hematology vocabulary Flashcards
an- = without
-emia = blood condition
group of blood disorders involving either a reduction in the number of circulating erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells; results in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues
anti- = against
coagul/o = clotting
any substance that prevents clot formation
aplastic anemia a- = without -plasm = formation -tic = pertaining to an- without -emia = blood condition
severe form of anemia caused by loss of functioning red bone marrow; results in decrease in number of all blood cells; may require a blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant
auto- = self
collecting and storing one’s own blood to replace blood lost during surgery
blood analyzer
machine that automatically performs multiple blood chemistry tests, such as complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and blood-clotting tests
blood culture and sensitivity (C&S)
blood specimen incubated to check for bacterial growth; if bacteria are present, they are identified and the best antibiotic treatment is determined
blood transfusion
trans- = across
transfer of blood from one person to another
bone marrow aspiration
removal of a small sample of bone marrow by needle to be examined for diseases such as leukemia or aplastic anemia
bone marrow transplant (BMT)
a patient receives a red bone marrow donation after his/her own bone marrow is destroyed by radiation or chemotherapy
coagul/o = clotting
formation of blood clot
complete blood count (CBC)
comprehensive blood test that includes red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), hemoglobin (Hgb), hematocrit (Hct), white blood cell differential, and platelet count
embol/o = plug
commonly called a floating clot; usually a piece of thrombus breaks away and floats through the bloodstream until it lodges in a smaller blood vessel and blocks blood flow
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
erythr/o = red
-cyte = cell
blood test that measures the rate at which red blood cells settle out of the blood to form sediment in the bottom of a test tube; indicates the presence of inflammatory disease
hematocrit (HCT, Hct, crit)
hemat/o = blood
blood test that measures the volume of red blood cells within the total volume of blood
hemat/o = blood
-oma = mass
collection of blood under the skin as a result of blood escaping into tissue from a damaged blood vessel; commonly called a bruise