Hematology 3 - Hemolytic Anemia, G6PD Deficiency, Sickle Cell Anemia Flashcards
Define hemolysis
Life of RBC shortened below 100 days
2 types of Hemolytic Anemia?
- Intrinsic- defect intrinsic to RBC
2. Extrinsic-external factors causing anemia
What types of things cause intravascular hemolysis?
Mechanical heart valves, transfusion rxn, toxins (snake venom), infx, oxidant stress, complement mediated hemolysis
What types of things cause extravascular hemolysis?
Membranopathy, enzymopathy, hemoglobinopathy (ex thalassemia) immune mediated
Schistocytes represent hemolysis where?
Shereocytes, spur cells, bite cells represent hemolysis where?
The “-opathies” are which Hemolytic Anemia class?
Immune, burns, valve hemolysis are which Hemolytic Anemia class?
Hemolytic Anemia signs and symptoms?
Jaundice, yellow discoloration, Scleral icterus, abdominal pain, dark urine, thrombus, petechiae and purpura. In addition to normal anemia Sx.
Hemolytic Anemia PE findings?
Normal anemia and jaundice, Scleral icterus, dark/discolored urine, splenomegaly, petechiae, purpura, abd tender, eccymosis
What is the cause of dark/discolored urine in Hemolytic Anemia?
What happens to RBCs in Hemolytic Anemia?
What are the 2 parts of heme?
Porphyrin ring
Where does Bilirubin come from?
Breakdown of heme portion of RBC (porphyrin ring)
What is hallmark lab finding for Hemolytic Anemia?
Elevated reticulocyte count with stable or falling Hgb, OR seeing abnormal cells on smears (shictocytes and spherocytes)
What binds free hemoglobin?
Hemolytic Anemia lab studies
Elevated reticulocytosis w/stable or falling Hgb
Urine hemosiderin – positive
↑ Indirect bilirubin – elevated
↑↑ Serum LD
↑ Methemalbuminemia – plasma methemalbumin
•↑ Hemoglobinemia – free plasma hemoglobin or free urine hemoglobin
Positive Urine hemosiderin more common where?
↑ Indirect bilirubin more common where?
Direct Coombs looks at what?
Tests for RBCs coated with antibodies or complement
Indirect Coombs looks at what?
Tests for antibodies against RBCs in the serum
What does Heinz Body represent?
Denatured hemoglobin. Unstable hemoglobin
variants, G6PD, enzyme defect
What is the common hemolytic anemia due to cell membrane defect?
Hereditary Spherocytosis
What causes Hereditary Spherocytosis?
DNA mutation causing membranopathy
What shapes be seen on peripheral smear in Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Hereditary Spherocytosis Direct Coombs test positive or negative?
Negative. Not an antibody issue.
How is the diagnosis of Hereditary Spherocytosis often made?
Clinical grounds
Tx for Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Supportive. Folic acid supplements. Transfuse as needed.
When to consider splenectomy for Hereditary Spherocytosis?
If severe symptoms