Hemalurgic Metals Flashcards
What are the hemalurgic properties of iron?
Steals strength.
What are the hemalurgic properties of steel?
Steals physical allomancy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of tin?
Steals senses.
What are the hemalurgic properties of pewter?
Steals physical feruchemy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of zinc?
Steals emotional fortitude.
What are the hemalurgic properties of brass?
Steals cognitive feruchemy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of copper?
Steals mental fortitude, memory, and intelligence.
What are the hemalurgic properties of bronze?
Steals mental allomancy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of cadmium?
Steals temporal allomancy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of bendalloy?
Steals spiritual feruchemy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of gold?
Steals hybrid feruchemy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of electrum?
Steals enhancement allomancy.
What are the hemalurgic properties of chromium?
Steals destiny.
What are the hemalurgic properties of nicrosil?
Steals investiture.
What are the hemalurgic properties of aluminum?
Removes all powers.