Hematology Flashcards
There are few physiologic disturbances until hemoglobin reaches ≤ _____.
7-8 g/dL
Some signs and symptoms of anemia include:
Pallor, loss of palmar crease pigmentation, irritability, fatigue, exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, pica (iron deficiency), tachycardia, palpitations, headache, vertigo
_____ is the most important lab clue for the cause of anemia.
Reticulocyte count
- Can also examine a peripheral blood smear and…
- *Urinalysis, direct Coombs test, stool guaiac
An acquired failure of the hematopoietic stem cells that results in pancytopenia is known as _____ anemia.
- Most often idiopathic in developed countries
- *May be induced by certain drugs or infections → hepatitis and mononucleosis
How are severe cases of aplastic anemia treated? Mild cases?
- Severe- stem cell transplantation
2. Mild- Supportive treatment with transfusion of PRBCs and platelets
When CBC shows hemoglobin decreased from baseline, with markedly increased reticulocytosis you are dealing with _____ anemia.
Bacterial and viral infections in children with sickle cell anemia can precipitate rapid _____, with sudden-onset of jaundice and pallor
*Other causes- TTP, HUS, giant hemangioma, artificial heart valves, sepsis, DIC, Sickle Cell Anemia/Crisis
How do you treat hemolytic anemia?
Treat underlying infection!
Sickle cell disease is an autosomal _____ (recessive/dominant) genetic disorder of HgbSS. Affects 0.15% of African Americans.
Sickle cell trait confers some resistance to ______ (specific disease).
- individuals with trait may have episodic hematuria and inability to concentrate urine
- *affects about 8% of African Americans
Sickle cell disease can lead to ______ anemia because sickled cells are destroyed by the spleen.
_____ is one of the first signs of hemolytic anemia, seen around 6-9 months.
Dactylitis- digit swelling. Also have delayed growth and development.
Osteomyelitis is a common infxn associated with ____.
Sickle cell disease
Vasoocclusion in spleen & RBC pooling leading to acute splenomegaly and rapidly decreasing hemoglobin is known as ______.
Splenic sequestration crisis
*Can lead to splenic infarction and functional asplenia
Some triggers of a sickle cell crisis include:
Cold weather, hypoxia, infxn, dehydration, ETOH, pregnancy.
Acute chest syndrome, back, abdominal, and bone pain are associated with a ____ _____ _____.
Sickle cell crisis
- Priapism is also common :(
- *Those with the trait may suffer from: pulmonary HTN, CHF, symptoms of fatigue, SOB due to decreased O2 affinity of HgbS
How is sickle cell disease diagnosed?
- CBC with peripheral blood smear:
DECREASED hemoglobin
DECREASED hematocrit
INCREASED reticulocytes
Management of sickle cell disease:
- IV hydration and Oxygen 1st step!!! Then narcotics for adequate pain control (AVOID Meperidine–> high doses can lead to seizures)
- Hydroxyurea: reduces frequency of pain crisis
- Folic Acid: needed for RBC production and DNA synthesis
- RBC transfusion therapy- only in a severe crisis
Children with sickle cell disease should be immunized for:
*Hint- SHiN
S. penumo
H. influenzae type B
N meningococcus
*should also receive prophylactic PCN from 4 months- 6 years.
Von Willebrand disease, Hemophilia A, & Hemophilia B are examples of _______.
Clotting factor disorders
______ is the MC inherited bleeding disorder.
Von Willebrand Disease
*vWF is necessary to anchor platelets to the injured vessel wall
Treatment of von willebrand includes:
____ is the MC acquired coagulopathy.
Vitamin K deficiency
- Many coag factors depend on Vitamin K
- *Neonates should receive a dose at birth
Vitamin K deficiency often occurs because of malabsorption, seen especially in patients with _____ (particular disease state).
Cystic fibrosis
Overdose of ______ (certain drug) can cause severe Vitamin K deficiency.
Deficiencies in Vitamin K may be secondary to:
Poor diet, liver failure, malabsorption, malnutrition, and the use of some drugs (especially broad-spectrum abx)
Hemophilia A is a result of factor ___ deficiency.
- X-linked recessive
- *Prolonged PTT but PT is normal
Hemophilia B is due to a deficiency in factor ___.
- Christmas disease
- *Indistinguishable from Hemophilia A clinically
Heparin overdose antidote is ____.
Warfarin overdose antidote is ____.
Vitamin K