HEMATOLOGY 1 Flashcards
Homogenous, continuous, aqueous solution in the cytoplasmic matrix
Macromolecular complexes composed of small and large subunit of rRNA and many accessory ribosomal proteins.
are found free in the cytoplasm or on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum
serves as the site of protein synthesis
Synthesizes phopholipids and steroids
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Detoxifies drugs
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Stores calcium
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Synthesizes most membrane-bound proteins
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
• Term used for the non-mitosis stages of the cell cycle, that is, G1, S, and G2. Mitosis – M phase
• Two identical daughter cells are produced, each of which receives one entire set of the DNA that was replicated during the S phase
• Duration: _____
• Also known as: Gap 1 phase
- Interphase – G1 phase
• Cell grows rapidly and performs its cellular functions
- Interphase – G1 phase
• Period of cell growth and synthesis of components necessary for replication.
- Interphase – G1 phase
- Interphase – G1 phase
• Duration: ____
• Also known as: Synthesis phase
- Interphase – S phase
• DNA is replicated
- Interphase – S phase
• An exact copy of each chromosome is produced and they pair together as sister chromatids.
- Interphase – S phase
• The centrosome is also duplicated during the S stage.
- Interphase – S phase
- Interphase – S phase
• Duration: ____
• Also known as: Gap 2 phase
- Interphase – G2 phase
• Period when the cell produces materials essential for cell division
- Interphase – G2 phase
• Tetraploid DNA is checked for proper replication and damage
- Interphase – G2 phase
- Interphase – G2 phase
• Duration: ____
G0 phase • Also known as: ____________
• Cells are not active in cell cycle
G0 phase
• Some cells may enter this phase after G1 phase
G0 phase
• Normally do not re-enter the cell cycle and remain alive performing their function until apoptosis occurs
G0 phase
• Occur at the end of G1 phase
• Before DNA replication in S phase
• At the end of G2 phase before M phase
The chromosomes condense, the duplicated centrosomes begin to separate, and mitotic spindle fibers appear.
The nuclear envelope disassembles, the centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell and serve as a point of origin of the mitotic spindle fibers.
The sister chromatids (chromosome pairs) attach to the mitotic spindle fibers.
The sister chromatids align on the mitotic spindle fibers at a location equidistant from the centrosome poles.
The sister chromatids separate and move on the mitotic spindles toward the centrosomes on opposite poles
The nuclear membrane reassembles around each set of chromosomes and the mitotic spindle fibers disappear.
The cell divides into two identical daughter cells
• Present in small numbers in the bone marrow (<1% cells in the bone marrow)
Stem Cells
Types of Human Stem Cells
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
- Pluripotential or Multipotential stem cell
- Unipotential Stem cell
• These cells are present in the first few hours after an ovum is fertilized.
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
• Can develop into any human cell type, including development from embryo into fetus.
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
• The most versatile type of stem cell.
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
• Give rise to all cell lineage
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
• Gives rise to CFU-S and CFU-L
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
• Can develop into any human cell type, including development from embryo into fetus.
- Totipotent hematopoietic stem cell (THSC)
• These cells are capable of giving rise to multiple lineages of blood cells
- Pluripotential or Multipotential stem cell
• Example: CFU-S and CFU-L
- Pluripotential or Multipotential stem cell
• Gives rise to single lineage of blood cell Identification
- Unipotential Stem cell
• The identification and origin of stem cells can be determined by
immunophenotypic analysis using flow cytometry
Characteristic of stem cell
1. Capable of [?]
2. Give rise to [?]
3. Able to reconstitute the hematopoietic system of a [?]
differentiated progeny
lethally irradiated host
Fate of Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC)
- Self-renewal
- Differentiation
- Apoptosis
• Glycoprotein
• Encoded on Chromosome 1q
• Stem cell marker
General cell size (diameter) ; Nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio
Decreases with maturity
Chromatin pattern
Becomes more condensed
Presence of nucleoli
Not visible in mature cells
Cytoplasmic characteristics: Color
Progresses from darker blue to lighter blue, blue-gray, or pink
Cytoplasmic characteristics: Granulation
Progresses from no granules to non-specific to specific granules
Cytoplasmic characteristics: Vacuoles
Increase with age
• Is a continuous, regulated process of blood cell production that includes cell renewal, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation. (Rodak)
• Is a collective term used to describe the process involved in the production of blood cells from human stem cells (HSCs) with subsequent cellular differentiation and development. (Turgeon)
• These processes result in the formation, development, and specialization of all of the functional blood cells that are released from the bone marrow to the circulation.
• In healthy adults, it is restricted primarily to the bone marrow.
• Consists of bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus.
• In fetus, hematopoiesis takes place at various intervals in the liver, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. At birth, and continuing into adulthood
• Takes place in a unique microenvironment in the marrow consisting of stromal cells and extracellular matrix.
Hematopoiesis Major locations
• Yolk sac, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region, fetal liver, bone marrow, and thymus.
• Lymphocytes:
Spleen and lymph nodes of the secondary lymphoid tissues.
Hematopoiesis Types
- P___________________________
- D___________________________
• Occurs during the mesoblastic phase
• Begins during the fetal hepatic phase and continuous through adult life
Site of hematopoiesis in Adult bone
• Large, nucleated cells
Primitive erythrocytes
• Contain embryonic hemoglobins: Gower 1, Gower 2 and Portland
Primitive erythrocytes
• Occurs in distinct anatomical sites called erythropoietic islands
account for 5% to 38% of nucleated cells in normal bone marrow
• Erythroid cells
account for 23% to 85% of the nucleated cells in normal bone marrow
• Myeloid cells
• Neutrophils in the bone marrow reside in the proliferating pool and the maturation storage pool
• Maturing cells spend an average of 3 to 6 days in the proliferating pool
• If needed, cells from the storage pool can exit into the circulation rapidly and will have an average life span of 6 to 10 hours.
• Unlike other cell lines, lymphocytes and plasma cells are produced in lymphoid follicles.
account for 1% to 5% of the nucleated cells in the normal bone marrow.
• Lymphoid cells
• takes place adjacent to the sinus endothelium
• protrude through the vascular wall as small cytoplasmic processes to deliver platelets into the sinusoidal blood.
• develop into platelets in approximately 5 days.
START: 19 or 20 day of gestation
- Mesoblastic Phase
END: 8 to 12 week of gestation
- Mesoblastic Phase
Mesodermal cells of the yolk sac and later to aortagonad mesonephros (AGM)
- Mesoblastic Phase
RBCs (Primitive erythroblasts)
- Mesoblastic Phase
START: 5 to 7 gestational week (RODAK) 5 to 6th week of gestation(STEININGER)
- Hepatic Phase
Peak: 3rd month of fetal life (Turgeon)
- Hepatic Phase
END: 1 to 2 weeks after birth
- Hepatic Phase
Main: Liver
- Hepatic Phase
Minor: Spleen, Thymus, Lymph nodes
- Hepatic Phase
RBC, Granulocytes, Monocytes, Megakaryocytes/Platelets
- Hepatic Phase
Stem Cells:
Phases of Hematopoiesis:
Hematopoietic Hormones:
- Thrombopoietin (TPO) • Also known as ________________________
• Synthesized in the liver
- Thrombopoietin (TPO)
• Produced primarily by the kidneys (85 to 90%), and the liver (10 to 15%)
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Primary source of erythropoietin in the newborn: liver
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Molecular weight: 34,000 Daltons or 34 kD
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Produced in the renal peritubular interstitial cells or renal tubular cells
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Prevents the apoptosis of erythroid precursors
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Induces hemoglobin synthesis and serves as differentiation factor causing the CFU-E to differentiate into Pronormoblasts
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• First human hematopoietic growth factor to be identified
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Encoded on Chromosome 7
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Major hematopoietic organ, and a primary lymphoid tissues.
Bone Marrow
• One of the body’s largest organs
Bone Marrow
• Represents approximately 3.5% to 6% of total body weight
Bone Marrow
• Averages 1,500 grams in adults
Bone Marrow
Bone Marrow • Predominant cell:
Metamyelocyte (Juvenile)
Bone Marrow • Consist of:
Hematopoietic cells (Erythroid, Myeloid, Lymphoid, and Megakaryocyte), Fat (adipose tissue), osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and stroma.
• During infancy and early adulthood, all the bones in the body contain primarily red (active) marrow.
Bone Marrow
Bone Marrow • Between [?], adipocytes become more abundant and begin to occupy the spaces in the long bones previously dominated by active marrow.
5 and 7 years old
• Hematopoietically inactive [?] is scattered throughout the red marrow so that in adults, there is approximately equal amounts of red and yellow marrow in these areas.
yellow marrow
is capable of reverting back to active marrow in cases of increased demand on the bone marrow, such as in excessive blood loss or hemolysis.
Yellow marrow
Bone Marrow Types:
- Red Marrow
- Yellow Marrow
• Hematopoietically active marrow
- Red Marrow
• Consists of developing blood cells and their progenitors
- Red Marrow
• By age 18, found only in the vertebrae, ribs, sternum, skull bones, pelvis, proximal epiphyses of femur and humerus.
- Red Marrow
• Hematopoietically inactive marrow
- Yellow Marrow
• Composed primarily of adipocytes (fat cells), with undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and macrophages
- Yellow Marrow
• Under physiological stress, yellow marrow will revert to active red marrow
- Yellow Marrow
• Process of replacing the active marrow by adipocytes (yellow marrow) during development.
• Results in restriction of the active marrow in the adult to the sternum, vertebrae, scapulae, pelvis, ribs, skull, proximal portion of the long bones.
• In certain abnormal circumstances, the spleen and liver revert back to producing immature blood cells as extramedullary sites. In these cases, enlargement of spleen and liver, hepatosplenomegaly, is frequently noted on physical examination. This situation suggests that undifferentiated primitive blood cells are present in these areas and are able to proliferate if an appropriate stimulus is present.
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
• In certain disease states, the bone marrow is unable to produce sufficient numbers of hematopoietic cells, and the liver and spleen may then become the sites of extramedullary hematopoiesis.
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
• This can occur in hemolytic anemias, where there is increased demand placed on the bone marrow.
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
• However, in cases of aplastic anemia and the leukemias, blood cells are not produced because of the fibrotic nature of the bone marrow or infiltration with malignant cells.
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
Conditions where extramedullary hematopoiesis takes place:
- When the bone marrow becomes dysfunctional in cases such as aplastic anemia, infiltration by malignant cells, or overproliferation of a cell line (?)
- When the bone marrow is unable to meet the demands placed on it, as in the [?]
hemolytic anemias
Other Adult Hematopoietic Tissue:
• Main site of hematopoiesis during the Hepatic phase
- Liver
• Main site of production of thrombopoietin (TPO) Liver
- Liver
• is often involved in blood-related diseases.
- Liver
• In porphyrias, hereditary or acquired defects in the enzymes involved in heme biosynthesis result in the accumulation of the various intermediary porphyrins that damage hepatocytes, erythrocyte precursors, and other tissues.
- Liver
• In severe hemolytic anemias, the liver increases the conjugation of bilirubin and the storage of iron.
- Liver
• sequesters membrane-damaged RBCs and removes them from the circulation.
- Liver
• can maintain hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to produce various blood cells (called extramedullary hematopoiesis) as a response to infectious agents or in pathologic myelofibrosis of the bone marrow.
- Liver
Largest lymphoid organ
• Filters the circulating blood
• Stores 1/3 of platelet
- Play a role in the formation of new lymphocytes from the germinal centers
- Lymph Node
- Involved in the processing of specific immunoglobulins
- Lymph Node
- Filter particulate matter, debris, and bacteria entering the lymph node via the lymph
- Lymph Node
• Maturation site of T-lymphocyte
- Thymus
• First fully developed organ in fetus
- Thymus
• Term used to describe the process of RBC production
• Occurs in distinct anatomical sites called erythropoietic islands
• Each island consists of a macrophage surrounded by a cluster of erythroblasts.
• The macrophage serves to supply the developing red cells with iron for hemoglobin synthesis.
• Erythroid cells account for 5% to 38% of nucleated cells in normal bone.
• Literally means decrease in oxygen content within the tissues
• Produces a dramatic increase in the production of erythropoietin
• Primary stimulus for the production of RBCs
• Refers to all of the stages of erythrocyte development encompassing the earliest precursor cells in the bone marrow to the mature RBCs in the circulating, peripheral blood and the vascular areas of organs such as the spleen.
Basic substances needed for normal erythrocyte and hemoglobin production
• Amino acids (protein)
• Iron
• Vitamin B12
• Vitamin B6
• Folic acid (member of B2 complex)
• Trace minerals (Cobalt and nickel)
• Produced primarily by the kidneys (80% to 90%), liver (10 to 15%)
Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Primary source of EPO in the unborn:
• Site of EPO production in kidneys:
Peritubular cells
• Glycoprotein hormone
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Erythropoietin (EPO) • MW:
46,000 daltons
• First human hematopoietic growth factor to be identified
Erythropoietin (EPO)
• Blood levels is inversely related to tissue oxygenation
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Erythropoietin (EPO)• Level can increase up to [?] in response to anemia or arterial hypoxemia
20,000 mU/mL
: Produces dramatic increase in the production of EPO.
• Tissue hypoxia
• prevents erythroid cell apoptosis
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Erythropoietin (EPO) General Characteristics of Maturation and Development
• Maturation through nucleated cell stages in [?]
• Bone marrow reticulocytes: [?]
• Reticulocytes in circulation: [?] (represents 0.5% to 1% of the circulating erythrocytes)
4 or 5 days
2.5 days
1 day
• One technique used in nuclear medicine to identify sites of erythropoiesis as well as other physiologic characteristics and tumors
Radioactive imaging
• After radioisotope injection, total body surface counts are done with an external probe, which shows the location of radioactivity in the body
Radioactive imaging
Radioisotopes used
- Iron-59
- Iron-52
- Technetium-99m sulfur colloid
• Ingested iron normally is bound to transferrin in the blood, carried to sites of erythrocyte production, and incorporated into the erythrocyte to be used in hemoglobin production
Iron-59 and Iron-52
• Has long half-life (45 days), thus exposes the patient to long-term radiation
• Does not permit good image production
• Has an ideal half-life (8.2 hours)
• Excellent for imaging
Most widely used radioisotope in clinical imaging
• Refers to the total production of red blood cells
Total Erythropoiesis
• Production of red blood cells that reach the circulation or peripheral blood
Effective Erythropoiesis (RBCS that reach the circulation)
• Uses radioactive 59Fe intravenously to measure rate of disappearance
Plasma Iron turnover
• Measures total erythropoiesis
Plasma Iron turnover
• Measures effective erythropoiesis
Red cell turnover
• Measures 59Fe radioactivity for 2-3 weeks
Red cell turnover
Proerythroblast Rubriblast
Basophilic normoblast
Basophilic erythroblast Prorubricyte
Polychromatophilic normoblast or Polychromatic normoblast
Polychromatophilic erythroblast or Polychromatic erythroblast Rubricyte
Orthochromic normoblast
Orthochromic erythroblast Metarubricyte
Polychromatophilic erythrocyte or Polychromatic erythrocyte/Diffusely Basophilic Erythrocyte or Reticulocyte (Supravital stain)
• Also known as Rubriblast, Proerythroblast
• N:C ratio is 8:1
• Fine and uniform chromatin pattern and stains intensely
• It takes approximately 3 days for the pronormoblast to develop into the orthochromic normoblast
• Earliest recognizable RBC precursor in light microscopy
• Also known as Prorubricyte, Basophilic erythroblast
• Slightly smaller than rubriblast
• N:C ratio is 4:1
• Nuclear chromatin becomes more clumped
• Last stage with nucleolus
• Cytoplasm is less but intensely basophilic (due to RNA)
• Also known as Rubricyte, Polychromatophilic erythroblast
• Hemoglobin appear for the first time
• N:C ratio is 1:1
• Muddy, light gray appearance of cell due to variable amounts of pink coloration mixed with basophilia
• Last stage capable of mitosis
• Also known as Metarubricyte, Orthochromic erythroblast
• Nucleus is tightly condensed and described as pyknotic (dense or compact)
• In the later period of this stage, the nucleus will be extruded from the cell
• Last stage with nucleus
• Eight reticulocytes are normally produced from one pronormoblast
• Reticulocytes synthesize hemoglobin for approximately 1 day after leaving the marrow
• Residual ribosomes, mitochondria, and other organelles are removed in the spleen or are internally dissolved.
• Part of this phase occurs in the bone marrow, and the later part of the stage takes place in the circulating blood
• Anuclear
• In supravital stain: Reticulocyte
• Last stage capable of hemoglobin synthesis
• After nuclear expulsion, reticulocytes retained in the marrow for 2 to 3 days
• Same color with mature RBC
• Increased numbers of reticulocytes are prematurely released from the bone marrow under the stimulus of erythropoietin because of such conditions as acute bleeding.
Stress or shift reticulocyte
• When stained with a supravital stain, stress reticulocytes exhibit a much denser meshlike network
Stress or shift reticulocyte
• An elevated reticulocyte count accompanies a shortened RBC survival
Polychromatophilia, polychromasia, reticulocytosis
- Mature erythrocyte
Earliest recognizable
Last stage capable of mitosis
Last stage with a nucleolus
Last stage with nucleus
Last stage that can synthesize hemoglobin
• Anaerobic glycolysis
• 90 to 95% of ATP
• 2 ATP is produced for every glucose molecule broken down to lactic acid
• ATP is used to control the flow of sodium and potassium into and out of the RBC, maintain the biconcave shape of the cell, and protect membrane lipids
• Important enzyme: Pyruvate kinase
• Also known as Pentose phosphate pathway
• Decreased activity of an enzyme in this pathway results in oxidized hemoglobin, which denatures and precipitates as Heinz bodies
• Important enzymes: G6PD, Glutathione
- Prevent oxidative denaturation of hemoglobin by hydrogen peroxide
- Aerobic glycolysis (5 to 10%)
• Maintains the iron present in the hemoglobin molecule in a functional reduced state (Fe2+) for oxygen transport
• Enzyme: Methemoglobin reductase or Cytochrome b5 reductase
• Allows the production of 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG)
• The 2,3 DPG combines reversibly with the deoxygenated hemoglobin, decreasing the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.
RBC Membrane • Shape:
Biconcave disk
RBC Membrane • Cell membrane:
50% protein, 40% lipid, 10% carbohydrate (BROWN) /52% proteins, 40% lipids, and 8% carbohydrates (RODAK)
2 classes of proteins in the membrane
- Integral/ Transmembrane protein 2. Peripheral/Cytoskeletal/Skeletal protein
• In-contact with both the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane
Integral/ Transmembrane protein
• Carry various antigens on the membrane surface, while some antigens are also attached to the glycolipid portions of the membrane surface
Integral/ Transmembrane protein
• Serve as transport and adhesion sites and signaling receptors
Integral/ Transmembrane protein
• Any disruption in transport protein function changes the osmotic tension of the cytoplasm, which leads to a rise in viscosity and loss of deformability
Integral/ Transmembrane protein
• Proteins: protein 4.1, ankyrin, and Glycophorin A
Integral/ Transmembrane protein
• Responsible of the negative charge of the red blood cell surface
Glycophorin A (M, N antigen)
• Proteins: α-spectrin, β-spectrin, and Actin
Peripheral/Cytoskeletal/Skeletal protein
• Do not penetrate the bilayer
Peripheral/Cytoskeletal/Skeletal protein
= Consists of an α and a β chain in a helix circular pattern like a spring
Peripheral/Cytoskeletal/Skeletal protein • Spectrin
= contractile protein that contributes to the deformability of the RBC
Peripheral/Cytoskeletal/Skeletal protein • Actin
Variation in shape
Variation in size
Variation in hemoglobin content
• Variation in hemoglobin contents of red blood cells
RBC with a normal hemoglobin content have a clear pallor that occupies about 1/3 of the cell diameter
Decreased hemoglobin concentration and increase central pallor
• Do not have an area of central pallor because of its increased thickness
• Seen in spherocytes, sickle cell, Hb CC and Hb SC
RBC shift
Shift to the left=
Shift to the right =
Shift to the left= Microcytosis
Shift to the right = Macrocytosis
WBC shift
Shift to the left =
Shift to the right =
Shift to the left = Hyposegmented neutrophil
Shift to the right = Hypersegmented neutrophil
Oxygen dissociation curve
Shift to the left =
Shift to the right =
Shift to the left = Increased oxygen affinity
Shift to the right = Decreased oxygen affinity
• Spherical in shape
• Do not have central pallor
• Decreased surface membrane area to volume ratio
• Increased MCHC
• MCHC between 36 and 38 g/dL
• Centrally stained area with a thin outer rim of hemoglobin
• Increases in cholesterol and phospholipid may be one cause of target cells
• Slit-like (rectangular) area of central pallor
• Lost the indentation on one side
Red blood cell fragments
RBC with a single pointed extension resembling a teardrop or pear
RBC fragment in shape of a helmet
RBC in the shape of a sickle or crescent due to the formation of rod-like polymers of hemoglobin S within the cells
Elliptical (cigar-shaped), Oval (egg-shaped) RBC
• Crenated red blood cells
• Have blunt spicules evenly distributed over the surface of the RBC
• RBC with irregularly spaced projections
• These spicules vary in width but usually contain a bulbous, rounded end