Hematology Flashcards
Causes of Neutrophilia
- Smoking
- Steroid
- Lithium
Indication of treatment of Polycythemia Vera
With additional risk factors including
- Age older than 60 years or
- h/o thromboembolic event
Should receive cytoeductive therapy with hydroxyurea or interferon alpha. PLUS ASPIRIN.
(Ruxolitinib for intolerant to first line agent or resistant PV)
Chemotherapy induced neutropenia typically occurs within…
5 to 15 days following chemotherapy.
Prophylactic Indication of G-CSF
- high risk patients (undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation or receiving induction chemo for acute leukemia) of neutropenia
- as secondary prophylaxis in patient with previous episode of febrile neutropenia
Usually given on day 2 of chemotherapy.
Survivors of pediatric leukemia (typically acute lymphoblastic leukemia) are at increased risk of developing
- metabolic syndrome
- so screening for dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension is recommended.
Key Points
The dilute Russell viper venom time is an assay used to confirm the presence of a lupus anticoagulant (LAC), which might be a diagnostic consideration if the prolonged aPTT fails to correct following a one-to-one mixing study.
What is the diagnosis?
- Chronic Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
- Target cells of peripheral blood smear
- Normal hemoglobin electrophoresis
Alpha Thalessemia Trait.
“Silent carrier” do not have anemia.
Key Point
Patients with β-thalassemia have chronic microcytic anemia, target cells on the peripheral blood smear, a reduced hemoglobin A level, and elevated levels of hemoglobin F and hemoglobin A2 on hemoglobin electrophoresis.
Key Points
The hallmark of chronic myeloid leukemia is the Philadelphia chromosome, a reciprocal translocation of the ABL gene on chromosome 9 to the BCR gene on chromosome 22, designated as t(9;22).
A tyrosine kinase inhibitor such as imatinib is considered first-line treatment for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosed in the chronic phase (<10% blasts in the bone marrow).
Indication of Steroid in ITP
- Platelet count less than 30K who are asymptomatic or
- who have mucocutaneous bleeding
course (<6 weeks) of prednisone or dexamethasone. The response to intravenous immune globulin is faster and may be indicated in patients with more severe thrombocytopenia and life-threatening bleeding.
Indication of platelet transfusion in ITP
If only patient is bleeding
Treatment of metastatic Non Small Cell Lung cancer with ALK translocation
Patient taking aromatase inhibitor without active cancer
- should take calcium and vitamin D
- should get annual DEXA scan
- confirmed Osteoporosis>start Alendronate
But if patient is on active anti-cancer therapy, patient should be started on Alendronate/bisphosphonate irrespective of osteoporosis
Key Point
CLL without significant symptoms, bulky adenopathy or cytopenias shouldn’t be initiated on treatment.
Gastroesophageal tumor should be evaluated for expression of
Human Growth Factor 2 (HER2)
Melanoma should be evaluated for expression of
BRAF mutation
Key Point
- Elevated CEA level indicates worse prognosis for patient at any stage of colon cancer.
- Rising CEA level during surveillance period after resection indicates recurrence.