hematologic pathophysiology of anemias Flashcards
primary function
produced in
transport HGB aka transport O2 to tissues
produced in bone marrow
immature erythrocyte (day 1 or 2 in blood stream) can increase r/t infections
deficient number of RBC’s
mean corpuscle volume
size of RBC’s
normal sized cells
smaller than normal sized cells
larger than normal sized cells
HGB definition
four folded globin chains (2 alpha 2 beta)
hemolytic anemia
abnormal hemolysis of RBC’s
RBC and carbonic anhydrase
RBC contains carbonic anhydrase, enzyme that catalyzes reaction between CO2 and H2O to form carbonic acid and H2CO3 (transport CO2 in the form of HCO3- to lungs for removal)
any condition that decreases oxygen transport to tissues will stimulate
erythropoietin, a glycoprotein formed in the kidneys (hence why HD patients need EPO)
pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell to pro erythroblast (pronormoblast) to erytheoblast (normoblast) to reticulocyte (3 days in marrow, 1 day in blood) to erythrocyte
what percent of circulating RBC’s are reticulocytes
anemia main adverse effect
HGB concentration women
HGB concentration men
decreased oxygen carrying capacity
anemia is <12g/dL for women and
<13g/dL for men
pregnancy: physiologic anemia (dilution) due to decreased HCT in relation to increased plasma volume
increase in circulating RBC’s. main adverse effect is increased blood viscosity. cancers, resp deficiency, not enough O2 getting to tissues, so make more trucks
causes of anemia (3)
blood loss
decreased production
increased destruction
acute blood loss anemia
body replaces fluid portion of plasma in 1-3 days leaving a low concentration of RBC’s
RBC concentration usually returns to normal within 3-6 weeks
chronic blood loss anemia
cannot absorb enough iron from the gut to make HGB as rapidly as it is lost
RBC’s are then produced much smaller and have little HGB inside- microcytic hypo chromic anemia
transfusion triggers
10/30 rule, transfuse if HGB <10g/dL or HCT <30% (take comorbidities, risk of bleeding, risk of end organ dysfunction into consideration. if healthy then meh)
Hb levels below 6g/dL benefit from transfusion
RBC transfusions can transmit (3)
hep b
hep c
risks associated with transfusion: immunomodulatory effects (4)
cancer recurrence
bacterial infections
transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)
hemolytic transfusion reactions
general EBL and transfusion thresholds EBL <15% EBL 30% EBL 30-40% EBL 50%
EBL <15%: rarely requires transfusion
EBL 30%: replacement with crystalloids/albumins
EBL 30-40%: RBC transfusion
EBL 50%: massive transfusion, may need accompanied FFP and platelets at a ratio of 1:1:1
types of anemia based on mechanisms: decreased production examples (2)
iron deficiency
types of anemia based on mechanisms: increased destruction (life span of RBC <120 days)
hemolytic anemia
sickle cell