Hematology Flashcards
bite cells, blister cells, heinz bodies (denatured hgb, super vital stain) what disease process is this?
G6PD deficiency
Antibodies attack ADAMTS13 so that it loses its function and big, uncut vWB factor (ULVWM) clogs the microvasculature. This causes clotting issues and sheer stress.
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
What globulin chains do adults have?
2- alpha
2- beta
What globulin chains does the fetus have?
2- alpha
2- gamma
Rare disorder of the erythrocytes membrane. The defect makes the cell abnormally sensitive to lysis of complement.
PNH (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria)
Large platelets, decreased plts, Dohle bodies in segs.
May-Hagglin anomoly
Large purpulish granules in cytoplasm incompletely degraded mucopolysaccharides.
Causes recurrent bacterial infections and the WBCs have bluish-gray inclusions.
Condition where there is a chronic sustained leukocytosis and all stages of cell maturation are seen?
Myeloproliferative Disorders
CD13 and CD33
Myeloid cells
CD41 and CD61
Calculate MCV
HCT/RBC x 10
Calculate MCH
HGB/RBC x 10
Calculate MCHC
HB/HCT x 100
What cells is increased in bacterial infections?
What cell is increased in viral infections?
Calculate WBC
of cells counted x (1/0.9) x dilution factor
Calculate hematocrit
APL (acute promyelocytic leukemia)
t(9;22) philadelphia chromosome
bcr/abl fusion gene
CML (chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
Expected RBC indicies in a patient with rouleaux?
RBC decreased
MCV, MCHC increased
Blasts that stain with myeloperoxidase and specific esterase are in what lineage?
Retic reference range?
IDA, Chronic disease/inflammation, lead poisoning and Thalassemia Trait fall in what anemia classification?
B12, pernicous anemia and malabsorption/dietary, folate deficiency, liver disease/alcholism fall under what anemia classification?
This macrocytic anemia with have decrease B12, oval macrocytes, hypersegemented polys, H-J bodies?
B12 deficiency
If a paient is suspected to have PA what test should be run?
Anti-IF factor (positive), MMA (methymalonic acid), homocystine
Antibody mediated anemia showing nornmocytic/normchromic anemia include what disease processes?
Cold agglutinin Disease
Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Anemia caused by these diseases is due to a membrane defect:
Herediatry spherocytosis
Hereditary Elliptocytosis
Anemia due to an enzyme deficiency:
G6PD (heinz bodies)
PK (no heinz bodies)
Anemia due to decreased production of EPO or loss, dry tap during bone marrow, hypocellular bone marrow, decreased retics and pancytopenia:
Aplastic anemia
Acute blood loss
Chronic renal failure
A cytokine produced that increases production of platelets?
Patients with this genetic disorder are sometimes partial albino:
Chediak Higashi
What represents the biochemical composition of pappenheimer bodies?
H-J bodies are composed of what?
Basophilic stippling is composed of what?
Pappenheimer bodies are composed of what?
Heinz bodies are composed of what?
Denatured Hgb
Cabot rings are composed of what?
remnants of mitotic spindle
A hypocellular bone marrow has an M;E ratio of 5:1 what does this indicate?
Decreased erythropoiesis
In a hypercellular bone marrow what would be increased?
An increased LAP is indicative of what?
leukemoid reaction
A decreased LAP is indicative of what?
This leukemia will have lymphocytes with cytoplasmic projections, is TRAP positive and is CD 103, CD 11 and CD 25 positive
hairy cell leukemia
This leukemia has increased mylocytic cell precursors from blast to mature neutrophil:
This leukemia is classified by >20% blasts present:
A physician orders interphase FISH to detect the BCR/ABL1 fusion protein. The results are positive. What is the karyotype likely to detect?
t(9;22) CML
CD2, CD3, CD5, CD7 are what cell lineage?
T-cell lineage
CD10 (calla), CD19, CD22 are what cell lineage?
B-cell lineage
CD13 and CD33 are what cell lineage?
myeloid lineage
JAK 2 mutation is are marker for what?
PV (polycythemia vera)
Myelocytes with auer rods seen is representative of what leukemia?
APL (acute promyelocytic leukemia)
Refractory anemia
<5% blasts present
Refractory anemia with sideroblasts
<5% blasts with ringed sideroblasts
Refractory anemial with excess blasts
5-20% blasts
Lytic bone lesions, sheets of plasma cells in the BM, Rouleaux with red cells, serum protein monoclonal spike and urinary excretion of bence jones protein (IgG) is indicative of what disease process?
Multiple myeloma
Normal bone scan, increased serum viscosity and increased IgM is indicative of what disease process?
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
The Reed Sternberg cell is associated with what disease process?
Hodgkin lymphoma
Increased TIBC is associated with what?
Increased Ferritin is seen in what disease processes?
Thalassemia, Anemia of chronic disease (inflammation)
What disease process will you see an increased Hg F?
Beta thalassemia
What disease process will you see an decreased Hg A
Alpha thalassemia
Heinz bodies are seen in what disease processes?
G6PD Deficiency
Unstable hemoglobins
Mciroangiopathic hemolytic anemai is characterized by:
Schitocytes and basophilic stippling
In PV what parameter would be increased?
RBC count
Essential thrombocythemia (ET) is characterized by an increase in what?
Platelets >1 million
What is the normal myeloid to erythroid ratio?
Hemoglobin H disease is associated with which thalassemia?
Alpha Thalasemmia
RDW range?
Adults reference range for Hg A?
> 95%
Adult reference range for Hg A2?
Adult reference range for Hg F?
Which cells stain strongly with myeloperoxidase?
A hypercellular bone marrow has an M:E ratio of 10:1. This indicates:
Increased leukopoiesis
In which hematological disorder would you expect to encounter an increased total binding capacity (TIBC)?
Serum iron normal
TIBC decreased
Serum ferritin increased
anemia of chronic disease
In which disorder are increases in Hgb A2 and F seen?
Beta Thalassemia
The most common type of acute leukemia in children?
No detectable B cells in the bone marrow but a normal amount of T cells. It is X linked.
Bruton’s X-linked agammaglobulinemia
Infants with sickle cell disease typically do not become symptomatic until 6 months of age. How do you explain this?
The concentration of Hemoglobin F predominates over Hgb S.
Severe combined immunodeficiency exhibits:
decreased or dysfunctional T and B cells
the major iron storage compound?
A decreased value of this indicated no iron stores?
Oval macrocytes, decreased B12 and positive Intrinsic Factor antibodies (IF) are indicative of what disease?
Pernicious Anemia (PA)
What is the molecular structure of Hgb F?
2 alpha
2 gamma
What is the molecular structure of Hgb A?
>95% of adult hemoglobin
2 alpha
2 beta
What is the molecular structure of Hgb A2?
2 alpha
2 delta