Heat of Reaction ( ΔH ) Flashcards
Enthalpy (H)
total energy of a system, the sum of all the potential and kinetics energies that the system contains at STP (what u put in + what comes out)
Enthalpy change (ΔH)
Energy change in a system during a reaction
ΔH formation
1 mole of substance formed from its elements in natural state
How to solve for ΔH using Bond E
ΔH= BEr - BEp
what is ΔH made of
Q sub / moles or g of sub
ΔH 4 step problems
1) Q water
2) Qsub = - Qwater
3) n sub (moles)
4) ΔH
ΔH different names
Molar enthalpy, change in enthalpy, molar heat of reaction
value for heat of formation of an ele
Hess’ Law fast way
ΔH= ΣΔHfproducts - ΣΔHfreactants
can only use if given ΔH of each compound
Benchtop Equation
Where you want to get to (Original BCE that we want ΔH for)
Hess’ Law Slow way
1) Switch around reactions to have P and R on the same as benchtop equation
2) Flid sign of any ΔHs that have been switched
3) Cross out anything that is the same on R and P sides
4) Add up reactions ΔH for ΔH of benchtop equation