Hematology Flashcards
Ward complain - Bed rest + elevation - ECG - Warfarin diet - Avoid IMi injection - SC enoxaparin 0.4mL q12H (if 40kg), stop when INR >1.8 - Start warfarin with 3mg for D1, then PO 2mg daily aim INR 2-3 - Other option >>>> SC Innohep 10000 AXA IU q24H
- IVC filter if CI with anticoagulant
- Consult med x DVT
Pretest possibility of DVT (well’s score)
- CA (receiving treatment for CA previous 6mo/current palliative)
- Paralysis/ paresis/ plaster immobilization of lower extremity
- Bedridden 3D+, major surg 4W
- Localized tenderness along deep venous system
- Entire leg swollen
- Calf circumference 3cm larger than asymptomatic side (measure 10cm below tibial tuberosity)
- Pitting edema unilat
- Collateral superficial vein (non-varicose)
- other diagnosis less likely
- bed rest
- DAT/ warfarin diet
- Obs q4H
- Calf circumference x1 then daily
- Bld x CBC LRFT clotting bone INR RG D-dimer
- Thrombophilia investigation: antithrombin, protein C/S, antiphospholipid antibody, lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin, genetics testing, flow cytometry
- Urgent doppler USG LL
- SC enoxaparin 40mL q12H
- USG abdomen early for pelvic obstruction if DVT confirmed
- Reverse isolation
- DAT (low purine diet)
- Obs q4H
- Chart IO
- Bld x CBC d/c LRFT clotting bone RG
- Bld x urate, LDH, T&S, Coombs’, D-dimer, fibrinogen
- HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV, CMV serology, G6PDH
- Bld C/S if fever >38
- Bld x cytoflowmetry
- Sputum x C/S
- MSU x stix, C/S
- Resume usual meds
- PO panadol 500mg q4H prn
- PO allopurinol 300mg daily
- +- IVF if need
- +- Abx if infection
Bone marrow exam
- Memo x blood bank for CMV- blood product
- Consult hematology
- If hyperCa, reverse AG ratio, osteolytic lesion
- DAT (low purine diet)
- Obs q4H
- Chart IO
- Bld x CBC d/c LRFT clotting bone RG
- Bld x urate, LDH, T&S, Coombs’, D-dimer, fibrinogen
- HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV, CMV serology, G6PDH
- SPE, Ig pattern
- Urine x bence jones protein
- +- bld x cytoflowmetry (askCMO)
- Sputum x C/S
- MSU x stix, C/S
- Skeletal survey
- Resume usual meds
- PO panadol 500mg q4H prn
- PO allopurinol 300mg daily
- +- IVF if need
- +- Abx if infection
Bone marrow exam
- +- early bone scan
- consult hematology
Pulmonary embolism
Ward complain
- HD stable
- Warfarin diet
- Avoid IMi injection
- SC enoxaparin 0.4mL q12H (if 40kg), stop if INR >1.8
- Warfarin with D1 3mg, then PO 2mg daily
- HD not stable +- massive PE
- Warfarin diet
- Avoid IMi injection
- IV heparin 70U/kg stat x1 (~5000U), then 500U/H aim APTT 60-80
- Check APTT q6H
- Consult med x PE
- Obs q4H
- Chart IO
- Bld x CBC d/c LRFT bone clotting RG
- Bld x urate, LDH, T&S
- PLT in citrate bottle
- BM exam
- Resume usual meds
- Transfuse prn
»_space;» PLT <10 afebrile/ PLT <20 febrile/ symptomatic e.g. bleeding tendency/epistaxis/hemoptysis/hematuria
»_space;» Transfuse __ U of PLT FR - Consult hematology
Warfarin and heparin bridging
Uncomplicated AF
- no need bridge before procedure
- W/H warfarin 4/7 before
- INR <1.8
- restart warfarin post procedure
Complicated AF/ stroke/ DVT/ valve replacement
- Admit + W/H warfarin 4/7 before
- Monitor INR
- Enoxaparin/ heparin when INR <1.8
»_space;» SC enoxaparin 0.4mL q12H (40kg) for DVT/AF (INR aim 2-3)
»_space;» IV heparin infusion 70U/kg stat x1 (~5000U), then infuse as 500U/H for valve replacement (INR aim 2.5-3.5, APTT aim 60-80)
- Check APTT q6H
»_space;» APTT <40: repeat IV heparin stat 5000U, increase 100U/H
»_space;» APTT 40-60: increase 100U/H
»_space;» APTT 60-80: no action
»_space;» APTT 80-100: decrease 100U/H
»_space;» APTT >100: stop infusion x30mins, decrease 100U/H
- Restart warfarin with original dosage (or 3mg D1, 2mg daily PO)
- Aim INR 2-3 if DVT, stoke, AF; 2.5-3.5 if valvular replacement done
Warfarin titration see break your leg
HPI Tiredness Lightheadedness SOB Development/worsning of ischemia (angina/ claudication) GI bleed Menstrual history Chronic ds/ previous surg FHx Drug history (hemolytic: jaundice; B12: peripheral neuropathy/ dementia/subacute combined degeneration of cord; sickle cell: leg ulcer, stroke, pul HTN)
PE Pallor Tachypnea JVP Tachycardia Flow murmur edema postural hypotension
Workup and interpretation
- CBC: Hb low
- Retic count high: bleeding/ hemolysis
- Retic count low + MCV:
»_space;> MCV low: Fe def/ thal
- Ferritin: N/ high in anemia of chronic ds, Low in Fe def
- Target cell/ basophilic stippling: Thal
»_space;> MCV normal: blood loss/ anemia of chronic ds
»_space;> MCV high: B12/folate, myelodysplastic
- Hypersegmented: folate/B12, drugs
- Target/stomatocyte: liver function
- Dysplasia: marrow (myelodysplasia)
- Polychromasia: bleeding/ hemolysis
Hemolysis blood pic
- bili, LDH, H
- spherocyte, fragment
- Coomb’s
Rate of enlargement
Weightloss, night sweat, itch
Localized/ generalized Size Character: hard, soft, rubbery Fixed, mobile Other general exam (clubbing, joint, rash)
Site (ms/joint, retroperitoneal, intracranial vs purpura, prolonged bleed from cut, GI, menorrhagia)
Precipitating cause (spontaneous/surg/ trauma)
FHx (consanguinous marriage)
Drug history (quinine, vancomycin, TCM, cytotoxic)
Age at presentation
Other med condition (e.g. liver ds)
Mucosal v Deep tissue
- mucosal (PLT def/ vWD): petechiae/ bruises, gum/mucosal bleed, fundal h’age, post-surg
- hemarthrosis/ hematoma in ms (coag factor): soft tissue, regroperitoneal, intracranial, post-surg
Retinal, ICH
Lips + tongue
Petechiae purpura (dermis bleed, flat + non blanching)
Ecchymosis (deep skin, purple/red/yellow)
Retroperitoneal Joints Splenomegaly Liver Malignancy
Decrease production
1. marrow hypoplasia (aplastic anemia, drug e.g. cytotoxic/ antimetabolite, transfusion)
2. marrow infiltration (leukemia, myeloma, carcinoma, myelofibrosis, osteoporosis)
3. hematinic def (B12/ folate)
4. familial (alport, bernard soulier, wiskott aldrich)
Increase consumption
1. immune (ITP, post-trans, drug associated e.g. vanco/quinine)
2. coag activation (DIC)
3. mechanical pooling (hypersplenism)
4. thrmobotic microangiopathies (HUS, TTP, liver)
Indication for thrombophilia testing
- venous thrombosis <45
- FHX of unprovoked thrombosis
- Arterial+venous thrombosis
- Unusual thrombosis (cerebral venous thrombosis, hepatic vein, portal vein, mesenteric vein)
Component of thrombophilia testing
- antithrombin
- protein C/S
- Antiphosphoilpid antibody, lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin
- Genetic test: Factor V leiden, prothrombin G20210A, JaAK2 utation
- Flow cytometry: glycerol phosphatidyl inositol linked ell surface protein def in PNH
Investigate if persistent >2mo
- relative (low vol) erythrocytosis: diuretics, smoking, obesity, alcohol, Gaisbock
- absolute erythrocytosis: myeloproliferative, hypoxia (cardiopul, high alt), inappropriately high EPO (renal cyst/hydronephrosis/CA, tumor e.g. hepatoma, bronchogenic, fibroid, pheo)
Polycythemia vera: aquagenic pruritis (hot bath), hepatosplenomegaly, gout + JAK2 V614F mut