Helix, AntiHelix, Sup Antihelix crus, Scapha, Tragus, Antitragus & extra Flashcards
On End of Helix - above supratragic Notch, same level as LI point
2 Indications:
Level of lower border of Inferior antiHelix crus, same level with Bladder point
2 Indications:
*Urinary block
Level of upper border of Inferior Anti Helix crus
External Genitalia
2 Indications:
On edge of Helix, midway between Ear apex & superior auricular root
Anus (hemorrhoid point) - Anterior Ear apex
2 Indications:
*anal prolapse or itching
When the ear is bent forward, the point is at tip of fold on superior aspect of helix
*CAM: At the tip of auricle & superior to Helix when folded towards tragus
Note: prick point to clear heat/allev fever or lower BP
Ear Apex/ Er Jian -prick to clear heat
2 Indications:
*Clear Heat & Wind
Located at center of auricle tubercle
LV Yang - calms the LV
2 Indications:
*LV Yang excess
*occipital H/A
Region from the lower border of Auricle Tubercle to midpoint of lower border of Auricle Lobule divided into five equal parts
Helix 1-6
Indications: All - Relieves Pain/Clear Heat Helix 1 - 3 Acute - full heat Helix 4-6 Chronic - vacuity heat 1 - wrist; 2 - elbow; 3 - shoulder 4 - neck; 5 - otitis; 6 - tonsilitis
The center of the Helix Crus
Diaphragm/ Point “0”
- Calm shen
- Stop internal bleeding
- Expel wind / skin D/O’s
Lower 1/3 of Antihelix body – Y shaped spiral
cervical vertebrae; neck on inner edge
2 Indications:
*strengthen spine and nourish marrow
*pain in cervical vertebrae
neck; neck pain & HYPERthyroidism
Middle one/third of AntiHelix body - Y shaped spiral
Thoracic vertebrae; chest on inner edge
2 Indications:
*strengthen spine and nourish marrow
*pain or dysfx. of thoracic vertebra
chest; chest pain & herpes zoster
Upper one/third of Anti Helix body - Y shaped spiral
Lumbosacral vertebrae; ABD on inner edge
2 Indications:
*strengthen spine and nourish marrow
*pain in lumbosacral or sciatica
ABD; weight control & abd diseases
Midway between NECK point & Cervical point; what is a caution for this point?
2 Indications:
- regulates hyper & hypo thyroidism; goiter
- Raises Blood pressure/hypotension
Two points of inverted triangle with chest point & thoracic point
Inferior - opposite side mammary gland
Superior - same side mammary gland
2 Indications:
- mastitis
- breast distention
At superior lateral corner of Superior Anti Helix crus
2 Indications:
*toe dysfx.
At superior medial corner of superior Anti Helix crus
2 Indications:
*Kidney Vacuity
*Pain & heel dysfx.
Midway between Heel & Knee points
2 Indications:
*ankle dysfx.
In center of superior Anti Helix crus
2 Indications:
*dysfx. of knee
On lower one-third of Superior AntiHelix crus
2 Indications:
*hip dysfx.
At lateral 1/3 of Inferior Anti-Helix crus
2 Indications:
*pain & dysfx. of hip & sacral region
At medial two-thirds of Inferior Anti Helix crus
Sciatic Nerve/Ischium
At end of Inferior Anti Helix Crus, near the upper edge; what is a caution for this point?
Sympathetic Nerve - used in NADA protocol; CAUTION with hypotension, bleeding D/O’s, abd distention
- Regulates sympathetic & parasympathetic system
- Inhibits GI secretion
- relieves pain
At top of Scapha
2 Indications:
*pain & dysfx of fingers
Midpoint between Finger & Wrist points at about the same level as Auricular Tubercle (Inside of Tubercle)
Wind Stream - Interior side of LV Yang point
2 Indications:
*Anti-Allergy - Rhinitis, asthma, hayfever
*Expels wind & stops itching - any kind of skin itching
Midway between elbow & finger points
*pain & dysfx. of wrist
Midway between Fingers and Clavicle
*pain & dysfx. of elbow
Midway between Elbow and clavicle
*pain & dysfx. of shoulder
Same level as notch between Anti Tragus and Anti Helix (on scapha level with Anti Helix Anti Tragic notch)
2 Indications:
*pain & dysfx. near clavicle
*Takayashu’s disease - pulseless
At lateral angle of triangular fossa at jx. of superior & inferior Anti Helix crura
Pelvic Cavitiy
2 Indications:
*pelvic inflamm disease PID
In upper part of Lateral 1/3 of Triangular Fossa (Inner Y dip) - Any contraindications?
CAM: At bifurcating point btwn Superior & Inferior AntiHelix Crus
Ear Shen Men - part of NADA protocol; yes, VERY SEDATING - chronic ABD distention, slow digestion, constipation, paralysis of colon/bowels; depression
- Calms Shen - eases mind
- lowers BP
- Anti-allergy & Anti-Inflamm
In center of Triangular Fossa (Inner Y dip)
Triangular depression
stops wheezing/asthma
In MEDIAL 1/3 of Triangular Fossa - inside of ear flap
Internal Genitalia (Uterus, Seminal palace) 2 Indications: *Gyn D/O's *ovarian problems; gyn d/o's; menses decreased sexual fx.
In Inferior-medial aspect of Triangular Fossa, forming equilateral triangle with Sciatic & Sympathetic
Indication: Constipation
In superior-lateral aspect of Triangular Fossa, just below where Anti Helix crus meets Helix
Superior Triangular Fossa (lowering BP)
2 Indications:
*Pacificies LV & removes wind
In depression slightly anterior to Supra Tragic Notch (on tragus)
External Ear
*Tinnitus, impaired hearing, ear diseases/inflamm.
*Meniere’s Disease - dizziness/vertigo
*opens orifices - sinus inflamm., rhinitis
Center of outer (lateral) aspect of tragus forming equilateral triangle with Tragic Apex & Adrenal
External Nose (By SI 19)
2 Indications:
*nose obstructions, rhinitis “brandy-nose”
*acne, rosacea, chloasma
At tip of UPPER prominence on border of tragus (upper hump)
Tragic Apex
2 Indications:
*clears heat - high & low fever, inflamm.
At tip of LOWER prominence on border of Tragus (lower hump) - KNOWN as the 3-ANTI
Adrenal - 3 Anti (Anti-Infamm, Anti-Rheum, Anti-Allergy)
*Regulates adrenal (Addison’s disease/Cushing’s Syndrome)
*HYPOtension - raises BP, shock
In center of upper half of INNER aspect of tragus (behind thirst, inside wall of tragus)
Throat (Pharynx/Larynx) 2 Indications: *sore throat, hoarse voice *acute/chronic pharyngitis - chronic laryngitis, tonsillitis (plum pit Qi)
In center of lower half of INNER aspect of tragus (behind Hunger, inside wall of tragus)
Internal nose
2 Indications:
*rhinitis, sinusitis, nosebleeds
Midway between Tragic Apex & External Nose (SI 19)
2 Indications:
*Diabetes mellitus
*psychological thirst
Midway between Adrenal & External Nose
2 Indications:
*weight control/overweight, eating D/O’s
*diabetes mellitus
Right at Helix-Tragic Notch (at AntiHelix - Anti-Tragic Notch)
Brain Stem 2 Indications: *neurosis, schizophrenia - brain chemistry D/O's *Post-concussion strokes & LV wind
Midway between Helix-Tragic Notch (Brain Stem) & Anti Tragus Apex (Parotid)
Pituitary Gland (Brain point, Middle border, Central Rim)
2 Indications:
*hormone D/O’s polyuria, Cushings elevated ACTH, Grave’s TSH
*infertility/ lactation issues
At tip of Anti-Tragus (Anti Tragic Apex)
Parotid Gland (soothing Asthma, AntiTragic Apex)
2 Indications:
- Acute Asthma attack, bronchitis - clears lung heat & Anti-toxin
- neurodermatitis, itching skin - expels wind
At POSTERIOR-SUPERIOR corner of lateral aspect of AntiTragus
Occiput 2 Indications: *dizziness, vertigo, epilepsy, lockjaw, motion sickness *insomnia, skin itching *Lowers BP & cataracts
TAI YANG H/A point
On Anti Tragus midway between Forehead & Occiput points
2 Indications:
*SHAO YANG H/A, one sided H/A
*diminished hearing, eye D/O’s ametropia
At ANTERIOR-INFERIOR corner of lateral aspect of Anti Tragus
Forehead 2 Indications: * sedates mind, poor memory, concentration, depression * YANG MING H/A, migraines, stiff neck *nasal congestion
A region in the anterior 1/2of inner wall of AntiTragus (can add to NADA protocol)
Sub-Cortex region (Brain region)
2 Indications:
- insomnia, depression, hyper & Hypotension
- Burgers, Raynauds d/o
- Chronic pain, H/A., migraine
- constitutional weakness, shen disturbance, KD xu tinnitus, poor memory
Triangular area enclosed by Pituitary gland, brain stem & midpoint btwn Pituitary and Occiput
Dizziness region
2 Indications:
*Dizziness - any type
*Meniere’s Disease
On INNER wall of AntiTragus - end of midline of inner wall near jx. of AntiTragus & Cavum Concha
2 Indications:
- regulates body temp, fever, chills
- weight control, gyn d/o’s, menopause
- diabetes mellitus
- regulates BP, hyper & hypotension
On INNER wall on AntiTragus - on midline of inner wall, .2cm below Parotid
2 Indications:
*impotence, testitis
*prostatitis, sterility
On INNER wall of AntiTragus - midway between Testes and Thalamus points
Exciting (Excites Cerebral Cortex)
2 Indications:
*lethargy, overweight, low libido
*amenorrhea, enurisis
On INNER wall of AntiTragus - Anterior-Inferior aspect of rim of AntiTragus where AntiTragus meets Inter Tragic notch
2 Indications:
- regulates menses
- ovarian cysts, infertility, ovaritis