Hebrews 3 - Study Cards Flashcards
Hebrews 3:3
Hebrews 3:7-11
Old Testament Scripture
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested and tried me, though for forty years they saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation; I said, Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways. So I declared on oath in my anger, They shall never enter my rest.
Section Title: Jesus Greater Than Moses
H 3:1-6 (6 verses)
Hebrews 3:10
That is why I was angry with that generation; I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’
Hebrews 3:15
As has just been said: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.”
Hebrews 3:15
Old Testament Scripture
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.
Hebrews 3:16
Geographical Locations
Hebrews 3:5
“Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house,” bearing witness to what would be spoken by God in the future.
Hebrews 3:16
Section Title: Warning Against Unbelief
H 3:7-19 (13 verses)
Hebrews 3:2
Hebrews 3:16
Who were they who heard and rebelled?
Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?
Hebrews 3
Who were they who heard and rebelled?
Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?
And with whom was he angry for forty years?
And with whom was he angry for forty years?
And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed?
Hebrews 3:5
Hebrews 3:18
And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed?
Hebrews 3
Old Testament Scriptures
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested and tried me, though for forty years they saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation; I said, Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways. So I declared on oath in my anger, They shall never enter my rest.
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.
Hebrews 3:17
And with whom was he angry for forty years?
Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies perished in the wilderness?
Hebrews 3
Hebrews 3
Geographical Locations