HEENT Flashcards
What are the diagnosis for HEENT?
Streptococcal pharyngitis
Otitis externa
Acute bacterial sinusitis
What are the unique findings for streptococcal pharygitiis?
Pain is worse with swallowing Sore/swollen throat Possible exposure to sick persons No runny nose Enlarged tonsils with exudate LAD Fever
What are the unique findings for Otitis externa?
Recent swimming
White/purulent discharge
External auditory canal swollen
TM intact non-erythematic
What are the unique findings for Acute Bacterial sinusitis?
Double sickening”,
unilateral pain,
pain around eyes when leaning forward,
maxillary toothache, purulent secretions in nasal cavity
*Tenderness of sinuses upon palpation/percussion
What are the associated symptoms of Streptococcal pharyngitis?
Fever (+) Headache (+) Myalgia (muscle pain) (+) Runny nose (-) Malaise (uncomfortable) (+) Cough (-)
What are the associated symptoms of Otis externa?
Pruritus (itchy skin) (+) Hearing loss (+) Ear discharge (+)
What are the associated symptoms of acute bacterial sinusitis?
(+)Fever, cough, mouth breathing, can’t smell,
(-) ear pain, muscle aches