Hematology/Medical Oncology Flashcards
ABIM Board Review
Adjuvant chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer s/p R1 resection?
Least immunogenic form of L-asparginase?
Pegaspargase • Up to 1/3 of pts who do not have a symptomatic reaction can develop IgG Abs against L-asparginase that can reduce its efficacy
CD5+, CD23+, dim CD20, CD10(-), cyclin D1(-)
CLL Immunophenotype
Treatment of Low-Risk Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Either single-agent MTX or Dactinomycin
Management of early stage HCC s/p complete surgical resection with negative margins?
Surveillance only • Currently there are NO approved adjuvant therapies for HCC
+CD2, +CD3, +CD4, +CD5, +CD25 (bright)
ATLL Immunophenotype
+CD4, CD7-, CD25-
T-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia Immunophenotype
+CD4, CD7-, CD25-
Mycoses Fungicides/Sezary Syndrome Immunophenotype
5-Azacytadine MOA?
5-azacytadine is a cytosine nucleotide that is incorporated into DNA and inhibits DNA methylation, resulting in reactivation of tumor suppressor genes that were previously silenced through methylation
What is the Platelet Defect & Clinical Presentation in Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome?
Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome: - MOA: Absence of Dense Plt Granules (Plt storage pool defect) • Autosomal Recessive mutations in HPS-1 (most common), DTNBP1, AP3B1 genes - Clinically p/w Oculocutaneous Albinism, Congenital Nystagmus, vision problems, granulomatous colitis, pulmonary fibrosis - More common in Puerto Rico - Diagnosis made with absence of dense granules on electron microscopy - Plt Function Studies: Reversal of platelet ADP:ATP ratio is diagnostic but not specific for this disorder
RAI Staging in CLL
RAI STAGE: 0 = Lymphocytosis in blood/BM 1 = Lymphocytosis + LAD 2 = Lymphocytosis + SM 3 = Lymphocytosis + Hb<11 4 = Lymphocytosis + Plt<100K
Identify the Low Risk and High Risk (for recurrence) pathologies in Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer and describe how is each managed
Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer • Low-Risk: Serous carcinoma • High-Risk: All other pathologies (i.e. mucinous carcinoma, clear-cell carcinoma) require adjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy
First and Second Line Therapies for Advanced/Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma
1st Line: Cisplatin/Gemcitabine 2nd Line: FOLFOX (ABC-06 study)
Hormone-receptor status in Type 2 Endometrial Cancer
• Type 2 Endometrial carcinoma is not associated with estrogen exposure and the tumor is usually negative for ER and PR • Mutations in Type 2 endometrial cancer involve p53, HER2 amplification, BCL-2 amplification
MYD88 L265 is present in which hematologic malignancy?
Molecular testing for MYD88 L265 is used to differentiate Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia from multiple myeloma
Poor Prognostic Indicators in Hodgkin’s Disease
- Age>50 2. Bulky Disease (LAD>7cm) 3. ESR>30 with +B-symptoms ESR>50 w/o B-symptoms 4. Involvement of 4 or more lymph nodes 5. Mixed-cell histology
Treatment of metastatic GIST
Imatinib 400mg QD - Median time to see clinical response to therapy is ~4 months and maximum response seen at ~6 months (GIST: Spindle-cell neoplasm, CD117+, CD34+)
What is the platelet defect in Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia and how do you treat bleeding in these patients?
Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia is a rare coagulopathy in which the platelets contain defective or low levels of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GpIIb/IIIa) which is a receptor for fibrinogen. As a result, no fibrinogen bridging of platelets to other platelets can occur, and the bleeding time is significantly prolonged. PLT FUNCTION STUDIES: +Ristocetin and absent response to all other agents TREATMENT: Plt transfusions and recombinant Factor VIIa (Novoseven)
Treatment for Metastatic Head and Neck SCC?
Management of MGMT methylation-negative Glioblastoma s/p subtotal resection in elderly patients (>70yoa)?
RT Monotherapy (40Gy in 15fx)
What is the defect in Type 2N VWD and how is it diagnosed?
Type 2N VWD is due to defective binding of VWF to F8 . - Female pts may present with hemophilia-like bleeding symptoms - LABS: low VWF, low F8 and VWF:F8 binding assay would show absence of VWF binding to F8
Germ Cell Tumors
- Seminomas and teratomas often p/w normal tumor markers. Seminomas usually are diagnosed in early stages. - Yolk sac tumors: associated with elevated AFP levels and frequently a component of mixed non-seminomatous GCTs - Choriocarcinomas: typically p/w very elevated serum hCG levels, widespread hematogenous metastases and tumor hemorrhage
Management of Early-Stage Cervical Cancer
Stage IA1: cervical conation or total (type 1) hysterectomy - If pathology from conation is negative for LVI, no adjuvant therapy is indicated. Stage IB1: Tumors>7mm but <4cm in horizontal spread - Radical surgery with LN dissection indicated if deep stromal invasion or +LVI is present Treatment of more advanced stages of cervical cancer (Stage IIA and higher) Involve systemic cisplatin-based chemo and vaginal brachytherapy
Identify the adverse risk pathology features in resected oral cancer
- T stage>2 2. Node-positive disease 3. +Extracapsular nodal spread/extension 4. Positive surgical margins 5. +PNI 6. +LVI