Heart Flash Cards
Right Atrium
top right side of the heart, pumps blood to the right ventricle, blood high in CO2
Left Atrium
top left side of the heart, blood high in O2, pumos blood into left ventricle
Right ventricle
bottom right side of heart, bllod high in CO2, pumps blood to lungs
Left Ventricle
bottom left side of heart, blood high in O2,pumps blood to body
SA Node
group of cells in the right atrium, tells top of heart to contract
AV Node
group of cells that tells the ventricles to contract
Tricuspid Valve
valve between right atrium and right ventricle
Bicuspid Valve
valve between left ventricle and left atrium
Aortic Valve
valve between left ventricle and aorta
Pulmonary Valve
between right ventricle and pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary Veins
take blood from the lungs to the left atrium of heart
Pulmonary Arteries
take blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
blood gives up CO2, takes in O2
Body Capillaries
blood give O2 to the cells and takes in CO2
division between the right and left of heart, prevents CO2 blood and O2 blood from mixing
CO2 out, O2 in
happens in lungs