straddles bifurcation of main pulmonary artery
[DIC in pregnancy] MOD
Placental Abruptio causes–> release of [Tissue Factor Thromboplastin] into maternal circulation –> rapid consumption of clotting factors/platelets (DIC) –> Bleeding
In what conditions do you commonly see Target Cells? (4)
- Thalassemia
- [Iron Deficiency Anemia]
- Obstructive Liver Dz
- Asplenia
In what conditions do you commonly see Bite Cells and why?
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (oxidant induced damage)
Splenic macrophages removes Heinz bodies from RBC –> Bite Cells
In what conditions do you commonly see Teardrop Cells and why?
Caused by RBC squeezing thru fibrous strands when bone marrow is replaced with fibrosis or CA
In what conditions do you commonly see Spherocytes? (3) Describe them
Hereditary Spherocytosis
[Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia]
Spherocytes are RBC without normal central pallor
How does [Carbon Tetrachloride] affect the Liver (3)
Free Radical Damage after being oxidized by P450 system–>
- Endoplasmic Reticulum swelling
- Mitochondria Destruction
- INC Cell membrane permeability
Clinical Manifestations of [Acute Intermittent Porphyria] (4)
- [Reddish Port-Wine Urine]
- Neuro Sx
- Abd Pain
- [Urine PBG & ALA]
[Acute Intermittent Porphyria] MOD
[PorphoBilinoGen deaminiase] deficiency
[Acute Intermittent Porphyria] Tx (2)
IV Glucose vs. Heme (inhibits ALA synthase)
[Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia] MOD
[Translocation from Chromo 15 –>17] –> [PML/RARalpha fusion gene] which can’t signal proper cell differentiation like normal [Retinoic Acid R]–> [CA and DIC]
Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia is the M3 variant of AML
[Acute ProMyelocytic Leukemia] tx
(All Trans Retinoic Acid) - Vitamin A derivative
Which pathogen is associated with Burkitt Lymphoma
EBV (immunodeficient pts AND endemic)
MOD for how EBV causes _____ Lymphoma
EBV INC B-cell proliferation –> INC risk of cMYC [Translocation from Chromo 8 –> 14] –> cMYC overexpression –> Burkitt Lymphoma
Burkitt Lymphoma Histology (3)
- HIGH Ki67 proliferation index
- [Starry Sky appearance from benign macrophages]
- Diffuse medium size lymphocytes w/basophilic cytoplasm
Polycythemia vera is a ____ dz of _____ cells. It is caused by a ______ mutation
Polycythemia Vera is a Clonal Myeloproliferative Dz of [Pluripotent Hematopoietic stem cells].
It is caused by a [JAK2-V617-F mutation] –> makes hematopoietic stem cells more sensitive to growth factors
Polycythemia Vera Clinical Manifestation (3)
- INC RBC Mass
- INC plasma volume
Name the [Factor 10 inhibitors] (4)
[FondaparinuX - indirect & less effective]
[Heparin - indirect]
These do NOT affect Thrombin Time
Name the [Direct (Thrombin Factor 2A) inhibitors] (3)
DAB Directly on that Thrombin!
What would you expect the [Mean Corpuscular HgB concentration] to be in [Hereditary Spherocytosis]?
INC since RBC will be mildly dehydrated
[Hereditary Spherocytosis] MOD
AUTO DOM loss of [Spectrin cytoskeleton] –> Bleb formation –> Destruction by Spleen and macrophages –> [Less deformable Spheroidal RBC with dEC lifespan]
These RBC will contain no central pallor or biconcavity
MOD for [Beta-Thalassemia]. How is this related to ePO
Genetic DEC in beta-globulin translation –> Excess alpha-globins–> RBC membrane rigidity–>[INC extravascular hemolysis by splenic macrophage] –> [hypOchromic microcytic anemia].
EPO is released in excess to compensate –> [Bone Marrow expansion] and [Extramedullary Hematopoiesis]
Hepcidin is made by the ____ to do what?
Which conditions stimulate Hepcidin release? (2)
Which DEC Hepcidin release? (2)
Liver; Lower iron levels by [blocking intestinal iron absorption] and [blocking macrophage iron release]
INC with High iron vs. inflammation
DEC with hypOxia or [INC erythropoiesis]
How is Citrate releated to Blood transfusions
Pts receiving GOE [5-6 L of whole blood] –> High Serum Citrate –> [Chelation/DEC of Ca+ and Mg+] –> Paresthesias
How might a newborn suffering from Vitamin K deficiency present? (3)
Impaired clotting factor carboxylation
- Intracranial hemorrhage
- Bulging ANT Fontanelle
- [Eyes driven downward & unable to track up]
Sickle Cell pts are at risk of developing ___ deficiency —> ____ due to INC RBC turnover
Sickle cell pts are at risk of developing Folic Acid deficiency –> Macrocytosis due to INC RBC turnover
tPA is a ___ that can cause ____ in the heart from ____. How does tPA work?
tPA is a Fibrinolytic that can cause [BENIGN Reperfusion Arrhythmia] in the heart from arterial re-opening
refer to image
2 most common cases of Aplastic Anemia
- Toxic/pathogenic
- Autoimmune–> Apoptosis of pluripotent stem cells
Aplastic Anemia Histology (2)
Bone marrow with hypOcellularity and INC Adiposity
image with Normal compared to Aplastic Anemia
Clinical Presentation of Fanconi Anemia (3)
- Short stature
- Absent Thumbs
- CA INC Risk [Myelodysplastic syndrome and AML]
What is Fanconi Anemia
Inherited cause of Aplastic Anemia
Image showing normal bone marrow compared to Aplastic Anemia
[MDS - MyeloDysplastic Syndrome] MOD
[Stem cell maturation defect] –> ineffective differentiation –> Pancytopenia
[MDS - MyeloDysplastic Syndrome] Histology (2)
Bone marrow biopsy:
- Hypercellularity
- [Abnormally differentiated cells with misshapen nuclei]
[MDS - MyeloDysplastic Syndrome] Demographic
GOE 65 yo
Describe Pancytopenia (3)
Pan cytopenia : TAN
Thrombocytopenia (petechiae, hemorrhage)
Anemia (fatigue, pallor)
Neutropenia (opportunistic infection)
Most common cause of [1° Hemochromatosis]
[HFE Protein mutations]
[HFE protein mutation] MOD
[HFE protein mutation] –> [DEC Hepcidin from liver] AND [INC RBC DMT1 expression] –> iron overload
Pts with [HFE protein mutation] are at risk for developing which 2 things?
- Cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
What is Haptoglobin
Binds to [INC free HgB] preventing Renal injury
What would the histo of Megaloblastic Anemia show? (3)
- [Neutrophils with hypersegmented nuclei]
- Macrocytosis
- Ovalocytosis
What’s the most important Pgn factor for [Bladder Urothelilal Transitional cell carcinoma]
Tumor Penetration into Bladder Wall
[Precursor T ALL] Clinical Manifestation (3)
Mediastinal mass –>
- Respiratory sx (stridor/dyspnea)
- Dysphagia
- [Superior Vena Cava Syndrome]
- Image shows Bone Marrow Blast (Lymphoblast)*
[Precursor T ALL] Demographic
Males 8 - 20 yo
Image shows Bone Marrow Blast (Lymphoblast)
Identify the Poison based on Peripheral Blood Smear (2)
Lead vs. Arsenic Poisoning
Basophilic Stippling + [Microcytic hypOchromic anemia]
Dx for Lead Poisoning (2)
[Basophilic Stippling on Histo]
[Microcytic hypOchromic anemia]
List the Demographics associated with Lead Poisoning, and the pathognomonic physical exam finding (2)
- [Children eating lead paint]
- [Miners near Battery manufacturing]
PE: [(Blue Lead Lines) @ junction of teeth & gingivae]
Why is Pleomorphism, INC mitosis and nuclear changes not necessarily malignant when in lymph nodes
These are commonly seen in lymphocytes of [reactive hyperplastic lymph nodes]
Monoclonal gene rearrangements is a better indicator
Identify and Describe
[Reed Sternberg Owl Eye cells] = large binucleated cells in the background of lymphocytic infiltrates
Indicates Hodgkins Lymphoma
Hodgkins Lymphoma
[Reed Sternberg Owl Eye cells] = large binucleated cells in the background of lymphocytic infiltrates
Vincristine SE (2)
- [Neuropathy DL]
- Vesicant
Vincristine Indications (2)
“Cristy helps ALL the Non Kids”
[Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma]
ALL- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Vincristine MOA
Prevents Tubulin Polymerization
Chemotherapeutic (and toxic) effect of MTX can be overcome with what drug? Why does this help?
[Leucovorin THFolinic acid]; This is a reduced form of Folic Acid BUT doesn’t require DHF reductase like Folic Acid
Which Drugs/Toxins cause Aplastic Anemia? (5)
How does Desmopressin alleviate bleeding?
Upregulates Factor 8 –> Endothelial release of vWF(stabilized by Factor 8)
MTX can be used to treat ____ pregnancy. What’s it’s MOA
Ectopic Pregnancy;
Reversibly binds and inhibits [Dihydrofolate Reductase]–> intermediate DHF accumulation
MTX Indications (7)
- Brain Tumor - HIGH IV DOSES
- Meningitis (carcinomatous vs. lymphomatous)
- Leukemia
- Lymphoma
- Psoriasis
- RA
- Ectopic Pregnancy
Rasburicase MOA
Urate Oxidase that converts Uric acid –> [Urine soluble Allantoin]
Rasburicase Indication
Treats [Hyperuricemia 2° to Tumor Lysis Syndrome]
[Tumor Lysis Syndrome] MOA and Clinical Presentation (4)
Develops during Chemo in CA with rapid turnover
HYPERkup + hypOcalcemia
- HYPERphosphatemia
- HYPERkalemia
- HYPERuricemia (tx: Rasburicase vs. Allopurinol)
- hypOcalcemia
Heparin MOA
Potentiates naturally occuring AT3 to inhibit [Factor 10A and (Thrombin Factor 2A)]
[LMWHeparin] MOA
Potentiates naturally occuring AT3 to inhibit [Factor 10A]
Heparin MOA
DVT Px (espeically hip & Knee surgery)
The MDR1 gene codes for the _____, which is a _____
MDR1 gene codes for [P-GlycoProtein Efflux Pump], which is an transmembrane ATP-dependent protein that effluxes hydrophobic protein out of the cell –> ChemoResistance
Name the [LMWHeparin] drug
Hemorrhagic Cystitis is caused by which Chemo drugs? (2) What’s additionally given to prevent this? (3)
Cyclophosphamide & Ifosfamide
Px =1. [Mesna(binds urine acrolein)]
- Hydration
- Bladder irrigation
Hydroxyurea Indication (3)
- Sickle Cell Anemia (INC HbB Fetal synthesis)
- Rapidly DECREASES High [WBC Blast count] in pts with AML and [Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia w/blast crisis]
Inhibits [Ribonucleotide Reductase] –> inhibits [DNA thymine] synthesis
Hydroxyurea MOA
Inhibits [Ribonucleotide Reductase] –> inhibits [DNA thymine] synthesis
MOA for Sickle Cell Anemia Unknown
HER2Neu is a ____ receptor overexpressed in ____ CA. _____ monoclonal Ab targets this receptor
[HER2Neu = Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor] is a Tyrosine Kinase receptor overxpressed in Breast CA.
Trastuzumab monoclonal Ab targets this receptor–> promotes apoptosis
Which CA drugs require activation by HGPRT (2)
6-MercaptoPurine Indication
6-MercaptoPurine Indication
6-MP is Degraded by [Hepatic Xanthine Oxidase] (and XO can be degraded by Allopurinol)
Which SE, regardless of tolerance, are persistently present with Chronic Opioid use (2)
Constipation (Px: Laxatives & Hydration)
RivaroXaban Indication (2)
- AFib
Rituximab MOA
Ab against CD20 Lymphomas
Examples of [Anticholinergic antiEmetics]
Indication for [Anticholinergic antiEmetics]
Examples of [Antihistamine antiEmetics] (3)
Indication for [Antihistamine antiEmetics]
Examples of [(Dopamine R Blocker) antiEmetics] (2)
Indication for [(Dopamine R Blocker) antiEmetics]
Examples of [(Serotonin 5HT3 R Blocker) antiEmetics] (2)
Indication for [(Serotonin 5HT3 R Blocker) antiEmetics]
Examples of [(Neurokinin 1 R Blocker) antiEmetics] (2)
Indication for [(Neurokinin 1 Blocker) antiEmetics]
Multiple Myeloma [Tx and its MOA]
Crazy Ass BUMP
[Bortezomib Proteasome inhibitor] = Boronic acid-containing protein that inhibts Proteasome –> DEC protein production from neoplastic plasma cells–> Apoptosis
Warfarin OD tx (2)
Heparin OD tx
Why is [Fresh Frozen Plasma] contraindicated in Heparin OD
[Aspirin ASA] MOA
Irreversible COX1 and COX2 inhibitor –> DEC Prostaglandin H2
Which Cell Cycle is Vincristine active in?
Prevents Tubulin Polymerization
Which Cell Cycle is 6-MercaptoPurine active in?
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia MOD
Deficient [GP 2B 3A] receptor which normally allows platelets to bind to fibrinogen and aggregate
Name the [GP 2B 3A] receptor Blockers (3)
- Abciximab
- Eptifibatide
- Tirofiban
[Bernard Soulier Syndrome] MOD
GP1B DEC –> Defect in Platelet binding to vWF –> Defective Plug formation
Name the drugs that are [Platelet ADP R Blockers] (3)
Can’t Place (GP 2B 3A) on Top
Etoposide MOA
E2oposide: Topoisomerase 2 inhibitor –> Double stranded DNA breaks
Etoposide Indication (3)
- Testicular CA
- Lymphoma
Etoposide SE
Leukomogenic (Leukemia Promoter)
Ganciclovir has a severe SE of ____ that is exacerbated with what 2 drugs?
Ganciclovir has a severe SE of Neutrophenia ; worsened with
Celecoxib MOA
Selective COX2 only inhibitor –> DEC inflammation/pain
platelet aggregation and GI protection remain intact
Function of Ristocetin
Activates [GP1B Platelet R] to make them available for vWF to adhere them to exposed subendothelial collagen
Sickle Cell Anemia Clinical Presentation (3)
- Exeritional Dyspnea
- PNA –> Acute Chest Syndrome
- Bone Pain
Sickle Cell Anemia Genetic MOD
point mutation –> Valine being substituted for Glutamic acid in the 6th position of the [HgB B chain]
Which enzyme deficiency of Heme Synthesis actually involves Photosensitivity and what is this called? and how will this manifest?
[UROD - UROPORPHYRINOGEN DECARBOXYLASE deaminiase] deficiency –> [Porphyria Cutanea Tarda]
Photosensitivity –> [Vesicle & Blister formation] in sun-expoed areas
How does [Porphyria Cutanea Tarda] manifest?
Photosensitivity –> [Vesicle & Blister formation] in sun-expoed areas (not seen in Acute intermittent porphyria)
[Porphyria Cutanea Tarda] = Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase Deficiency or UROD
[EBRT - External Beam Radiation Therapy] MOD (2)
ionizing radiation causes Double stranded DNA breaks and formation of O2 Free Radicals
How is [Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency] related to Red Pulp Hyperplasia
PK Deficiency –> Failure of Glycolysis–>No ATP to maintain RBC structure–> OVERWORK from spleen to remove the deformed RBC –> Splenomegaly = Red Pulp Hyperplasia
What is the surface marker for Macrophages
How does [inhaled amyl nitrite] treate Cyanide Poisoning
Oxidizes HgB [Ferrous 2+]–> [Ferric 3+] = Methemeglobin. Methemoglobin can’t carry O2 but can pull cyanide off of [mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase] and limit its effects
Cyanide Poisoning Tx (3)
- [Inhaled Amyl Nitrite]
- HydroxyCoBalamin (VitB12 precursor) - excretes Cyanide in urine
- [Na+ Thiosulfate] -excretes Cyanide in urine
Describe the Process of Heme –> Brown Feces (6)