Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Flashcards
Describe the causes of heavy menstrual bleeding
DUB = endometrial (secretory endometrium) or ovulatory (anovulation –> unopposed oes, no progesterone –> long, irregular cycles)
Local Causes =
- Polyps: IMB
- Adenomyosis
- Leiomyoma (fibroids)
- Malignancy - Cervical Ca or Endometrial (present with IMB, PCB, PMB)
- Ovulatory - PCOS
- Endometrial hyperplasia or Ca
Systemic - hypo/hyper-thyroid, DM
Pregnancy-rel - miscarriage, ectopic
Iatrogenic - contraception (Implanon, IUD, depot-provera), anticoag (Warfarin, Heparin), chemo (thrombocytopaenia)
Coag - haemophilia, coag disorder
Discuss the approach to evaluation of heavy menstrual bleeding, including the principles of gynaecological history
- HOPC: Q (how many tampons/pads, flooding, colour, clots), S (how often, interfere life), T (regular/irregular, duration cycle:bleed, similar ep past, progression), Context (new med), A/R, Assoc (syx of anaemia, Ca)
- RF’s HMB
- Other bleeding/discharge: IMB, PCB, rectal/urine, discharge
- Pain: sex, urination, defecation, pelvic
- Pregnancy + contraception: prev pregnancies/how many children/breast feeding, contraception, sex active, pregnant now?, family planning
- Pap smears: up to date? abnormal results, prev infect
- Past medical: Gyn problems, coagulation disorders, Ca, thyroid
- Medications/Allergies
- Smoke/alco
- Past surgical: prev surgeries - esp pelvic
- Past FHx: similar bleeding problems, Ca (ovarian, endometrial, bowel, breast)
- Social Hx
Outline the medical and surgical management options for heavy menstrual bleeding under differing clinical circumstances
Medical: Non-Hormonal (transexamic acid, anti-PG); Hormonal (cont COCP, Progesterone, Depot-provera, GnRH analogue)
Procedural: Implanon, Mirena
Surgical: endometrial ablation, MRGFUS (focused US/artery embolisation - fibroids), Hysterectomy (+oophorectomy)
Discuss the approach to evaluation of heavy menstrual bleeding, including the principles of gynaecological examination
- Vitals: BP, postural drop, tachycardia
- General: sx anaemia, weight, endocrine disturbance (hirtuism, acne; goitre, tremor, exomthalmos)
- Abdo: palpation masses (e.g. fibroids in uterus)
- Speculum: fibroids, polyps, discharge/bleeding, pap smear
- Bimanual: size/shape uterus (large irregular = fibroids, large tender = adenomyosis), axis (fixed = endometriosis, PID), tenderness on cervical movement (= PID), adnexal mass