an artery that carries oxygen rich blood from the heart to the brain
carotid artery
a artery that carries oxygen poor blood from your brain back to your heart
jugular vein
a vein that carries oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the heart
pulmonary vein
an artery that carries oxygen poor blood from your heart to your lungs to the heart
pulmonary artery
an artery that wraps around the heart (full of oxygen)
coronary artery
a vein that wraps around the heart (full of carbon dioxide)
cardiac vein
relating to the heart
relating to the lungs
oxygen rich blood (02)
oxygen poor blood (C02)
carbon dioxide
heart muscle
name 3 types of blood vessels
artery, vein,capillaries
a loop where blood flows from the heart to the body and back to the heart
circulatory system
a heart natural peacemaker that sends electrical impulse causing the heart to contact properly it is found in the right atrium
SA (sinoatrial) node
a loop where flows from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
pulmonary circuit