Hebrew Vowels 1 Flashcards
Long Vowel: Plain ē tsére [ε] as in “let”
Short Vowel e segól [ε] as in “let”
Short Vowel e segól [ε] as in “let” ֶמ
segól Short Vowel e segól [ε] as in “let” ֶמ
tsére Long Vowel: Plain ē tsére [ε] as in “let” ֵמ
Long Vowel: Plain ē tsére [ε] as in “let” ֵמ
segól malé
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis ê segól malé [ε] as in “let” מֶי
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis ê segól malé [ε] as in “let”
Long Vowel: segól malé Mater Lectionis ê segól malé [ε] as in “let” מֶי
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis eh segól malé [ε] as in “let”
tsére malé Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis
ēh tsére malé Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis
מ ִ
Short Vowel i híriq [i] as in “meet.”מִ
מ ִי
î híriq malé Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis Remember that the vowel י ִ / î can appear either in the middle or at the end of a word. All “I” vowels are pronounced [i] as in “meet.”יִמ
Short Vowel i híriq [i] as in “meet.” ִמ
î híriq malé Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis Remember that the vowel י ִ / î can appear either in the middle or at the end of a word.מ ִי All “I” vowels are pronounced [i] as in “meet.”.מ
Short Vowel i híriq [i] as in “meet.” ִמ All “I” vowels are pronounced [i] as in “meet.”
híriq malé
î híriq malé Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis מ ִי [i] as in “meet.”ִי ִִִ מ
“Long Vowel: Plain ō hólem All “O” vowels are pronounced [o] as in “open.” Unlike other vowels, the hōlem is written above and to the left of the consonant it follows. מ ֹה mōh, מ ֹהי mōh
“Long Vowel: Plain ō hólem All “O” vowels are pronounced [o] as in “open.” Unlike other vowels, the hōlem is written above and to the left of the consonant it follows.”מֹמֹמֹמֹ
“Long Vowel: Plain ō hólem All “O” vowels are pronounced [o] as in “open.” Unlike other vowels, the hōlem is written above and to the left of the consonant it follows.”מֹמֹמֹמֹ
vowel ֹה
"Remember that the vowel ֹה / -ōh appears only at the end of words," ה heh h h horse
ô can / וֹ appear at the end or in the middle. מ ֹ ו, mô
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis hólem malé מֹ ו, mô
hólem malé
“Long Vowel: hólem malé ô All “O” vowels are pronounced [o] as in “open.” Unlike other vowels, the hōlem is written above and to the left of the consonant it follows.”
vowel ֻ—
vowel ֻ—
Short Vowel u qibbúts All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.”ֻvowel ֻ—
vowel ֻ—
vowel ֻ—
vowel ֻ—All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.” Short Vowel u qibbúts vowel ֻ—
vowel ֻ—
shúreq Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis Remember that the וּ or û vowel can appear either at the end or in the middle of a word. All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.” מוּ
shúreq Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis Remember that the וּ or û vowel can appear either at the end or in the middle of a word. All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.” מוּ
shúreq Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis Remember that the וּ or û vowel can appear either at the end or in the middle of a word. All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.” מוּ
shúreq Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis Remember that the וּ or û vowel can appear either at the end or in the middle of a word. All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.”
short vowel a
אַ patáh short vowel a All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”
patáh short vowel a All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”
patáh short vowel a All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”אַ
ָמה ָ
māh qamáts ה heh h h horse
ָָ— ָ
qamáts Long Vowel: Plain ā All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.” ָָ— ָ
— ָ— ָLong Vowel: Plain ā qamáts All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.” ָ ָָ— ָ
ָ ָָ— ָ
Long Vowel: Plain ā
qamáts Long Vowel: Plain ā All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis. ה
qamáts malé Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis āh All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis āh qamáts malé All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”— ָ ָ
qamáts malé
Long Vowel: Mater Lectionis āh qamáts malé All “A” vowels are pronounced [ɑ] as in “father.”— ָ ָ
Mater Lectionis: י
î All “I” vowels are pronounced [i] as in “meet.”
• Remember that the vowel י ִ or î can appear either in the middle or at the end of a word
Mater Lectionis: ו
û • All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.”
• Remember that the וּ or û vowel can appear either at the end or in the middle of a word.
vowel ו
vav ô or û All “O” vowels are pronounced [o] as in “open.” All “U” vowels are pronounced [u] as in “boot.”
vowel ה
"āh, ēh, and ōh only at the end of the word." ה heh h h horse
vowel י
yod î or ê • All “I” vowels are pronounced [i] as in “meet.” Most “E” vowels are pronounced [ε] as in “let”; but sometimes the long “E” vowels with a mater lectionis are pronounced more like the diphthong [eɪ] as in “day.”
Shoe uh “” moving shewa” ( so known as “vocal Shewa “ or “Shewa mobile “), in which case it is transliterated by the sign [ə] and is pronounced very short [ĕ]”
Cholam maley
vowel ֻ—
ָ ָאַ:
Chataph qamats
Chataph segol