Helping, Hurting, and Cooperating Flashcards
Hostile Aggression
Behavior intended to harm another, either physically or psychologically, and motivated by feelings of anger and hostility.
Instrumental Aggression
Behavior intended to harm another in the service of motives other than pure hostility (for example, to attract attention, to acquire wealth, or to advance political and ideological causes).
The internal state that accompanies the thwarting of an attempt to achieve some goal.
Learned Helplessness
Passive and depressed responses that individuals show when their goals are blocked and they feel that they have no control over their outcomes.
Culture of Honor
A culture that is defined by its members’ strong concerns about their own and others’ reputations, leading to sensitivity to slights and insults and a willingness to use violence to avenge any perceived wrong or insult.
Rape-prone Cultures
Cultures in which rape tends to be used as an act of war against enemy women, as a ritual act, and as a threat against women so that they will remain subservient to men.
Inclusive Fitness
The evolutionary tendency to look out for ourselves, our offspring, and our close relative together with their offspring so that our genes will survive.
Unselfish behavior that benefits others without regard to consequence for the self.
Social Rewards
Benefits like praise, positive attention, tangible rewards, honors, and gratitude that may be gained from helping others.
Experienced Distress
A motive for helping those in distress that may arise from a need to reduce our own distress.
Empathetic Concern
Identifying with another person-feeling and understanding what that person is experiencing-accompanied by the intention to help the person in need.
Bystander Intervention
Helping a victim of an emergency by those who have observed what is happening. Bystander intervention is generally reduced as the number of observers increases, as each individual feels that someone else will probably help.
Diffusion of Responsibility
A reduction of a sense of urgency to help someone involved in an emergency or dangerous situation under the assumption that others who are also observing the situation will help.
Kin Selection
The tendency for natural selection to favor behaviors that increase the chances of survival of genetic relatives.
Reciprocal Altruism
The tendency to help others with the expectation that they are likely to help us in return at some future time.
Tit-forTat Strategy
A strategy in which the individual’s first move is cooperative and thereafter the individual mimics the other person’s behavior whether cooperative or competitive.