Heart Syndromes Flashcards
Heart Qi Deficiency signs and symptoms
T: & P
Shortness of breath
Weak/ fatigue
T: pale/ normal
P: Deficient/ weak
Blood loss
Emotional problems- lack of joy or sadness
Chronic illness
Treatment: Tonify heart Qi
Examples of Points: He 5, He 7, He 9, Pc 6, Pc 7, BI 15, BI 14, B| 43, B| 44, Ren 6, Ren 14 Ren 17.
Needle technique: Tonification.
Other applicable techniques: Moxa.
Heart Yin deficiency signs and symptoms
Awareness of heart beat (worst as day goes on, during night and when at rest)
Insomnia- waking during the night
Feeling of heat (hot and bothered)
Easily startled
Poor memory
Accompanying symptoms
Dream disturbed sleep
Mental restlessness
Malar flush
Feeling of heat in afternoon/ evening
Night sweats
Dry mouth and throat
5 palm heat
Red cheeks
T: red tip, partially peeled/ peeled, possible mid line crack reaching top
P: floating/ empty esp front- left position and rapid
Long standing anxiety and worry
Overwork always on the go
After effect of external heart attack of heat
May steam from kidney yin deficiency ( kidney yin cannot rose to nourish and cool the heart)
nourish Heart yin
Nourish kidney yin if necessary
Clear empty heat if necessary
Pacify shen
Examples of Points: He 7, He 3, He 6, Pc 7, PC 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, Kid 6, BI 15, BI 44.
Needle technique: Tonification.
Heart yang deficiency sign & symptoms
Awareness of heartbeat (worst when tired, cold or on exertion)
Feeling cold
Spiritual fatigue
Shortness of breath on exertion
Accompanying symptoms
Spontaneous sweating
Bright white complexion
Slightly dark lips
Mild stuffy feeling in heart area
Cold hands
T: pale, wet, swollen
P: deep, weak, esp on front left pulse and slow, knotted in severe cases
Emotional problems esp lack of joy/ sadness
Chronic illness
Kidney yang deficiency
Heavy blood loss
Treatment: Tonify and warm heart yang
Examples of Points: He 5, He 7, PC 6, PC 7, Pc 9, BI 14, BI 15, BI 43, BI 44, Ren 6, Ren 14, Ren 17,
Needle technique: Tonification.
Other applicable techniques: Moxa.
Heart blood deficiency sign & symptoms
Insomnia (difficulty falling asleep)
Poor memory
Easily startled
Accompanying symptoms
Palpitations/ awareness of heartbeat which is worst during afternoon/ at rest and when anxious
Dull pale complexion
Pale lips
Feeling uneasy
T: pale, dry. May be thin in severe cases
P: Thin or choppy, especially front left position
poor diet- irregular eating habits and not enough blood nourishing foods
Anxiety and worry
Heavy blood loss
Treatment: nourish heart blood, pacify shen
Examples of Points: He 7, Pc 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, BI 17, BI 20, BI 43, BI 15, BI 44.
Needle technique: Tonification.
Other applicable techniques: Moxa.
Heart Fire Blazing (full) signs and symptoms
Key symptoms:
Strong palpitations/awareness of the heartbeat which tends to be worse when agitated, pronounced mental restless, panic attacks, agitation, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep.
Accompanying symptoms:
Thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers which are red and painful, bitter taste after a bad night’s sleep, red face, feels hot, in severe cases dark urine or blood in urine.
P: Full, Overflowing, especially front left position, Rapid.
Tongue Body: Red, Redder tip with Red Spots. May be a Midline Crack reaching the tip.
Tongue Coat: Yellow.
Pathology: Symptoms of Heat are thirst, red face and feeling hot. Mental restlessness and dream-disturbed sleep are due to Heat in the Heart disturbing the Shen. Ulcers due to Heat rising up to the tongue from the Heart. Heart opens into the tongue and controls taste therefore Heat may lead to a bitter taste. Heart Fire transfers to Small Intestine, and then Bladder, causing urinary symptoms.
Aetiology: a) Emotional problems, especially chronic anxiety, worry or depression. b) Poor diet - excessive consumption of spicy foods and alcohol. c) Recreational drugs d) Transferred from Liver Fire.
Treatment Principles: Clear Heart Fire. Pacify Shen.
Examples of Points: He 9, He 8, He 7, He 5, He 3, Pc 6, Pc 8, Ren 14, Ren 15, Du 24, BI 15, B| 44.
Needle technique: Even or Reduction.
Phlegm fire harassing the heart (full) signs and symptoms
Key symptoms:
Strong palpitations/awareness of the heartbeat which may be worse when agitated, severe mental restlessness and agitation, sometimes alternating with depression and dullness, confusion.
Accompanying symptoms:
Dream-disturbed sleep, bitter taste, thirst, red face, feeling of oppression of the chest, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat. In severe cases, manic behaviour, aphasia or coma.
Pulse: Full, Slippery, Wiry or Overflowing, especially in front left position, and Rapid.
Tongue Body: Red, Swollen, deep Midline Crack which reaches to the tip.
Tongue Coat: Yellow, Sticky.
Pathology: All symptoms due to Fire and/or Phlegm. Mental symptoms due to the Heart orifices being obstructed by Phlegm, resulting in no resting place for the Shen. Phlegm derives from deficient Spleen Qi being unable to transform and transport fluids, which accumulate into Phlegm. Interior Heat facilitates this process by condensing fluids. Other symptoms due to Fire in the Heart. Phlegm leads to lack of clarity and Heat to manic behaviour.
Aetiology: a) Severe emotional problems. b) Poor diet - too much hot greasy food.
Treatment Principles: Clear Heart Fire. Resolve Phlegm. Pacify Shen. Open the Heart’s orifices.
Examples of Points: Pc 5, He 7, He 8, He 9, Pc 7, Ren 14, Ren 15, St 40, Liv 2, Liv 3, Du 20, GB 13 and Du 24, GB 15, BI 15, B| 44.
Needle technique: Even or Reduction.
Phlegm misting the heart (full) signs and symptoms
Key symptoms:
Very dull eyes, confusion and depression.
Accompanying symptoms: Palpitations/awareness of the heartbeat, rattling sound in throat, incoherent speech or aphasia, heavy feeling chest. In severe cases, unconsciousness, lethargic stupor, vomiting of phlegm.
Pulse: Slippery, especially front left position.
Tongue Body: Swollen, Midline Crack reaching the tip.
Tongue Coat: Thick, Sticky.
Pathology: All symptoms due to Phlegm (no Fire symptoms). Heart opens into the tongue and Phlegm prevents the tongue from moving causing aphasia. Phlegm obstructs the Heart orifices causing mental symptoms. Vomiting and rattling sound in the throat caused by Phlegm obstructing the chest. There is normally a background of Spleen Qi Deficiency which contributes to the formatic of Phlegm.
Aetiology: a) Children - constitutional. b) Adults - i) Poor diet - excess cold, greasy, raw food il) long-standing emotional problems. c) May occur after an attack of Wind-stroke.
Treatment Principles: Open the Heart’s Orifices. Resolve Phlegm. If necessary restore Consciousness.
Examples of Points: He 9, Pc 5, BI 15, St 40, Du 26.
Needle technique: Even or Reduction.
Heart Blood Stagnation (full) signs and symptoms
Key symptoms:
Stabbing or pricking pain in heart region which may radiate to inside left arm or to shoulder, pain comes in bouts and is elicited by exertion or cold weather.
Accompanying symptoms:
Strong palpitations/awareness of the heartbeat, stuffiness, discomfort, oppression or constriction of chest, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands.
Pulse: Knotted, Choppy or Wiry, especially front left position.
Tongue Body: Purple.
Pathology: Arises from other Heart patterns, usually Heart Yang Deficiency or Heart Blood Deficiency. Symptoms will vary according to underlying patterns.
If Heart Yang is deficient, it fails to move Blood which stagnates and causes pain and constriction. Cyanosis of lips and nails and cold hands are due to stagnant Heart Blood not reaching the face and hands.
Aetiology: a) Long-term emotional problems, particularly anxiety, grief or worry. d) Long term overwork. c) Heart Yang Deficiency. d) Heart Blood Deficiency.
Treatment Principles: Regulate Blood. Tonify and Warm Heart Yang or nourish Heart Blood. Pacify Shen.
Examples of Points: Pc 6, Pc 4, He 7, Ren 14, Ren 17, BI 14, BI 15, BI 17, Sp 10.
Needle technique:
During an attack - Reduction.
Between attacks - Even or Tonification.
Other applicable techniques: Moxa.
Other Heart syndromes
1. Heart Yang Collapse
2. Heart-Qi stagnation
3. Heart Vessel Obstructed