Helping Without Harming Flashcards
Obligation and responsibility to do good
Which is more important, beneficence or nonmaleficence
NM typically overrides B but not always
Positive beneficence
Providing benefits to others
Balancing of benefits, risks, and costs to produce the best overall results
Positive trait of caring and compassion for others, and with feeling pleasure when the welfare of another improves
3 norms of beneficence
- One ought to prevent evil or harm
- One ought to remove evil or harm
- One ought to do or promote good
Obligation not to inflict harm on others
An absence of cruel intent or motive (personality trait)
What are characteristics of non-maleficence
- client should leave you no worse off than when they came to see you
- avoiding preventable risks of harm
- sometimes doing nothing is between then ineptly
What is one Norm of non-maleficence
- One ought not to inflict evil or harm
Example of when beneficence overrides non-maleficence
CPR when you may break bones
Components of professional competence
- Knowledge
- Skill
- Judgment
- Diligence
Competence: knowledge
- schooled in history, theory, and research of one’s fields; including knowing limits of current understanding
- includes continuous study and education
Competence: skill
Being able to apply knowledge in work with clients
- knowing what skills are appropriate to intervene with
Competence: judgment
Knowing when to apply knowledge and skills in particular circumstances
Competence: diligence
Consistent attentiveness to client needs, and working hard to help them
- includes avoiding unnecessary risks
- involves level of self awareness of any personal or situational circumstances that might diminish one’s competence
What does prevention of harm include
Non-maleficence, beneficence, and professional competence