Hector Flashcards
‘He impinges’ (said by Mrs Lintott about Hector)
Hector’s enthusiasm for literature is infectious- although not necessarily in a positive way. Shows how his teaching methods are not very traditional but are instead teaching the boys about life beyond the classroom. Experience.
‘I count examinations as the enemy of education’ (Hector)
Links to the context of Margaret Thatcher’s educational reforms. The exam based style of learning is taking precedence but doesn’t benefit students. Shows Hector’s views on education and how it should be for life. Somewhat hypocritical?
‘There is passion there’ (Headmaster about Hector)
Hector’s teaching is about passion and shows his love and belief in literature. Literature is about life and living it’s not for studying or analytic purposes.
‘That would be a betrayal of trust… is nothing sacred sir?’ (Akthar and Lockwood about Hector’s lessons)
Hector is able to make learning fun (as seen by the brothel scene) but this is dependable on the trust between teacher and class.
The bond between Hector and the boys is strong.
‘unpredictable and unquantifiable in the current educational climate’ (Headmaster about Hector’s teaching)
Links to Margaret Thatcher’s educational reforms.
Hector’s methods and exams don’t go hand in hand. Hector’s teaching is to make the boys ‘more rounded human beings’ (Timms pg38) and is for life.
‘Every answer is a Christmas tree adorned with appropriate gobbets ‘ (Hector to Irwin)
Links to Margaret Thatcher’s reforms.Hector dislikes Irwin’s utilitarian approach to teaching. and regards his exam based teaching distasteful. Literature isn’t for adornment.
‘Nothing is appropriate. Just like questions on an exam paper are inappropriate’ (Hector on the holocaust)
He is appalled at the thought of the holocaust being taught as any other subject in school. Represents the human side to education?
‘What made me piss my life away in this God-Forsaken place?’ (Hector about the school)
In the latter stages of the play, he reveals the fragility behind his persona.
In a way, Hector is a somewhat flawed hero- he knows he has paid a high price for living through his work. Like most heroes, it is his turmoil which gives his character substance and humanity.
Shows that teachers are human too.